
I'll Stand By You

I'll Stand by You
I'll Stand By You

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Released: 22 January 2022
Country of origin: Italy, Lithuania, Switzerland
Genre: Documentary
Production companies: INSCRIPT, M&N Productions, Dok Mobile
Watched by: 1 of 866 547
Runtime: 1 hour 14 minutes
IMDB rating: 7.1 of 10 37


Two women, a psychologist and a police officer, engage in a challenging mission - to reduce the record suicide numbers in their rural hometown in Lithuania. Valija and Gintare provide door to door empathy and compassion, healing the loneliest members of their community. As fear of losing another life reaches its peak, the women form a resourceful friendship and together they succeed to ease the crisis and prove that suicide prevention can be effective. The observational camera makes the audience witness and finally understand how they really succeeded in tackling this complex issue.

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BŪSIU SU TAVIM, filmo anonsas
BŪSIU SU TAVIM Treileris (2021)

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