
"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" will be made into a TV series

29 Oct
The development is being handled by the showrunner of "The Killing".
A still from the movie "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo."

Amazon MGM Studios is working on the series "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", which will be set in the universe of Stieg Larsson's trilogy "Millennium". The project already has a showrunner: it became Veena Sud, who worked on the series "The Killing".

"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" first became known about the series back in May 2020, but the project was at the earliest stage of development, and since then there has been no news about it. At the time, it was also reported that the upcoming series would be a standalone story about one of the novel's main characters, Lisbeth Salander, but now plot details remain a big secret.

Before that, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" was screened in Sweden the first film of the trilogy by Niels Arden Oplev was released in 2009, and in 2011 David Fincher released the American adaptation of the first novel.

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29 Oct 2023, 17:45 #
Another one?
Well, we are waiting for what the Americans will do from a whole story, perhaps even with a 4 book. which Stieg Larsson himself did not have time to finish - The girl who got stuck in the web
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29 Oct 2023, 17:52 #
It's cool, I'm really looking forward to the release
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29 Oct 2023, 18:20 #
Interesting :) I just watched the movie itself, it turned out good. I hope the series doesn't disappoint either.
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29 Oct 2023, 19:12 #
We need to review the original. Until Fincher surpassed him.
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01 Nov 2023, 22:07 #
@Kookaburra: furiously I spit. The original is best of all ❤️
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29 Oct 2023, 20:21 #
Showrunner again... Poor Russian🥲
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29 Oct 2023, 22:33 #
@Hidji: Does the word "showrunner" have a synonymous equivalent of a profession in Russian?
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29 Oct 2023, 22:39 #
@North_Art: feminitive... What the hell? Like the editor, the director, the director, and my favorite is the cap😅
The very color! I hope that the representatives of the female aerobatic team are immensely happy with this😁
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30 Oct 2023, 10:03 #
@Hidji: the pilotess is even in the dictionary from the Institute of the Russian Language named after There is Vinogradov.
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30 Oct 2023, 22:27 #
@scarcelyinside: yes, well... try to look for an editor and a director in this dictionary, I'm sure you will find one too. And even at the same time they used masculine words, defining them as neutral. But modern stoned feminitives are stupidly built on the addition of "ka". The new model prevails over the old forms. I didn't invent it, I just emphasized the fact. So we get used to living with directors, editors and caps😁
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30 Oct 2023, 23:30 #
@Hidji: I'm just fine with everything. It's you who need to get used to the fact that the language is suddenly alive, non-static and changing. These feminitives are not stoned, they are just relatively new and not in wide use yet, and they do not carry a negative connotation by themselves — it is you who endow them with it for yourself.
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30 Oct 2023, 23:37 #
@scarcelyinside: 20 years ago I was also told about Albany, almost one-on-one with the same words😂
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31 Oct 2023, 15:07 #
so the showrunner is normal? not a poor Russian language?
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02 Nov 2023, 22:21 #
@scarcelyinside: не приживутся ваши идиотские феминитивы, хотя бы потому, что женщины, состоявшиеся в профессиях, названия которых коверкают тупые недоросли, никогда не станут использовать подобные корявые словечки.
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30 Oct 2023, 14:59 #
I agree with you )
I want to go to the hospital to see a doctor, not a doctor; I study with teachers, not with teachers; I read books by worthy and talented authors, not autorok ...
Why mock the Russian language so much?
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30 Oct 2023, 16:08 #
@annakaneva: so read books, get treated, and don't multiply these mountains of unoriginal comments. And the suffering of feminitives in the Russian speech is at all last year's dinner ten years ago.
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30 Oct 2023, 16:24 #
And why are you writing this to me, multiplying mountains of unoriginal comments in defense of ridiculous feminitives?))
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31 Oct 2023, 00:24 #
@annakaneva: where do I protect them? no need for fantasies.
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31 Oct 2023, 15:06 #
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01 Nov 2023, 18:28 #
@camrt: over your stupidity? you don't even know for which camp you are, you are equally jerked off and terribly-the Western word showrunner, and men hysterical over suffixes. And looking at three lonely dislikes, I imagine - either three akka from one person, or a local moronic trio.
By the way, Anglicisms in speech are not as bad as a bunch of parentheses in 2023.
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01 Nov 2023, 22:22 #
Are you a fool? what place do you read?
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01 Nov 2023, 22:23 #
plus it wasn't addressed to you at all)))))))))))))
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01 Nov 2023, 22:30 #
pinch from the bracket ✅
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03 Nov 2023, 01:10 #
@camrt: okay, but the response system is pretty stupid, how can you figure out who answered whom, the nicknames don't indicate, and the users are completely toxic, so it's easy to take it personally.

