
s03e22 — What Would We Do Without You?

Desperate Housewives — s03e22 — What Would We Do Without You?

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(1 687)
Duration: 43 min.
Released: 13.05.200714.05.2007 05:00
Watched by: 91 36769.97%
3 season
s03e18 - Liaisons
s03e19 - God, That's Good
s03e20 - Gossip
s03e21 - Into the Woods
s03e22 - What Would We Do Without You?
s03e23 - Getting Married Today
s04 special-1 - Secrets & Lies
s04e01 - Now You Know
s04e02 - Smiles of a Summer Night

Discussion of the 22 episode of the 3 season
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20 Aug 2015, 21:11 #
I thought that the last episode had already been left, and they still haven't explained to us why Orson hit Mike, because he's not a killer.:
30 Aug 2015, 03:44 #
@Mrs_Bennington: It's obvious that Mike would have turned him in, since Orsen was involved in the murder after all, if only because he was covering his tracks for crazy mom)
08 Sep 2015, 21:52 #
@Maria_Mikhaylova: yes, that's understandable, but I mean that it would be possible to try to solve this case in some other, more peaceful way, and not to shoot down a person, so much so that his memory is gone, and how long he has been in a coma.
11 Sep 2015, 22:01 #
@Mrs_Bennington: These are Desperate Housewives) It can't be any other way)))
23 Mar 2020, 17:39 #
For example, how could this issue be resolved? 🤔
05 Jul 2016, 20:57 #
I was so scared when Lynette hit the nightstand
12 Jun 2017, 22:36 #
I'm sorry for Lynette, so much has fallen on her lately
09 Aug 2017, 21:38 #
Mike is so cool :)
10 Sep 2017, 20:50 #
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07 Aug 2024, 02:17 #
interestingly, nowadays he already infuriates many, which is fair. but in 2017 it was an unpopular opinion, judging by the dislikes))
07 Aug 2024, 17:51 #
@muntykooshps: I am Carlos for the substitution of contraceptives, Tom for the princess, Mike under drugs without protecting himself, who made a child and So I have not digested since the beginning of the show, like on STS
15 Sep 2017, 12:20 #
infuriates Susan, from a charming clumsy girl turned into a hysterical woman, committing stupidities in the first season was charming, and in the last is disgusting, runs with this wedding)
03 Jul 2020, 00:41 #
@rogueFOX: what do you mean, he runs? This is her wedding, of course she wants it to be perfect, so she runs. Just like Gabi and most of the girls in the world
08 Nov 2017, 01:14 #
couple Idi-Carlos well, absolutely no
what kind of nonsense is it to have a child from an unloved woman when the beloved lives next door?
and Idi's sense of self-worth has turned off from loneliness and the pre-wedding turmoil going on around: manipulating a man in this way, while knowing that he doesn't love you, is somehow completely humiliating
21 Jul 2023, 13:54 #
@DarthVadeeer: and it seemed to me that this was completely in the spirit of Edie. No better than the ways she tried to get Mike.
17 Oct 2024, 22:40 #
And Carlos switched the pills, so they're worth each other.…
10 Nov 2017, 20:24 #
Tom was really touched. He made it clear to Lynette that he would support her, although it is clear that her infatuation with Rick greatly hurt him.
20 Jun 2019, 01:22 #
Poor Lynette. I already feel very sorry for her for the last few episodes, to begin with, at least, that she now has the main job in a restaurant that was not her dream at all. But what does that pseudo-love or concussion mean compared to the possibility of lymphoma (Tom really liked this gesture at the end of the series, without words made it clear that his wife could count on his support.
Carlos apparently accepted that Gabi was lost to him, since he decided to have a child with Edie. His look at the invitation card was so multi-lingual. Well, or just trying to escape from this reality.
Susan finally got to happiness, it's even kind of unusual to see her like this.
28 Dec 2019, 16:01 #
Susan and the wind in my head are just synonyms)
21 Feb 2020, 23:43 #
This is some kind of trash, why does She humiliate herself and run after all her men. I feel very sorry for her. Carlos said he DIDN'T LOVE HER, but what about her? Asks him to stay and have a baby.
07 Feb 2022, 17:23 #
@dinasta: because Bree's line is temporarily withdrawn from the series, and the Carlos-Edie couple must somehow be kept until her return
25 Apr 2020, 16:32 #
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28 Sep 2022, 22:04 #
@CyberProxy: 1. Actually, Tom wanted children, Lynette wanted ONE. And she said it BEFORE the beginning of the relationship, as well as Gabi
2. the house is normal, not huge.
In Russia, they live in a one-room apartment with their grandmother, parents, a dog, and even make children. And then they wonder why the children do not come, do not communicate, do not want a family themselves? What's the big deal? Everyone around lives like this
3. This is Toma's business dream, and Lynette ruined her career to help her husband, who couldn't cope and hid from her again, accidentally learned from Andrew Van De Kamp. If she didn't show her breasts, the grandfather wouldn't have signed up for an alcohol license in the application. And you can't make much money on one pizza.
Business should bring income, if not, you are not a businessman, go to hire and provide for your family and children, and do not force everyone to plow for free, so as not to go bankrupt.
4. What is the decent behavior of the eternally offended and pretending to be a princess Toma? Maybe because he refused to do a vasectomy? Although it's not for him to get pregnant, give birth, feed, drop out of life and lose experience?!? They can't go on a BIR vacation for 140 days, and then there won't be a place to wait for her for up to three years.
5. What are Lynette's whims?
She was earning money for college for the kids, and had to give Nora Huntington after the only night when Tom couldn't help but pull down his pants or put on a condom.
And what did Tom arrange when Lynette bought herself a white suit that suits her smartly, on HER salary after the ridicule of colleagues over her outdated wardrobe.
I'm sure if it wasn't for the behavior of Kayla Huntington - Toma's daughter, and not Lynette, she wouldn't have cancer. After all, they say that all diseases are from nerves, and the whole story with the non-protective young Tom did not add health to her. There would be much better health insurance if they worked in normal campaigns, and not in the pizzeria of HIS dreams.
02 Jun 2024, 10:48 #
Oh, didn't her comment get hushed up😆😆😆
30 Apr 2020, 21:40 #
- But if I were a lesbian, I wouldn't miss you!
- I'll take that into account

