
s03e06 — Search for a New Queen

The Tudors — s03e06 — Search for a New Queen

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Duration: 53 min.
Released: 10.05.200911.05.2009 05:00
Watched by: 17 76642.95%
3 season
s03e02 - The Northern Uprising
s03e03 - Dissension and Punishment
s03e04 - The Death of a Queen
s03e05 - Problems in the Reformation
s03e06 - Search for a New Queen
s03e07 - Protestant Anne of Cleves
s03e08 - The Undoing of Cromwell
s04e01 - Moment of Nostalgia
s04e02 - Sister

Discussion of the 6 episode of the 3 season
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03 Nov 2018, 18:59 #
it is difficult to imagine a greater baseness than to execute a child and triumph after that
23 Jun 2019, 02:48 #
What a cute trolling from the Duke of Cleves)
It is clear that Henry has lost the status of an enviable groom. The legend of the "golden-haired prince" has faded considerably.
25 May 2020, 22:44 #
I like that Charles Brandon has changed and grown a lot over the course of the series. From a stupid, self-satisfied boy who needs nothing but to put the ladies of the court in his bed, he has turned into a wise, experienced man who loves his wife very much, makes difficult decisions and is ready to take responsibility for the consequences that these decisions bear.
18 Aug 2020, 20:38 #
Take two. Maggie and her family have always had a sword hanging over them, from the moment each of them was born. Sad, but predictable
16 Apr 2021, 00:46 #
Whoa, Joss Stone. I always thought of her as a singer, but she turns out to be an actress too. Executions have become so commonplace that they are no longer even shown. Well, the beheading is not shown, the bonfire was shown. And by the way, the frame is not from this series.
26 Jan 2023, 03:10 #
In this series, I really like that the topic of the death of children is shown quite neatly. When the boy was taken out of the room, it was already hard on my soul, I even thought about rewinding. But they didn't show anything. Of course, the meaning is clear and it's hard to take it, and sad. But still carefully, as I said
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