@Lord200500: there is a difference between "closed" and "completed". In the first case, the series ends abruptly, the creators are not given time to complete the started storylines. In short, it was chopped off with an axe. In the second case, the creators of the series are notified that due to a decrease in ratings, the upcoming season will be the last for your series. And in this case, the creators of the series have time to ensure that all or at least the main storylines lead to some kind of ending. Or just suck another storyline out of your finger.
So, the "Call of Blood" has been completed. The creators of the series knew in advance that the fifth season was the final one. And, I hope, at least we tried to put the story in order. I don't know if they brought all the storylines to an end (I haven't watched the final episode yet), but it's still a big question whether it's good that the series was completed and not closed.
P.S. It's a bit insulting for Eric Roberts, again they didn't give him a full look...
@Kostyurik: Dear user, I will try to respond to your comment without sarcasm, so if I offend you with something, I did not mean to! I am very pleased that you took the time to shine this poem on me. But I have to disappoint you, what you wrote in the first paragraph, I knew that very well myself. You just decided to stick to one of my words "closed". Oh, these prejudices! Why did I write this? It's very simple! I saw the status "dead". And frankly speaking, it doesn't matter to me between the word "closed" and "completed". You know, when someone presses you and says, come on, finish the series... For me, this is equivalent to the fact that it was closed. I'm not a fan of this series, or indeed of any (except that Game of Thrones is still in my head), but it was time to close it long ago. If season 1-3 was interesting, then the series slipped from 4-5. I do not know why, apparently I just lost interest in him, which is even interesting to find out
@Kostyurik: "Suck another storyline out of your finger" is about your favorite arrow flash-Supergirl-the legendary kindergarten. Here, starting from 2-3 seasons, the storylines were sucked according to the specifics of ... hmm... other parts of the body.
I haven't had much hope for lost girl since the third season, but this finale... What was that all about? Who knows... Yes, of course, there were cute, funny, and sad moments, but they somehow faded against the general background of the shitty plot.
I was ready to forgive the series a lot for the last 2 seasons, except for one single thing - Tam's death. Although I've felt for a long time that this is exactly what it's going to end up with, but it's a blow below the belt.
Well, the fairies haven't aged, but the doctor? Considering how cool the Succubus resurrected everyone on the street, she could have saved her grandfather before that. There are complete inconsistencies.
- Bo, take care of my legacy. - Okay, There, There! * in the next scene, Kenzi pushed the baby off and went to suck with Lauren* A whore is such a whore.
@wildethings13: she gave the child to Kenzi so that she would raise him among people, away from danger, until the child matured. and as soon as it happened, they immediately took her to their place. at the same time, they kept an eye on her all the time. And this is called quitting? She gave the child a calm and happy childhood, which would have been unrealistic next to Bo.
@darkknight: six months? Where does this information come from? just because one person wrote in the comments that six months have passed? Although Valkyries grow faster than humans, well, not to the same extent. How do you imagine it? Today she's a baby, and tomorrow she's going to school?
@iWill: why from diapers? We became teenagers - went to school for a month or two, then grew up. And judging by the growing up of this child, in one episode, in a short time interval, he turned from a newly born baby into a child (when Bo hands him over to Kenzi).
apparently I'm the only one who liked the ending. almost a happy ending, it would be strange if there were no losses. and although I'm glad that the series is over because it's not as gorgeous as it used to be, well, I'm still going to miss the characters madly. especially for Kenzi and Vex <3
Is it the fashion to show childbirth this season? Thanks for being in under the dome, not Sense8 or the rest. And also the fashion to save everyone with love.
As for the finale: the bottom of this TV season has been broken once again. It's much worse under the dome and the whisperers. This is not at all against the background of the first seasons.
And explain to me why it wasn't possible to just kill Temzin? She would die anyway, but evil would not have been born that way.
