
s01e05 — The Swimsuit, the Beauty, and the Macho Teacher

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Duration: 25 min.
Released: 01.05.200601.05.2006 03:00
Watched by: 26885.62%
1 season
s01e01 - High School Girls Have Their Stupid Side
s01e02 - Physical Examinations Are the Scent of a Maiden's Shyness
s01e03 - Fall in Love, Deceived, and Then a Love Hotel?
s01e04 - Celebrate! Even Now, Blooming Girls Wear Bloomers
s01e05 - The Swimsuit, the Beauty, and the Macho Teacher
s01e06 - Cracks
s01e07 - An Example of a Difficult Situation Where Teachers Mistakenly Flirt with Students
s01e08 - In the Past, We Were Young. ~Back to the Few Years Ago~
s01 special-1 - Field Trip to Chichibu! Flowing Journey Soaring

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