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03 Nov 2023, 01:30 #
@camrt: it was such a joke, although the brackets are really outdated))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

everyone: what to minus, it would be better to try to argue with letters, even if your thought would be stupid, but it would be reasoning, and so degradation is below the level of bonobos (camrt, this is not about you), and they minus on the fan and regardless of whether the comment is positive - there will definitely be a dozen dizs; and I'm not about dislikes under your comments (don't give a shit at all), but about the general trend of site comments
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03 Nov 2023, 01:33 #
@camrt: you even liked it, and I'm aggrussing. Pancake. So let's be friends and protect suffixes from these yehu.
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03 Nov 2023, 10:27 #
Leonid, don't be so upset because of the dislikes))
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03 Nov 2023, 15:19 #
@annakaneva: Leonid? no matter, you again did not understand what kind of pattern I wove from the letters. I will end with my quote "I have never seen such a stupid pussy in my life ".
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03 Nov 2023, 20:22 #
@Leopold_Blum: I'm sorry, Leopold) I didn't read it correctly.
Well, no one is perfect))
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06 Nov 2023, 00:56 #
@annakaneva: so you studied with teachers, and there wasn't a single teacher at school at all?
Or did you respect the teachers and call the female teachers teachers?
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06 Nov 2023, 01:09 #
@albinka_: forget about the teachers. According to the new rules and the use of feminitives (the same ones according to which not an editor, but an editor, not a doctor, but a doctor), they are now teachers or teachers. So as not to get lost in the background of showrunners 😁
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30 Oct 2023, 14:12 #
It's still not possible to make a better Swedish film
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30 Oct 2023, 23:37 #
Comment has been deleted
31 Oct 2023, 15:07 #
how does a man's ass tear apart from one suffix, the most unemotional restrained sex:)))))
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02 Nov 2023, 22:31 #
@camrt: угу, а женщины-врачи и инженеры прямо вот дико обрадуются, если их назовут докторками и инженерками. Для того и учились. Не советую проверять.
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03 Nov 2023, 00:36 #
I'm an engineer, what's next? I like being called exclusively feminine.
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03 Nov 2023, 18:45 #
@camrt: если бы вы реально работали, то не писали бы такую ерунду.
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03 Nov 2023, 20:54 #
Ahahahahahahahahah God male logic clearly
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03 Nov 2023, 21:48 #
@camrt: для альтернативно одаренных, во-первых я женщина, и никак на этом сайте этого не скрываю. Во-вторых, объясняю смысл, на работе мы не женщины и не мужчины, а профессионалы, у которых нет времени на такую ерунду как игра в слова. Если вы в первую очередь позиционируете себя как особь женского пола, то поздравляю, никто не считает вас профессионалом.
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06 Nov 2023, 01:02 #
@ramzy: you do understand that all "neutral" terms of professions are all masculine, precisely because only men were originally allowed to work in them? But those professions where mostly women initially worked - for some reason they are feminine, and not a damn neutral - there was a female name there. What, do not professionals work in these professions, since they have a female name?)

