Will Locke even be happy in this series?! When he was talking to his father in the car, I don't even know... the circumstances were too cruel towards him.
The series is interesting, BUT Two scientists have to live on the island, and their only goal is to enter numbers and press a button every 108 minutes. A question for the engineers of this device - it was so difficult to automate this system, why do people need it at all? Okay, press the button, but why enter the same numbers every time, why are they not automatically output? It's kind of far-fetched.
@felixkriventzov: I think the system was not automated precisely because the machine does not know whether a person is alive or not. So it is important to control the presence of a live near the car. But why do I have to enter numbers every time? Probably so that operators don't try to somehow cheat the system.
Completely on Jack's side, some kind of nonsense with this button. But, apparently, the whole season will be built around the bunker and this button=_= And in the course of the final episode, it still won't be pressed and (wow!) It's not going to happen.
@deneight: because usually the current series or previous ones are discussed under the series. They write about the future with a spoiler alert, because here 99% of the comments are from those who are watching for the first time
It resembles an experiment with monkeys, when at the beginning one was electrocuted when she climbed for bananas, everything was remembered, then the monkeys were changed one piece at a time, and all the new monkeys were taught not to climb for bananas, although there was no current, as a result, the old composition of monkeys was completely changed, and the monkeys, not knowing Why didn't you climb for bananas, because that's what it was said
why was it so crucial that Jack pressed the button?would they have just stood there and waited if he hadn't agreed? this girl who was at the back of the plane, and then turned out to be at the same time with others-wow, how intrigued!
Jack is starting to piss me off. Who said he was in charge anyway??? So sensible that I would have already sent him and hit him on the head with the butt
It's cool that Katie Sagal showed up. I didn't expect to see her here. Just recently, the Sons of Anarchy watched P. S. Am I the only one who was reminded by Jack's words about the experiment about the Volt-Tech corporation from folych?
Depending on the source of the video sequence of the series (the original screening of the series or DVD or online cinema), the girl in the photo changes For comparison: see photo 1 (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lostpedia/images/c/c7/Desold.jpg /) and photo 2 (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lostpedia/images/1/1e/Descurrent.jpg /)
There are several common psychological tests and experiments. The situation with these numbers is similar to one of them. A "leap of faith" would equally be a refusal to enter the code and press the button😄
The troubled trio also got into the company of Michelle Rodriguez. I love Sawyer for the way he fights for life and how he doesn't give up. Which is surprisingly combined with his suicidal tendencies. The reference to the SOUND especially warms the heart.
Locke mocks and devalues the pain of other people in flushes, less and less pleasant in the character. But in the story with his parents, I also feel incredibly sorry for the hero, such indifferent creatures, I was afraid. His obsession is true in life for many things, he cannot stop and not understand how, what and why.
It would be a pity if Desmond was hijacked somewhere in the jungle for half a season, because he is the most intriguing Persian. That is, they brought him, showed him the movie, said, press the button, and that's it, he sat as if nothing had happened.
It will be an eternal dispute of faith and disbelief between John and Jack, and I will never know which side to finally take, because both are fighting: that Locke with a lack of critical thinking and complete reliance on higher powers, that Sheppard with a refusal to accept facts with the same bunker if they do not fit into the framework of his understanding. Both of them have to break down in the end, only Locke is still wildly bashing me with his redistribution of others, why would Jack be forced to take such risks if you believe that a ka-boom will happen, it is not clear to me.
Some kind of "Dark Tower" stations (again), electromagnetic fields, buttons to prevent the end of the world... I've actually become a much bigger skeptic over the years, like our doctor, I need more facts to believe that trouble will really happen, but one thing is clear to me: they're all here for a reason. It's not easy. Expert experiments are carried out on the guys. Which are very interesting, but nothing is clear.
"A thirty–year-old is a lucrative business, but you can't bring my kidney back."
"You needed a father, I needed a kidney. That's it, don't dig deep."
"He wanted to know how we got here, if anyone was sick. "Did you ask him any questions?" – He had the gun.
