
Purpose of Cohabitation

동거의 목적
Purpose of Cohabitation

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Released: 07 March 2016
Country of origin: South Korea
Genre: Romance/Dating
Production companies: 씨네토리
Watched by: 0 of 865 931
Runtime: 1 hour 23 minutes


Seung-gu and Yoon-hye enjoy the honeymoon. The photographer, Seung-gu, sells a glance with his senior cousin who is a neighbor cousin on his way to work. Yoon Hye, who has no hesitation in managing her body, goes to the gym for a workout and hears the breakup of Tae Joon, the PT in charge. Tae-jun, who was living in the girlfriend's house, is kicked out with a breakup, and to Tae-jun, where he can't go, Yoon-hye rents out a room for his newlyweds to cover the repair cost of the ride. Offer your own rent. And their purposeful cohabitation begins…

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