I also don't like the sound of feminitives, but I don't like it even more when people say that in the feminine gender (with suffixes and so on) only people who are not professionals call their profession, since they have time to come up with a separate name for themselves :D
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06 Nov 2023, 01:49 #
@albinka_: и что? Мне по барабану, какого рода названия профессий, так уж сложился язык, так уж было исторически. Нормальным работающим женщинам лишние суффиксы ни к чему. А вечные обиженки и жертвы давно несуществующего угнетения достали уже коллег любого пола. И что касается придумывания новых слов, вы уж объясните мне, чем таким отличается женщина-врач, адвокат, инженер или механик, чтобы для ее деятельности нужно было отдельное название?
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06 Nov 2023, 06:34 #
@albinka_: вы не правы. Это упрощённая кем-то версия возникновения названий профессий. Изначально учителями были мужчины, но у нас есть учительницы. Сейчас врачи в основном женщины, но у нас нет врачительниц и врачилок. В языке все изменения должны происходить естественно, а не насильственно. Когда большинство будет само говорить инженерка, то в языке эта норма закрепится и попадёт в словари. Сейчас же это клоунство.
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06 Nov 2023, 23:10 #
@ramzy: no different, but helps in understanding and preventing misunderstandings. For example, here is the most banal example: they tell you 'the director is waiting for you, come through', you pass, there is a man and a woman in the office, most likely most people will think that the director is a man, and the woman is his assistant or secretary and will turn to the man first of all. It will be an awkward situation if it turns out to be the opposite.
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06 Nov 2023, 23:31 #
@albinka_: и в какой вселенной человек приходит на встречу с руководителем, не зная даже его пол? Это если еще забыть про табличку на двери с фамилией, и то, что именно секретарь обычно приглашает в кабинет директора, то есть тут вообще без путаницы. Опять же, а если в кабинете двое мужчин или двое женщин, никаких проблем не возникнет? Из двух однополых субъектов вы как-то директора опознаете? Но самое главное, никому и в голову не придет автоматически счесть руководителем именно мужчину. Не придумывайте проблему там, где ее нет. У нас скорее решат, что главный тот, кто старше.
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07 Nov 2023, 11:20 #
then everything is even sadder
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07 Nov 2023, 21:50 #
@camrt: а можно вопрос? Вы лезете со своими феминитивами везде, где не просят, а в интернете почему то свой пол забыли указать
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08 Nov 2023, 12:57 #
@ramzy: Seriously? No one will automatically think of a man as a manager? Well OK) so you have been lucky in this life and you have not encountered sexism, I am sincerely glad for you)
But I, as a girl who worked in the "male " profession (as a programmer), have seen this, especially at uni, while I was studying, especially from older men) when the teachers told us at serious meetings that we entered this profession only because there are a lot of boys here: " Half of you girls will definitely not finish studying, it's clear to everyone why you came here - to find yourself good IT husbands. Therefore, give the boys normal topics for the laboratory, they need to study, and take yourself on the residual principle, you will not work by profession anyway" :D
Well, or when I worked as a sysadmin in one office with other IT guys and managers, and someone who didn't know me came into our office and said something like: there's a problem with the server, can you take a look?, I said OK, I'll take a look", and in response to me: " yeah, but if anything, let the sysadmin take a look" :D)
It's getting much better now, which I'm glad about. Just because there are a lot of girls in IT (programmers, testers), but when I studied (more than 15 years ago) then there were only 4 girls in a group of 30 people. But still girls in IT are not taken seriously enough, and it is still considered that this profession is more for boys.
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08 Nov 2023, 13:22 #
@albinka_: Yes, they don't take any IT specialists seriously! They are considered to be service personnel such as cleaners or movers. And that any IT specialist has at least one "tower " behind him, and "yurikov " and "managers " in most cases two or three "coaching ", they do not know. And how would you?!
Well, of course, you had such an Institute... I graduated in 2008, so half of the girls were in our group, we studied for a sysadmin..
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08 Nov 2023, 16:30 #
Well, OK, you can judge the quality of the institute by the number of girls :D at the institute of noble maidens in general, everything is only girls) maybe you had to go there, he was the highest quality then :D
We didn't have an institute, but a university) You would have seen it if you had read it more carefully)
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08 Nov 2023, 16:33 #
@Gordey: Did you block me?) and we usually communicate so well with you :D
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08 Nov 2023, 16:37 #
@albinka_: So I have a University :)) Russian Academy of Education. And I went there for knowledge, not for girls, but there were enough girls!
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08 Nov 2023, 16:38 #
@Gordey: No, I've never blocked anyone and I'm not going to.
I don't understand why this function is needed at all..
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08 Nov 2023, 16:59 #
@albinka_: всё зависит от того, как вы поставите и преподнесёте себя на работе. Как профессионал или как просто занимающая стул. И пол здесь не играет роли. Думаю, что с годами вы и сами это поняли. Была у нас программист_ка, которая ни в зуб ногой была. И технолог_иня, которая училась шесть!!! шесть лет, а вообще ничего не знала и постоянно бегала за консультациями. И это очень сильно раздражает вне зависимости от пола. И была у нас специалист по кадрам, совсем молоденькая, но всё знала. Очень профессионально давала советы по работе с кадрами. И почему женщины, как правило, менее профессиональны я не знаю. Может по той причине, что большинство приходит не учиться, как вам и сказали в институте?
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08 Nov 2023, 17:13 #
@Kookabara: Here someone writes "Professionalism does not depend on gender"
and you write "Women are usually less professional"

