
Ice Princess

Ice Princess

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Released: 17 March 2005
Country of origin: US, Canada
Genre: Family, Drama, Comedy
Production companies: Walt Disney Pictures, Bridget Johnson Films, Skate Away Productions
Watched by: 618 of 911 636
Runtime: 1 hour 38 minutes
IMDB rating: 6 of 10 29 581 rating: 6.78 of 10 14 642


With the help of her coach, her mom, and the boy who drives the Zamboni, nothing can stop Casey Carlyle from realizing her dream to be a champion figure skater.

Where to watch 7


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Ice Princess Official Trailer!

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Discuss this movie 2

13 Feb 2024, 14:41 #
Oh, Samantha Jones, great, glad to see her here. And again Hayden Panettiere, I see a good game. And of course Michelle Trachtenberg😍 Good cast! Autumn liked the movie🤧🥹 I was so worried about the main character, but when the coach did the trick, I didn't like this moment. As they say, figure skating is not always honest.
11 Dec 2024, 01:51 #
It will be a great comment! This film is not just about a beautiful figure skater girl, it's about an incredible pursuit of her dream. No matter what anyone says, but only girls need to work like that, only we need to grind our teeth, beat out a place and respect for ourselves. You need to be strong, punchy, efficient, smart and at the same time not get stale yet, look fragile and beautiful. Well, it's just mission impossible! The acting is very good, the main character and Teddy have great friends... The crash of my childhood. After watching this movie, that in childhood, that now the same emotions. After watching this movie, I know I can. And there is nothing more important than following your guiding star, because without it, life will be bland and unbearable.
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