23 May 2020, 23:18 #
I never would have thought that Edie would be so humiliated for the sake of a man.
08 Jun 2022, 22:12 #
I feel sorry for her. Everyone on her was filled with hatred, but you can see how lonely she is
10 Aug 2020, 20:40 #
I just realized that Bree completely disappeared in the last series 5-7🤔
10 Oct 2020, 20:00 #
The actress was pregnant this season) apparently either gave birth, or was going to give birth just
15 Sep 2020, 04:20 #
Well хит sly... Only who will have a good relationship like this?
I'm always worried about my favorite Tom/Lynette couple. The heart breaks
10 Oct 2020, 20:02 #
Even after Tom and Lynette eventually held hands, straight tears rolled over:(
And it also seems to me that even if the wedding takes place, Gabi will not be with this Lang, I still quietly hope for them with Carlos😒
12 Oct 2020, 17:51 #
In this series, Susan was more infuriating than ever (Well, what kind of person, neither to herself nor to people, of course, Gaby had to think only about what Susie would think, because it should be her wedding, yes, May, woman, pull yourself together!
13 Aug 2022, 08:02 #
@Annie10792: well, for the first time in a long time I understand Susan in this series: Gaby, without saying anything, reused the entire wedding plan
15 Feb 2023, 14:02 #
@Annie10792: Seriously? Yes, with such friends and enemies are not necessary. Gaby should go over to Susan and talk. I'd be so upset too. When you don't sleep at night, you come up with what a bouquet, a banquet, invitations will look like. And someone takes and steals all of yours. I don't understand at all why everyone is so mad at Susan? She and Lynette are the most adequate characters. The rest are all sick in the head. And Susan is just emotional. She cries when it hurts. And not with a smile it passes. There is nothing wrong. But she is cheerful, light and sweet. The psych ward is crying for Bree, Gaby is a bitch, Go for something even worse...
15 Feb 2023, 16:40 #
@Anyasimonova: It just doesn't occur to Susan that her sadness doesn't mean that everyone around her should stop living while she is suffering. Yes, it's a shame. What now? Gabrielle lives her own life, why bother with her?
12 Oct 2020, 18:07 #
I'm always sorry for Linnet, because everything always falls on her, but here I'm on Tom's side. In fact, she was angry at her husband for sending off the man she had fallen in love with, it's not fair to Tom, because he just talked to Rick very calmly and like a man, there was an obvious reason to talk. And she attacked him, almost started a fight, almost hurt his back again, and when he instinctively pushed her away, she hit herself, and again, it seems like Tom is to blame.
29 Jan 2021, 18:15 #
What I like about the couple Tom and Linnet is that they both understand that they are not perfect at all: she likes to control everything, he is generally like a small child and a mattress in places, but they are constantly trying to solve their problems together, and do not run away from them (unlike other couples). It is very valuable to look at it.
03 Aug 2021, 01:27 #
The funny moment was during the application of Gabi with Susan, Poor Carlos, is even ready to live with Edie, just to become a father. McCluskey will offer soon). It's not his destiny to become a father. At the end of the series, I just caught sadness. I hope everything will be fine with Lynette.
19 Aug 2021, 02:21 #
No, no, no! Not cancer! Enough torment Linnet ((((
04 Jan 2022, 12:08 #
А тетка в лесу была права. Этой дуре нужна драма, трагедия. Ну вот. Вот она, пожалуйста. Бля как я от неё устал.
02 Nov 2024, 22:32 #
@JanLukVegan: I think the same thing!!!
In the last episode - Mike, I love you, I don't need drama"
In this series - where is the ring, where is the wedding???!!!" Saucer eyes, and running hysterically through everyone around... My God, woman, do something already!
04 Sep 2022, 12:20 #
ЧЕМ Я ЭТО ЗАСЛУЖИЛ??? Омг, омг, Том пиздец🤦‍♂️
Идиотина, конечно у неё есть чувства к повару, он выручил её в самый наиговеный момент, когда то жырное хуйло орало, чтобы ему принесли другое блюдо, когда творились Содом и Гоморра и всё летело к чёрту. Когда у этой сильной женщины не осталось сил, и она начала плакать прилюдно. А ты только кончишь и требуешь минеты когда она приползает мёртвая, с детьми, с которыми из-за ТЕБЯ вынуждена тащить их на работу, и ресторана ТВОЕЙ мечты. Даже на юбилей она получила от тебя несколько часов на холоде в темноте, вместо прошеной горячей ванны и отдыха, и даже тогда нашла тебе оправдание.
Наверняка подумал, что одному тащить всё, поэтому и влепился в руку. А ведь полминуты назад отдернул когда нужен был
14 May 2023, 12:43 #
@Эпизоды: в юбилей он наоборот постарался, но просто забыл все отменить. И это мой всеми бывает.
Во время лежания и болезни все люди становятся противными. Даже самые милые.
Линнет тоже не ангел. И они оба подходят друг другу и молодцы, что все равно умеют решать проблемы
Брак и отношения без конфликтов невозможны.
А они сами выбрали друг друга. Линнет сама изначально поставила, что она главная. Даже в пиццерии говорила, что хочет управлять. В то время как Том ведомый.
Зато они на контрасте и могут решать проблемы, а не орать и психовать друг на друга перетягивая одеяло.
12 Mar 2024, 15:20 #
@Touches: In Tom's favor, I'll say that he canceled everything, though via SMS, and the driver took Linnet without reading it.