Yeah, to dump my sister on Kenzi and continue to have fun - well, very much in the spirit of Bo-Bo :) Um, I didn't understand, Mark and Vex are together - or am I so spoiled?:)) I'm glad for Bo and Lauren, I've always liked this couple... and the Wolf was left in the friend zone, eh ...:* ( It's a pity Tamzin, it's not clear at all why to kill her... so that she doesn't suffer and look at Bo with loving eyes, or what?:(Sadness... I missed closing the Morrigan line - what kind of illness does she have, will she stay alive... Everyone took and forgot poor Evony... and last but not least, the screenwriters, unfortunately, did not use the idea of blood... What was the point of repeating "you have my blood in you too" a hundred times?.. Stupidly:(About why Bo couldn't resurrect Trick, I'm already silent, it's just insanity:((yes, I have not let go of the third series))) Well, in general, it's not the worst ending to the series.
@Ravenwyrd: Bo is a succubus, not a bloody king. from what fright can she change events with her blood? then her mother could do it too, because she's a daughter! The blood king, and Bo is just a granddaughter. Well, they're both just succubi. and it's clear why it was said about the blood. because Trick is kind, and Bo is the daughter of Hades and there is a lot of evil in her, well, before her death, grandfather decided to remind her that his blood flows in her, which means that there is good in her. It was stupid to expect that it meant something else.
@bichitoo: Well, her father's strength was in her too. Why not the power of the grandfather? He has persistently argued this so many times that such an idea could not fail to appear. Besides, she hasn't tried it, so how can we know that it's not))))
A wonderful ending. Finally, the full potential of Bo's forces has been revealed. It's right that they've been leading this line throughout the series. It looks very harmonious. Bo looks great in this episode. It was a little infuriating that her hair was constantly pinned up with something. In this series, she had a wonderful hairstyle. Was the whole series dragged out on purpose to do this in the finale? And the red dress is awesome. It looked especially cool when Bo was standing on the car. I cried when Temzin ascended (and it was so beautiful). I knew this would happen and it feels right. Yes, it's sad that such a cool character is dying, but she's already lived a lot and this is still her last life. But she managed to leave a piece of herself. I'm not surprised that in the end there was a dokkubus. By the last season, the doctor stopped annoying me, but I still don't really like this couple. It would have been better if Bo had stayed with someone else. But I'm glad for the Vex/Mark pair. It was already obvious that they would end up together, but I'm glad anyway! More for Vex. Mark is not particularly impressed. Kenzi is what she was in the beginning and has remained, almost. Yes, she grew up, lost her love (which I hoped would be returned by the end of the series, it's a pity), but she came back some kind of stranger... Although she still has that crazy spirit that we loved her for. I thought that everything would be settled at the expense of the blood of the bloody king, since we were so persistently told about it. Trick, Hale, and Ifa will be returned, Evoni will be cured, and something else will be rewritten. But it's great that the writers didn't follow this line! The way it turned out in the end is more interesting, because no one expected it. If we had returned those characters that we would really like to return, it would have turned out to be too happy, naive and artificial. It's understandable why some are upset about this, but if they still used the blood storyline, then there would be those who would say that everything is too perfect. This series deserves attention and love from the beginning.
@Shadow_Walker: "but some stranger came back.." I'll agree To me, she's back as Shay from Dark Child..and I borrowed, as if, Cosima's wardrobe (pants))))
the perfect ending to the series, as far as I'm concerned. everyone stayed with their own. Everyone seems to be happy. however, the ending harbors a little intrigue, but still I hope there will be no spin-off or sequel in the future, otherwise it will be a storyline just sucked (literally) out of your finger.
I liked the ending. Despite the fact that I watched the last few seasons by inertia and no longer remembered much of the plot of the first three, which captured and impressed, it was still interesting to find out - and how will it all end? And so, it's over.. Of course, I dreamed that Dyson would be with Bo, but alas.. The propaganda of homo-relations was the first line here, so it was not fate. I'll just imagine in my head that 100 years have passed, the nasty doctor died, and Dyson is still alone.... I hope there won't be a spin-off, because without Bo and Kenz it won't be the same. And it seems to me that even 30% of loyal fans will not look at the boring valkyrie-dark girl. In any case, thanks to the creators for finishing as well as possible! I will remember this series for sure, and maybe someday I will review it!
