
7 creepy movies to watch on Friday the 13th

10 October 2023
Last Friday the 13th falls on October this year. We have collected 7 movies that are worth watching to get into the mood of the mystical date.
7 creepy movies to watch on Friday the 13th
a still from the movie "Shriek"

7. "You're Next"

  • 2013
  • USA, UK
  • Thriller, horror
  • Director: Adam Wingard
  • Starring: Sharni Vinson, Nicholas Tucci, Wendy Glenn, Barbara Crampton, Rob Moran
  • IMDb Rating: 6.6

Фото: кадр из фильма «Тебе конец!»

Spouses Paul (Rob Moran) and Aubrey Davidson (Barbara Crampton) arrive at a country house to celebrate their wedding anniversary. They are soon joined by their children and their families. The gala dinner is interrupted by an invasion of unknown men in animal masks. Arrows from crossbows, axes and machetes fly at the guests.

The movie was highly praised by movie critics. On the Rotten Tomatoes aggregator, the rating based on professional reviews was 78% — a good figure for a horror movie. With a budget of $1 million, "You're Next" grossed more than $28 million at the worldwide box office.

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6. "The Babadook"

  • 2014
  • Australia, Canada
  • Horror, Drama
  • Director: Jennifer Kent
  • Starring: Essie Davis, Noah Wiseman, Hayley McElhinney, Daniel Henshall, Benjamin Winspear
  • IMDb Rating: 6.8

Фото: кадр из фильма «Бабадук»

Amelia (Essie Davis) is raising her son Samuel (Noah Wiseman) alone. Six years ago, her husband was killed in a car accident. One day, Samuel asks his mother to read him a picture book found in the house for bedtime, the hero of which happens to be Mr. Babadook. At one point, the character bursts out of the children's book and begins to drive the family crazy.

"The Babadook" was honored with three nominations at the Saturn Awards: for best horror film, best actress (Essie Davis) and best young actor (Noah Wiseman).

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5. "The Witch"  

  • 2015
  • USA, Canada, UK
  • Horror
  • Director: Robert Eggers
  • Starring: Anya Taylor-Joy, Ralph Ineson, Kate Dickie, Julian Richings, Bathsheba Garnett
  • IMDb Rating: 7.0

Фото: кадр из фильма «Ведьма»

1630, New England. Puritan settler William's (Ralph Eineson) family is in exile for violating the laws of the church and community. Family members move to a remote plot of land located at the very edge of the forest. The land is rumored to belong to witches, who are not welcome new guests.

The king of horror Stephen King admitted that the movie scared the hell out of him. "The Witch" was nominated for a Saturn Award in two categories: Best Horror Film and Best Young Actress (Anya Taylor-Joy).

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4. "Martyrs"

  • 2008
  • France, Canada
  • Horror
  • Director: Pascal Laugier
  • Starring: Morjana Alaoui, Mylene Jampanoi, Catherine Bégin, Robert Tupan, Patricia Tulasne
  • IMDb Rating: 7.0

Фото: кадр из фильма «Мученицы»

As a teenager, Lucie (Mylene Jampanoi) suffered a severe psychological trauma: the girl was kidnapped and brutally tortured. For two years she was considered missing, but she managed to escape from captivity. All growing up she was tormented by hallucinations and nightmares. After 15 years, Lucy decides to take revenge on her abusers.

During the screening of the movie at the Toronto Film Festival, several people fainted. "Martyrs" won two awards at the Catalonia International Film Festival in the categories of Best Makeup and Best European Fantasy Film.

"The creepiest horror movie I've ever seen, watched it about ten years ago, but I still get shivers at the mention of it to this day", — peachisapple.

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3. "A Tale of Two Sisters" / "Janghwa, Hongryeon"

  • 2003
  • Republic of Korea
  • Drama, horror
  • Director: Kim Ji-Woon
  • Starring: Im Soo-jung, Moon Geun-young, Yeom Jeong-ah, Kim Gap-soo, Woo Gi-hon
  • IMDb Rating: 7.1

Фото: кадр из фильма «История двух сестер»

Two sisters Soo Mi (Im Soo Jung) and Soo Yeon (Moon Geun Young) return home from a mental hospital. There, they begin to be terrorized by their father's (Kim Gap-soo) new wife (Yeom Jeong-ah). Making matters worse is the appearance of ghosts and other supernatural forces in the house. All of this has something to do with the dark secrets of their family history.

"A Tale of Two Sisters" was the first Korean horror film to be shown in theaters in the United States. An American remake called "The Uninvited" was released in 2009.