Even with the anniversary, you can understand both of them
12 Dec 2022, 15:09 #
Том как-то изменился… стал походить на Дженсена Эклза😅
15 Feb 2023, 13:57 #
С каждой серией Габи становится все мерзотнее. Вполне понимаю Сьюзен. Она так давно хотела свадьбу,готовилась,а Габи зная человека 3 месяца,просто крадет идею Сьюзен. Еще о какой-то дружбе говорят. Да с такими подругами и врагов не нужно. В шутку целовать чужого мужа,вечно сторить какие-то козни,отбирать мужиков. Они там все друг друга стоят. Самые приятные персонажи это Линет и Сьюзен. Остальные больные на голову. И не говорите, что в жизни вы бы мило уступили свою свадьбу подруге. Всем было бы обидно.
24 Feb 2023, 16:30 #
@АняСимонова: вообще не помню, чтобы Габи за 3 сезона кому-то из подруг помогла и как-то пожертвовала своими интересами. Ужасно инфантильная, эгоцентричная, отталкивающая и скандальная коротышка. И одевается как деревенщина.))
Иногда думаю, может и правда она соблазнила отчима, чтобы насолить матери - вполне в её характере.
03 Jun 2024, 05:42 #
There was a different fashion at that time :/
12 Jul 2023, 10:58 #
@Anyasimonova: Yes, Gabi and strong friendship are incompatible things.
21 Feb 2023, 00:16 #
I cried when Linnet found out about cheeeeert's cancer :(((
09 Dec 2024, 18:12 #
@krackore: It was an assumption, not an exact fact.
24 Feb 2023, 16:14 #
Даже жалко было Иди в этой серии, какая она одинокая и несчастная, цепляется за Карлоса как за последнюю надежду.