Video instruction: ends Jack: sitting with a face like "what the fuck was that just now?" Locke: we need to look again
He entered the code, pressed the button, and the counter went silent. I asked him:"What did you do?". Yes, he saved the world, he says. – Saved the world? – His words, not mine.
– It's time for everything to get back to normal. /Kate runs out of the jungle shouting "Said! Said!" – Well, here we go again.
That's why I love Said – in emergency situations, he does not ask unnecessary questions. Is it important to fix the computer before the timer ends? OK, I'll do it, and then you explain why it's important.
@Allons_y: I absolutely agree, purely a man of discipline and reason. Not always, but most often the only one who does the most adequately. And if not, he admits his mistakes and always tries to either correct them or accept the situation as it is.
The season is going hard. If memory serves, I didn't really like him before, including the whole bunker theme, plus they stretch a lot of things, let's see how it goes from here.
What about Jack. Yes, sometimes his vivid reaction is tiring, but I understand him, I am essentially the same as Jack and it would infuriate me if people like Locke tried to make me believe in some fantasies. Locke does overdo it sometimes. Jack still has the patience of steel. It's easier to believe Locke because a real miracle happened to him and I don't argue in his place, maybe anyone would have found faith. And Jack, I think, is still thinking a little, considering that in his life, almost a miracle happened to his fiancee.
На моменте, когда Локк плакал в машине - сердце просто разрывалось, плакала вместе с ним 🥺 и вообще, почти каждая серия вызывает слезы, очень проникновенный сериал 💔
понравилось как они включили кино, про дезмонда забыли, ружьё отложили и сидели смотрели )) видео было очень жуткое, остаётся вопрос, почему нельзя было посмотреть четвёртую и остальную части или спросить про них, мне вот было вообще не очевидно, что в видео под номером 3/6 вся информация, которая есть и релевантна и что про всеобщий пиздец не рассказано на другой бобине
Для меня важно не общаться с левыми людьми. Я имею ввиду личное целенаправленное общение, а не общение в твиттере или внутри компании. Но я смотрю на мир, и мне кажется, что я скорее исключение из правил. (К тому же я аплатонична.) Людям обычно не влом провести время с другими приятными людьми, которые хорошо к ним относятся. Локк не ребёнок, о нём не нужно заботиться, за него не нужно нести ответственность. Меня удивляет, что для его отца было настолько принципиально не общаться с ним изредка, не быть приятелями, не встречаться периодически для охоты или недлинных посиделок. Я очень мало видела в жизни людей, которые против такого. Зачем какие-то предательства, напряги, продумывать страшные планы, сбегать, прятаться на высоким забором, когда можно просто изредка получать незамысловатое удовольствие от общения с человеком, который рад тебя видеть, и с которым всегда найдутся темы для беседы. Многие люди целенаправленно ищут себе такое общество, компанию для каких-то дел. Большинство – как минимум совершенно не против такого, они общаются со своими, например, коллегами, хотя это просто люди, с которыми жизнь свела в одном офисе, но почему бы и нет.
Ну вот кое-что стало ясно с этой плёнкой и организацией "Dharma", и даже белых медведей на плёнке вскользь показали, так что полагаю что наличие оных на острове тоже дело рук этой организации. Но вместе с этим появляется ещё больше вопросов.
Представляю недосып Десмонда если учесть, что ему каждый 108 минут нужно вставать и нажимать кнопку, нормально не выспишься определённо.
Мне вообще этот Десмонд кажется подставным. Ощущение, что их специально там собрали. И не бывает таких совпадений, как у них с Джеком. И эта мадам из ловушки, тоже кажется подставной. Пока не покажут её в самолёте, не поверю, что она все-таки летела. Какой-то большой социальный эксперимент. Вот вам кнопка нажимайте. Заберём у вас детей, натравим чёрный смерч и кинем к вам белых медведей. Для случайного острова там слишком много людей не с самолёта и всяких бункеров. Причём эксперименту не мало лет. У этой француженки тоже украли ребенка и она там сколько, 13 лет? А в конце это все окажется сном, иллюзией или ещё чем-то. Может я просто пересмотрела сериалов, но я ничему там не верю. Особенно новым людям.
the circumstances were too cruel towards him.