It is a rare case when the finale did not evoke a single emotion ( as an ordinary passing series, once and done, everything is so predictable and boring ( Thanks for the more or less logical closed ending)
I think it was a worthy ending! I'm a fan of this series, so I like the ending of the series. It's just a pity that Bo and Kenzi's adventure is over (((( "You are my heart, Kenzi!" (c) Bo
What a mega epic battle they stirred up between Bo and Hades)) Masters of action, damn it. That's how they shook their hands in front of each other) Not well, it's impossible, the finale of the series after all, at least a little bit of imagination would be shown. Overall, we finished well. Of course, they didn't grab the stars from the sky, but everything is pretty nice. And even if they have rolled into some kind of indigestible mess, I will still miss them. Well, now where will they show us such a beautiful succubus, a charming doctor and an amazing valkyrie, who three of them also play tricks with each other))
Не знаю как всем Вам, но лично для меня - сериал оставался хорошим на протяжении всех 5 сезонов. Я не хочу спорить или ругаться с кем-нибудь, так как у каждого свои интересы и каждый человек по своему смотрит на мир, но мое мнение заключается в том, что последний сезон - фантастика. Тут было все, куча смерти, куча любви, куча экшн сцен. Печалька что его закрыли, было действительно интересно! Lost Girl <3
Смутный финал. Вроде все и неплохо, но как-то мрачно все же. И грустно. На мой взгляд, Темзин можно было оставить в живых уж после всех этих тяжелых испытаний. И зачем нужно было отдавать Дагни Кензи, когда Бо, если бы попыталась, то смогла бы воспитать ее нормально. В чем смысл, если бы они смогли ей привить чувство доброты все вместе? Что мне страшно не понравилось, так это то, что Бо осталась с Лорен. Простите, фанаты Доккубуса, это сугубо мое ИМХО. Ну вот не подходят они друг к другу. Для меня как и была Лорен непонятным персонажем и мутным, так и осталась, хоть и она и делала неоценимую помощь для многих. Не буду скрывать, что Бо и Дайсон мне всегда больше нравились вместе. До последнего надеялась, что все же они воссоединятся хотя бы в финале. Или хотя бы на крайний случай с той девушкой. Но увы, с Дайсоном поступили невероятно жестоко и вообще оставили его одного. Нет, меня не устроил финал сериала, который мне когда-то так сильно нравился. Но спасибо, что хоть как-то более менее завершили, а не закрыли на середине сюжета.
@LianaSkyfall: Бо будет с Дайсоном после смерти Лорен. последняя и Дайсон даже об этом договорились, поделили Бо так сказать ))) Сукуба на всех хватит.
Сериал один из восхитительных и потрясающих фентази сериалов которые я смотрела, герои Дайсон(просто лапочка)))) и Кензи просто меня восхитили. Я понимаю что секс наклонности сукуба это ее смысл жизни,но перебор с темой лезби. Доктор Лорен Льюис просто бесит в течение всего сериала,лучше бы доктором мужика сделали. СПОЛЕР. Я конечно до конца думала что Бо и Дайсон будут всести,но увы.
Хороший был сериал. Возможно, ему не всегда удавалось радовать. Но за героев всегда исркене переживаешь. Не простила гибель Хэйла, очень уж надеялась что у них с Кензи всё хорошо будет. Конечно же надеялась что Бо будет с Дайсоном, а не с доктором (радует то что она смертна, а они долгожители). Не ожидала, что Векс с Марком будут вместе, но тот момент где они берутся за руки очень тронул. Главное, что не оборвали сюжет, а придумали адекватную концовку.