Everyone has their own observations. I've often seen the guys who are the guys) But in general, yes, it all depends on the person, not on gender, well, also on the position and company. Apparently it was in your environment and in your environment that it happened. The fact that the girls around you were not pros - I sympathize, perhaps they were hired just on the basis of external data and soft skills, and not a prof.qualities, which is also kind of not OK, but who knows.

It's clear that the attitude will depend on how you put yourself and present yourself, but I wrote about stereotypes and people's ideas when I didn't have time to put myself in any way, for example. I understand that it is difficult to perceive this, being a guy, but it rather works in such a way that if a person is a pretty girl, she most often needs to prove to everyone that she is a pro, and if a person is a kind of serious-looking guy, he needs to try harder so that everyone finally notices how much he is fuck off :D
I interviewed, hired and fired both guys and girls, and I will honestly say that girls took it more steadfastly, like "ok, thanks for the valuable comments and for the cooperation ", and in the guys' reaction there were tantrums, and even aggression and demands to talk to the director or higher management, because I'm just the head of the department and I don't fumble for the whole life of the company, and the director should know what valuable personnel the company will lose if I fire him / don't hire him :D

In general, this discussion has gone too far from the original article here.
But by the way, Lisbeth in the book/movie is also a female programmer, so it's funny :D
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08 Nov 2023, 17:31 #
@albinka_: oh, you know, I can write about such men that many will simply howl. And there are enough non-professionals among them, too. It's just that we fire them faster. 😂 The
conversation was about women. And they took them because of the presence of a diploma, not external data. And we had, and still have, a technologist who would put any man behind his belt. Both young and beautiful. And he knows how to answer in case of anything.
By the way, about harrasment, I will tell you that women are no less engaged in it than men. And some even blackmail sex quite frankly.
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08 Nov 2023, 20:12 #
@albinka_: вы уж определитесь, что для вас важнее, называться программисткой или быть хорошим специалистом, к которому серьезно относятся люди обоих полов. Похоже, что первое, и это точно не проблемы общества. Люди все разные, кто-то выбирает специалиста по половому признаку, кто-то по возрасту, кто-то по внешним данным. Это как в той поговорке, что встречают по одежке. Вы считаете, что если кому-то по работе комфортнее общаться с мужчиной, то это сексизм, но я так поняла, если предпочесть женщину, то уже никакого сексизма нет? И в чем разница? Что касается меня, чего мне только не говорили, просто мне все равно. Мне не нужно ничего никому доказывать. Я многому научилась у коллег мужчин, кто-то из них как специалист лучше меня, и тут не обижаться нужно, а развиваться. Что касается руководителей, у нас это женщина, ее первый зам мужчина, и вот никто ни разу их не перепутал. А вы кстати не ответили, как будете разбираться между двумя однополыми кандидатами в директора. Или вы считаете, что если директора перепутать с коллегой его пола, будет не так обидно?))) Меня вот один раз с моей медсестрой перепутали, потому что она старше. Мне стоило обидеться? Правда, эйджизм тут не приплетешь, вообще никакую дискриминацию, так что вам не интересно
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08 Nov 2023, 23:23 #
@ramzy: I didn't understand, but why can't I be called a programmer and be a good specialist? Are these mutually exclusive components for you? The suffix will cut off all my skills and I will be immediately sent to the margins of the profession?)
And what does it have to do with it "it is more comfortable to communicate "? in general, it is more comfortable for me to communicate with men and my best friend is also male, I have always been in men's companies since childhood: I drove a bike, jumped from garages into snowdrifts, played computer games and collected legos. I have never attacked men in my messages and I talk calmly with the guys in this thread, but for some reason we can't get along with you.
I can honestly say that because of certain stereotypes in society, I myself used to suffer from misogyny and even experiencing superiority over stupid girls, because I could hang out with boys on equal terms, fumbled in math and computers and was not interested in girly bullshit.34;. But as I got older, I realized that these are all stereotypes, and women often abuse other women themselves, like you are now, for example. Therefore, I stopped behaving disdainfully towards women and made myself wonderful friends who are just the smartest people and professionals in their professions.
I just don't understand why it hurts you so much if a woman calls herself not a programmer, but a programmer.