За Линетт и Тома сердце разрывается.((( На минутку подумала, что она опять беременна, а тут такое.
Что ж, теперь очередь Тома вывозить.
30 Mar 2023, 23:08 #
Carlos returned the return. Cheated with Gabi's pills, now Edie is cheating with his pills… Susan is getting more and more angry, they arranged for the man to take out the brain out of the blue because of their expectations that he would make an offer. So what if he wanted to do it a year ago? He didn't remember Susan at all after the coma. Then she refused him. Then she imposed herself by coming to the forest.. maybe it takes time to make an offer?
11 Jul 2023, 02:19 #
Susan has already gone completely off the rails
12 Jul 2023, 10:57 #
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06 Aug 2023, 21:19 #
Comment has been deleted
29 Jul 2024, 14:55 #
@Night_Owl7: there is a big difference between falling in love and family life. The world is not black and white, unfortunately.
Many people fall in love with others in marriage, it's just a matter of personal responsibility. And Lynette behaved with dignity.
12 Jan 2024, 23:25 #
Линет бьёт мне сердце вторую серию подряд(
27 Feb 2024, 16:07 #
Боже, какая же Сьюзен истеричка! Сама отменила свадьбу, а потом обижается на Габи!
21 Apr 2024, 23:03 #
Perhaps many people will disagree with me, but for me, in several of these series, Idi has opened up very much
A woman of forty years old, no loved one, a child for 2 weeks once a year
Maybe she didn't care about it before, actually it was shown, but it is clear that she is very lonely
Her actions towards Carlos are certainly beyond the pale, but her feelings are very understandable and cause sympathy for the character
She is afraid to be alone, only short-term affairs, all that she has, a son who again stirs her maternal feelings - leaves, Carlos does not want to see her as often, then move in with her, and in the end says that he does not love her
I mean, she's probably not a positive character, but this season just perfectly revealed all her feelings and motives
14 Jul 2024, 22:49 #
Tom is a jerk:(
14 Jul 2024, 23:17 #
@katerinachist: 100%
07 Aug 2024, 02:28 #
I don't have any dislike for Susan at all, but how the fuck did I get to wade through a ton of hateful comments under each episode to read about other branches
26 Aug 2024, 15:00 #
@muntykooshps: Finally, someone wrote it. Poor Susan is accused of all mortal sins, she does everything wrong according to commentators.
06 Sep 2024, 22:18 #
Lynette has disappointed this season
I don't condone Tom's behavior. But she is also angry at him when she herself morally betrayed him. To be offended by the closest person because of some random guy .... Riley.... Tom did the right thing by cutting off this connection. It didn 't go through any gates anymore
19 Dec 2024, 04:48 #
It's really painful to watch how Edie deceives Carlos's expectations, because he really really wants to become a father : (Yes, he messed up and did vile things too, so we can assume that this is his karmic answer in her face, but still feel sorry for him in this situation. He's actually my favorite male character after Orson this season, but only because I adore Kyle McLachlan, whoever he plays))

Linnet, my God, how much has happened to her this season, and now this... It's like with Bree in the second season, Linnet took over the test baton from her.
06 Feb 14:51 #
In my opinion, Susan's problem has been a bit blown out of the blue. She called off the wedding, everyone knew about it. And when Gaby found out that the people who did Susie's wedding were free, she hired them.
Gaby couldn't have known that Susan was getting married after all, and on the same day she wanted to marry Ian. She broke the bouquet and threw a tantrum.
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