Векс и Марк вместе! Это так умиляет) ^___^ (Хотя бы одна из моих парочек состоялась) Рада что мейснер стал частью их команды, а оборотень нейтральной пантерой) Хотелось чтобы Хейл был жив :'( Прекрасная Кензи была счастлива с ним. Эх( Лорен и Эвони неплохо замутили тогда с пиццей, у них могло бы сложиться) И Дайсон с Бо будут вместе! Он её дождётся. Они отлично подходят друг другу :)
Закончилось. Последний сезон вообще какой-то очень мутный был и финал скомкан, но на всех этих прощаниях даже расчувствовался. В целом, сериал в моем сердце останется надолго. В первую очередь благодаря первым сезонам, а также благодаря Темзин и всем прочим персонажам. За пять сезонов они уже стали восприниматься как семья. А также благодаря открытости, с которой большинство героев демонстрируют свою ориентацию. Это для меня был первый подобный глоток свежего воздуха, еще до того, как ЛГБТ персонажи стали нормой в сериалах.
Долго я добиралась до этого сериала и наконец то добралась, и знаете, я не пожалела потраченного времени. Пусть сериал не идеален, и некоторые герои прям убивали меня. Но сериал хороший, на 4-ку точно потянит, твёрдую 4!) Единственное жаль Хейла, Трика и Тэмзин Рада что сериал сильно не затянули, а привели его к нормальному завершению)
The last two seasons in the style of "everything is mixed up: people, horses, Greek myths." The series is good in its idea and the first three seasons were interesting to watch. Then: a bunch of undisclosed characters, let's stuff the plot lines so that the viewer blinks and doesn't understand anything. I looked at 1.5 speeds and I don't regret it. Just for once. 3.5/5
In the first case, the series ends abruptly, the creators are not given time to complete the started storylines. In short, it was chopped off with an axe.
In the second case, the creators of the series are notified that due to a decrease in ratings, the upcoming season will be the last for your series. And in this case, the creators of the series have time to ensure that all or at least the main storylines lead to some kind of ending. Or just suck another storyline out of your finger.
So, the "Call of Blood" has been completed. The creators of the series knew in advance that the fifth season was the final one. And, I hope, at least we tried to put the story in order. I don't know if they brought all the storylines to an end (I haven't watched the final episode yet), but it's still a big question whether it's good that the series was completed and not closed.
P.S. It's a bit insulting for Eric Roberts, again they didn't give him a full look...
I am very pleased that you took the time to shine this poem on me. But I have to disappoint you, what you wrote in the first paragraph, I knew that very well myself. You just decided to stick to one of my words "closed". Oh, these prejudices!
Why did I write this? It's very simple! I saw the status "dead".
And frankly speaking, it doesn't matter to me between the word "closed" and "completed". You know, when someone presses you and says, come on, finish the series... For me, this is equivalent to the fact that it was closed.
I'm not a fan of this series, or indeed of any (except that Game of Thrones is still in my head), but it was time to close it long ago. If season 1-3 was interesting, then the series slipped from 4-5. I do not know why, apparently I just lost interest in him, which is even interesting to find out
Considering how cool the Succubus resurrected everyone on the street, she could have saved her grandfather before that. There are complete inconsistencies.
- Okay, There, There!
* in the next scene, Kenzi pushed the baby off and went to suck with Lauren*
A whore is such a whore.
And also the fashion to save everyone with love.
As for the finale: the bottom of this TV season has been broken once again. It's much worse under the dome and the whisperers. This is not at all against the background of the first seasons.
And explain to me why it wasn't possible to just kill Temzin? She would die anyway, but evil would not have been born that way.
Um, I didn't understand, Mark and Vex are together - or am I so spoiled?:))
I'm glad for Bo and Lauren, I've always liked this couple... and the Wolf was left in the friend zone, eh ...:* (
It's a pity Tamzin, it's not clear at all why to kill her... so that she doesn't suffer and look at Bo with loving eyes, or what?:(Sadness...
I missed closing the Morrigan line - what kind of illness does she have, will she stay alive... Everyone took and forgot poor Evony...
and last but not least, the screenwriters, unfortunately, did not use the idea of blood... What was the point of repeating "you have my blood in you too" a hundred times?.. Stupidly:(About why Bo couldn't resurrect Trick, I'm already silent, it's just insanity:((yes, I have not let go of the third series)))
Well, in general, it's not the worst ending to the series.