If I find myself in a situation where there are two people in the office, and I do not know which of them is the director (no matter what gender), I will just clarify to whom I can address my question. Because I always prefer to ask a clarifying question first, if I don't know something, and then draw conclusions.
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09 Nov 2023, 01:35 #
@albinka_: ну вот точно также вы и у разнополых персон спросите, кто из них директор.
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09 Nov 2023, 04:09 #
@ramzy: I wrote it about myself anyway, so I'll ask. I gave you this example initially and not about myself. I was talking about situations that happen, not all people ask, but immediately draw conclusions. Your example about a nurse is proof of that.
Well, your own reactions and conclusions are also proof. For some reason, you have decided everything for me here: you can't bring discrimination here, so you are not interested in thinking for others what they are interested in and what is not - this is not much different from making conclusions about who is in what position without clarification, or who is a pro and who is not.
And I did not say at all that one should be offended if a person is confused with another. For some reason, you turned my words in the other direction altogether.

I was just saying that if a woman likes her profession to have a feminine equivalent word, and if she wants to be called that, what's so terrible about it. At the same time, I even mentioned that I don't really like the sound of it myself, and I don't require you to call me that.
For example, I'm still doing photography, but I don't call myself a photographer, because it doesn't sound very good to my ear, but if someone writes this in their profile, I won't yell that it's terrible, and that's why this girl is a bad photographer. But there is another example - I'm still drawing, and there is an established term (I don't know, maybe it also seems meaningless and discordant to you) - an artist - that's how I can call myself, it's a familiar term, generally accepted, it doesn't trigger the ear of anyone, because it's been used for decades. And as for me, artists are no worse than artists. In short, these are your personal paddocks, since you associate the word with professionalism, and put some restrictions on others in terminology. I still understand if absolutely all professions were called in the masculine gender, and then suddenly, for no reason, they decided to redo the language, but a bunch of words have a variation for both sexes. As far as I understand, you are just annoyed by those that are more "modern".
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09 Nov 2023, 07:31 #
@albinka_: язык обычно меняется гармонично, например ять убрали, когда она устарела. А эти суффиксы появляются искусственно и нагло навязываются без какой-либо в них необходимости и с нарушением правил русского языка. И да, если кто-то хочет называться режиссеркой, сразу понятно, какого рода кино она снимает. Если для кого-то феминитив признак равноправия, то для окружающих это признак глупости. А глупый человек обычно глуп во всем.
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09 Nov 2023, 11:04 #
@ramzy: OK, I get you. It is your right to consider other people stupid based not on facts and results of work, but using your personal preferences as a criterion. Well, the fact that you consider yourself smarter than everyone else, you think that's already understood everything, I think)
And when "yat" was cleaned, a lot of people also yelled that without "yat " only plebeians and illiterate write, and "real smart people " will remain true to the canons. The fact that you give an example of a harmonious change of spelling reform - in fact, a law issued by the state (which was opposed by a lot of people, and which was not adopted immediately because of this), and not an independent transformation of the language - also says a lot about your thinking and how that you didn't even bother to check how these "changes" were initially met by the people.
I think further argument is pointless, good luck to you)

