
Before you wake up

Before you wake up

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Released: 13 July 2017
Country of origin: Japan
Genre: Animation General, Drama, Romance/Dating
Production companies: FLAT STUDIO
Watched by: 0 of 866 301
Runtime: 1 minute
IMDB rating: 6.7 of 10 7


One night, university student Souta meets a girl he has never met before. Yuki, who claims to have been saved by Souta in the past, seems to know nothing about outside world, from shopping to holding a fork. There is also something curious about her. She is extremely afraid of getting her skin touched. The curious life of the strange girl changes little by little. There are men who seek to capture Yuki. It is said that Yuki has a power which holds the fate of the world, and they want her to sacrifice herself for the world. What is the power within Yuki? Why does she refuse to be touched? At last, Yuki reveals to Souta her hidden truth.

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