Вооу. Вплоть до этой серии я думала, что это немного легкомысленное аниме с очень качественным саундом и не менее качественной прорисовкой деталей. Но эта серия - внезапно эмоционально, красиво, цепляюще. Интересно, что как дальше будет раскрываться прошлое гг.
Крутотень) Обычно сериалы растягивают, а тут как назло, когда все круто все движется очень быстро) С каждой серии замутить бы целый сезон)) В последний раз такое желание было в книгах 1984 и 451 градус по фаренгейту, где хотелось бы с каждой главы по книге)) Сериал очень крутой, от и до) Прям сгусток всего самого лучшего)
Неожиданно аниме стало намного глубже и интереснее. Как и говорили уже выше - сцена с падением безумно атмосферная и цепляющая самые тонкие струны души. Меня как будто обухом по голове ударили и я прозрела.
Бббббббббббббоже!!!! Концовка - это просто экстаз! Игра на ожиданиях, юмор, музыка, анимация... Теперь я знаю, почему это аниме называют одним из легендарных)))
Ну ничего себе,как сюжет завертелся!😯🙈🔥 Сцена падения и правда была очень синематографическая,и музыка как нельзя подошла к этой сцене! Блондинчик тот ещё убийца-садист..🙈
@agunda: I also remembered about the raven. And about the saints from bundok, and about John Wu's Hong Kong period action films with rapid fire and guns from two hands, and, of course, the fifth element with opera. In general, the show is not shy about its postmodernism and steals from everywhere - and quite successfully. Perhaps, only the names of the series do not always fit the meaning
well, that is, they fit, but it seems like a stretch, because they are poetic titles of songs. It is clear that in this series, the fallen heroes are either one Vicious, or, in a broad sense, both Vicious and Spike (banditry). And maybe all the heroes in general. Obscure, in short
@Smit_Bir: here I am also sitting and trying not to lose the meaning. I understood that: At the very beginning, the dude with the raven took some friend of GG hostage. I ordered it in the bounty hunter system (like he blew up a shuttle with competitors) so that GG ran to pull it out. And the girl, so this is our girl, just saw the order and decided to cut down the dough without going into the essence of the matter and she was also taken away. Then there were flashbacks like gg and the dude with raven - they used to work together, and then something happened.
Тоже пришла восхититься сценой падения. Даже не удивилась, когда начала вбивать в поисковую строку гугла "Spike falling", что мне сразу предложили "out of window" и эту самую сцену с сотнями тысяч просмотров ♥
Explanatory note for those who do not understand: Spike and Vicious (the man with the raven) worked in the cartel for an uncle named Mao. Mao and his rival initially signed a truce. Immediately after signing, Vishous kills both a competitor and Mao in order to advance his career. But Mao hides the murder in order to blame the death of a competitor on him. And at the same time lure Spike out (?) on the supposedly living Mao. But Faye falls for the bait, as Spike learns from an old friend that Mao is dead (mb did not get in touch with her in time or something like that, since the witnesses of the death were removed). Well, Spike climbs into the trap, because he really wants to kill himself or kill himself in the process
Well, when falling out of the window, we are shown more pieces of the flashback from Spike's past (pay attention to the eye in which everything is reflected)
В последний раз такое желание было в книгах 1984 и 451 градус по фаренгейту, где хотелось бы с каждой главы по книге))
Сериал очень крутой, от и до) Прям сгусток всего самого лучшего)
Теперь я знаю, почему это аниме называют одним из легендарных)))
Когда внатуре устал от пафосных речей
In general, the show is not shy about its postmodernism and steals from everywhere - and quite successfully.
Perhaps, only the names of the series do not always fit the meaning
Then there were flashbacks like gg and the dude with raven - they used to work together, and then something happened.
Как вишенка на торте - юмореска в конце эпизода. Но она получилась слабая. Я лишь хмыкнул, не более.
Spike and Vicious (the man with the raven) worked in the cartel for an uncle named Mao. Mao and his rival initially signed a truce. Immediately after signing, Vishous kills both a competitor and Mao in order to advance his career. But Mao hides the murder in order to blame the death of a competitor on him. And at the same time lure Spike out (?) on the supposedly living Mao. But Faye falls for the bait, as Spike learns from an old friend that Mao is dead (mb did not get in touch with her in time or something like that, since the witnesses of the death were removed). Well, Spike climbs into the trap, because he really wants to kill himself or kill himself in the process
Well, when falling out of the window, we are shown more pieces of the flashback from Spike's past (pay attention to the eye in which everything is reflected)