Bo looks great in this episode. It was a little infuriating that her hair was constantly pinned up with something. In this series, she had a wonderful hairstyle. Was the whole series dragged out on purpose to do this in the finale? And the red dress is awesome. It looked especially cool when Bo was standing on the car.
I cried when Temzin ascended (and it was so beautiful). I knew this would happen and it feels right. Yes, it's sad that such a cool character is dying, but she's already lived a lot and this is still her last life. But she managed to leave a piece of herself.
I'm not surprised that in the end there was a dokkubus. By the last season, the doctor stopped annoying me, but I still don't really like this couple. It would have been better if Bo had stayed with someone else.
But I'm glad for the Vex/Mark pair. It was already obvious that they would end up together, but I'm glad anyway! More for Vex. Mark is not particularly impressed.
Kenzi is what she was in the beginning and has remained, almost. Yes, she grew up, lost her love (which I hoped would be returned by the end of the series, it's a pity), but she came back some kind of stranger... Although she still has that crazy spirit that we loved her for.
I thought that everything would be settled at the expense of the blood of the bloody king, since we were so persistently told about it. Trick, Hale, and Ifa will be returned, Evoni will be cured, and something else will be rewritten. But it's great that the writers didn't follow this line! The way it turned out in the end is more interesting, because no one expected it. If we had returned those characters that we would really like to return, it would have turned out to be too happy, naive and artificial. It's understandable why some are upset about this, but if they still used the blood storyline, then there would be those who would say that everything is too perfect.
This series deserves attention and love from the beginning.
To me, she's back as Shay from Dark Child..and I borrowed, as if, Cosima's wardrobe (pants))))
everyone stayed with their own. Everyone seems to be happy. however, the ending harbors a little intrigue, but still I hope there will be no spin-off or sequel in the future, otherwise it will be a storyline just sucked (literally) out of your finger.
And so, it's over.. Of course, I dreamed that Dyson would be with Bo, but alas.. The propaganda of homo-relations was the first line here, so it was not fate. I'll just imagine in my head that 100 years have passed, the nasty doctor died, and Dyson is still alone....
I hope there won't be a spin-off, because without Bo and Kenz it won't be the same. And it seems to me that even 30% of loyal fans will not look at the boring valkyrie-dark girl.
In any case, thanks to the creators for finishing as well as possible! I will remember this series for sure, and maybe someday I will review it!
as an ordinary passing series, once and done, everything is so predictable and boring (
Thanks for the more or less logical closed ending)
I'm a fan of this series, so I like the ending of the series.
It's just a pity that Bo and Kenzi's adventure is over ((((
"You are my heart, Kenzi!" (c) Bo
That's how they shook their hands in front of each other) Not well, it's impossible, the finale of the series after all, at least a little bit of imagination would be shown.
Overall, we finished well. Of course, they didn't grab the stars from the sky, but everything is pretty nice.
And even if they have rolled into some kind of indigestible mess, I will still miss them. Well, now where will they show us such a beautiful succubus, a charming doctor and an amazing valkyrie, who three of them also play tricks with each other))
Печалька что его закрыли, было действительно интересно! Lost Girl <3
Хотелось чтобы Хейл был жив :'( Прекрасная Кензи была счастлива с ним. Эх(
Лорен и Эвони неплохо замутили тогда с пиццей, у них могло бы сложиться)
И Дайсон с Бо будут вместе! Он её дождётся. Они отлично подходят друг другу :)
Нежели нельзя было как то её вывести?(
В целом, сериал в моем сердце останется надолго. В первую очередь благодаря первым сезонам, а также благодаря Темзин и всем прочим персонажам. За пять сезонов они уже стали восприниматься как семья. А также благодаря открытости, с которой большинство героев демонстрируют свою ориентацию. Это для меня был первый подобный глоток свежего воздуха, еще до того, как ЛГБТ персонажи стали нормой в сериалах.
Пусть сериал не идеален, и некоторые герои прям убивали меня. Но сериал хороший, на 4-ку точно потянит, твёрдую 4!)
Единственное жаль Хейла, Трика и Тэмзин
Рада что сериал сильно не затянули, а привели его к нормальному завершению)