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2. "Hereditary"

  • 2018
  • USA
  • Horror, Drama, Detective
  • Director: Ari Aster
  • Starring: Toni Collette, Gabriel Byrne, Alex Wolff, Milly Shapiro, Ann Dowd
  • IMDb Rating: 7.3

Фото: кадр из фильма «Реинкарнация»

After the death of her grandmother, Ellen (Toni Collette) finds some strange items among the deceased's belongings that indicate the deceased had many frightening secrets. A series of subsequent tragic-mystical events lead the heroine to believe in the existence of a dark force haunting their family.

The movie was nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Horror Film and Best Actress (Toni Collette).

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1. "The Wailing" 

  • 2016
  • Republic of Korea
  • Thriller, horror, drama, detective, fantasy
  • Director: Na Hong-jin
  • Starring: Kwak To-won, Hwang Jung-min, Jun Kunimura, Cheon Woo-hee, Kim Hwan-hee
  • IMDb Rating: 7.4

Фото: кадр из фильма «Вопль»

Terrible things start to happen in a small village. People are covered in sores, pouncing on each other, brutally killing loved ones. Local policeman Chonggu (Kwak To-won) takes the investigation seriously when gruesome symptoms appear in his daughter.

The plot of the movie is based on the religious tales of Korea and Nepal, as well as Catholic beliefs. For this work, Na Hong-jin won the Asian Film Academy Award for Best Director.

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Discuss this news

10 Oct 2023, 06:41 #
Reincarnation was not scared at all, the film is very superficial
10 Oct 2023, 07:36 #
@luvrok: Yeah. I've heard so much about him, but in fact I almost fell asleep.
Fortunately, the director corrected himself at the solstice
10 Oct 2023, 20:03 #
@karaspunk: it's in what mood to watch - an empty man scared me, but I read reviews - few people were scared.
10 Oct 2023, 06:56 #
I have my own tradition, if in some year and month Friday the 13th falls, then I watch all parts of the film "Friday the 13th" and there are 11 parts.
10 Oct 2023, 07:36 #
@Woodscream: 12 ;)
10 Oct 2023, 19:50 #
@karaspunk: 12? The twelfth part is about what? I did not find on the Internet about the existence of the 12th part.
10 Oct 2023, 21:11 #
I assume that the 12th film meant either "Freddy vs. Jason" or "Jason X"
10 Oct 2023, 21:15 #
@Woodscream: 10 straight parts, 1 remake, 1 crossover with Freddie
10 Oct 2023, 21:16 #
@Woodscream: by the way, I recommend more fan movies, they are very cool
14 Oct 2023, 17:26 #
Jason X the name speaks for itself the number X is 10 tenths
14 Oct 2023, 17:27 #
Freddy vs Jason is the 11th part, it's the last one, then there was only a remake
14 Oct 2023, 17:28 #
Аж as many as 4 pieces )))
10 Oct 2023, 10:23 #
The scream is awesome. one of the best films ever. gloomy, concise and rather hopeless.

The witch is also cool, after she had high hopes for the Lighthouse, unfortunately, they were not justified.
10 Oct 2023, 10:57 #
It's all bullshit
10 Oct 2023, 11:44 #
Well, let's see, let's see what you recommend here
10 Oct 2023, 18:59 #
Reincarnation was not impressed, I even forgot what was there.
But the Witch really scared the shit out of me, it was the feeling that something very terrible was about to happen and you were just crouching in fear. I haven't experienced this for a long time.
10 Oct 2023, 20:01 #
I watched everything from this. I liked everything.
For me personally, the most creepy and psychologically affecting film is Missing Megan.
I regret that I looked. And I don't recommend it to anyone.

Actually, I've been watching 80 horror movies for about a year. I don't know if it's a lot or a little.

The very last one is an Absolute Killer - but he's not creepy, he's cool. Must be viewed)
11 Oct 2023, 08:43 #
Thank you for the recommendation of an absolute killer, I really liked it)
11 Oct 2023, 11:16 #
«мученицы» был мною просмотрен, неплох. есть пара жестоких моментов, однако тема фильма всё-таки не просто попугаться и покричать от страха. поэтому, будьте готовы к нелегкой моральной нагрузке
11 Oct 2023, 11:17 #
реинкарнация, мягко говоря, отстой. не понимаю, почему этот фильм имеет такой рейтинг, да ещё и во все списки «страшилок» его пихают…не советую
12 Oct 2023, 14:01 #
Лучше смотрите "Синистер".
12 Oct 2023, 19:46 #
"Мученицы" смотрела очень давно, но помню бросало еще долго в дрожь при вспоминании
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