Two scientists have to live on the island, and their only goal is to enter numbers and press a button every 108 minutes. A question for the engineers of this device - it was so difficult to automate this system, why do people need it at all? Okay, press the button, but why enter the same numbers every time, why are they not automatically output? It's kind of far-fetched.
this girl who was at the back of the plane, and then turned out to be at the same time with others-wow, how intrigued!
P. S. Am I the only one who was reminded by Jack's words about the experiment about the Volt-Tech corporation from folych?
Ohh, a sudden reference to ZV! a kind partner in the person of Jin, who speaks a language we don't understand, but understands everything himself)
For comparison: see photo 1 (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lostpedia/images/c/c7/Desold.jpg /)
and photo 2 (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/lostpedia/images/1/1e/Descurrent.jpg /)
Locke mocks and devalues the pain of other people in flushes, less and less pleasant in the character. But in the story with his parents, I also feel incredibly sorry for the hero, such indifferent creatures, I was afraid. His obsession is true in life for many things, he cannot stop and not understand how, what and why.
It would be a pity if Desmond was hijacked somewhere in the jungle for half a season, because he is the most intriguing Persian. That is, they brought him, showed him the movie, said, press the button, and that's it, he sat as if nothing had happened.
It will be an eternal dispute of faith and disbelief between John and Jack, and I will never know which side to finally take, because both are fighting: that Locke with a lack of critical thinking and complete reliance on higher powers, that Sheppard with a refusal to accept facts with the same bunker if they do not fit into the framework of his understanding. Both of them have to break down in the end, only Locke is still wildly bashing me with his redistribution of others, why would Jack be forced to take such risks if you believe that a ka-boom will happen, it is not clear to me.
Some kind of "Dark Tower" stations (again), electromagnetic fields, buttons to prevent the end of the world... I've actually become a much bigger skeptic over the years, like our doctor, I need more facts to believe that trouble will really happen, but one thing is clear to me: they're all here for a reason. It's not easy. Expert experiments are carried out on the guys. Which are very interesting, but nothing is clear.
"You needed a father, I needed a kidney. That's it, don't dig deep."
"He wanted to know how we got here, if anyone was sick.
"Did you ask him any questions?"
– He had the gun.
Video instruction: ends
Jack: sitting with a face like "what the fuck was that just now?"
Locke: we need to look again
He entered the code, pressed the button, and the counter went silent. I asked him:"What did you do?". Yes, he saved the world, he says.
– Saved the world?
– His words, not mine.
– It's time for everything to get back to normal.
/Kate runs out of the jungle shouting "Said! Said!"
– Well, here we go again.
Is it important to fix the computer before the timer ends? OK, I'll do it, and then you explain why it's important.
What about Jack. Yes, sometimes his vivid reaction is tiring, but I understand him, I am essentially the same as Jack and it would infuriate me if people like Locke tried to make me believe in some fantasies. Locke does overdo it sometimes. Jack still has the patience of steel. It's easier to believe Locke because a real miracle happened to him and I don't argue in his place, maybe anyone would have found faith. And Jack, I think, is still thinking a little, considering that in his life, almost a miracle happened to his fiancee.
Представляю недосып Десмонда если учесть, что ему каждый 108 минут нужно вставать и нажимать кнопку, нормально не выспишься определённо.
Ощущение, что их специально там собрали. И не бывает таких совпадений, как у них с Джеком. И эта мадам из ловушки, тоже кажется подставной.
Пока не покажут её в самолёте, не поверю, что она все-таки летела.
Какой-то большой социальный эксперимент. Вот вам кнопка нажимайте. Заберём у вас детей, натравим чёрный смерч и кинем к вам белых медведей.
Для случайного острова там слишком много людей не с самолёта и всяких бункеров.
Причём эксперименту не мало лет. У этой француженки тоже украли ребенка и она там сколько, 13 лет?
А в конце это все окажется сном, иллюзией или ещё чем-то. Может я просто пересмотрела сериалов, но я ничему там не верю. Особенно новым людям.
А ещё у каждого персонажа такая интересная история!