Here are some quotes from letters, articles and books of people of that time, so that you do not make unsubstantiated statements without conducting fact-checking:
/// In a letter from Grand Duchess Olga Nikolaevna dated October 17, 1917, there are these words: "How do you like the new spelling? In my opinion, it is surprisingly ugly and stupid"
Article "On the question of old and new orthography" by Archbishop Averky (Taushev): "The letter was given to us by our St. The Orthodox Church, and therefore it is unacceptable, in addition to the Church, to solve spelling issues, arbitrarily recognizing certain letters of our alphabet as "obsolete and "unnecessary"
, Ivan Ilyin called the new spelling "crooked": "This is a clear example of when "simpler" and "easier" means worse, rougher, more primitive, undeveloped, meaningless, or, simply, – blind barbarism. It is much easier to moo a cow than to write Pushkin's poems or to pronounce Cicero's speeches; should we not announce the Russian stacks with a cow's moo?"
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09 Nov 2023, 14:09 #
@albinka_: переворачиваете здесь как раз вы. Поучаете всех тоже вы. Я называла любовь к лишним суффиксам признаком глупости, но ни разу не утверждала, что обратное это признак ума и профессионализма, как собственно и пол человека. Что касается первого утверждения, доказательства на каждом шагу. Глупые статейки на Кинопоиске, в которых нет смысла и даже знания фильма или сериала, о котором речь, просто пестрят авторками, режиссерками и прочим. Не я одна задаюсь вопросом, по каким критериям настолько серьезный ресурс набирает персонал, если они только про лишние суффиксы не забывают. Недавно попалась мне авторка(видимо быть писательницей для нее недостаточно продвинуто) оригинальнейшего (привет Сапковскому)фэнтези про ведьмачку. И вот что не так со словом ведьма непонятно. Суффиксов нет? Зато, где они есть, всегда бред. И я не просто так засомневалась, что дамочка, называющая себя инженеркой хоть где-то работает. Видела я инженеров любого пола и возраста, им не до суффиксов
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09 Nov 2023, 15:54 #
@albinka_: You are wrong about the reform. It was forced, since most people no longer used ep and yat in the letter. Reform 17-18 was aimed precisely at simplifying the rules of spelling. It's like the letter E right now. Increasingly, it is no longer used.
And with feminitives, there is just a complication.

"...Thanks to a useful letter, a solid sign!
But it is only now that he has become so quiet, modest and virtuous.
The time has not gone far when not only schoolchildren who were learning to read and write, but all our people literally suffered under the yoke of this letter–robber, the letter-idler and slacker, the letter-parasite.
Then the best linguists wrote about the firm sign with anger and indignation. At that time, passionate defensive speeches were dedicated to him by all those who wished the people darkness, ignorance and oppression. <...>
Already in 1918, the parasite letter experienced what its parasite owners, idlers and robbers of all stripes also experienced: a decisive war was declared against it. Do not think that this war was simple and easy. The people of the old world seized on the meaningless squiggle "b" as their banner. <...>
...Wherever the white army still held out, where generals, manufacturers, bankers and landowners clung to power, the old "ep" acted as their loyal ally. He advanced with Kolchak, retreated with Yudenich, fled with Denikin, and finally, together with Baron Wrangel, disappeared forever into the irrevocable past. So for several long years, this letter played the role of a separator not only inside the word, but also in the gigantic spaces of our country, it divided life and death, light and darkness, the past and the future...".
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09 Nov 2023, 16:23 #
@Kookabara: did I say that the reform was introduced in vain, I just wrote that many were also against this reform and scolded her because they considered it obscurantism to change the language. In contrast to the fact that my opponent (the opponent, if it's more pleasant for her) said that everything went by itself organically and smoothly.
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09 Nov 2023, 16:30 #
@ramzy: I'm sorry, but I got confused in your theses. I didn't say about the love of suffixes, I wrote in plain text that I don't like how it sounds, just like you, but I don't yell at people at every corner that they don't have the right to use them, unlike you, because everyone has the right to call themselves what they want.
I didn't call myself an engineer in any message - where did you get this from at all? Did you come up with something yourself again? Or did you already write about me, but about the girl above, but for some reason addressed the message to me, and finally wove the arguments about the authors, engineers and witchers into one confusing illogical tangle?
Well, according to your logic, I could show you the same thing: "is it possible to assume that "ladies ", who has time to show everyone for suffixes and write more than 4000 comments on myshous - there is a normal job?" Based on your words, we can conclude that you are a doctor? "I've seen doctors of any gender and age, they don't have time for such disputes."

In general, you are not saying very logical things and I can subject all these statements of yours to critical analysis, for one simple reason - you present everything you write as infallible truth and speak for everyone around you, and also write not only your own opinion", and allegedly facts that are very easily counter-documented..
But in any case, I have already finished the argument with you, thank you for the fascinating conversation and good luck in business.
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09 Nov 2023, 16:36 #
@albinka_: Я вам привёл цитату, кто был против реформы. Но на самом деле она назревала очень давно и по факту прошла быстро. Если сейчас отменить Ё, то тоже будет сильная дискуссия, а по факту её всё меньше и меньше используют. А вслед за ней и многие слова упростятся по-видимому. С феминитивами не всё так просто. Они усложняют слова, усложняют написание, могут придавать словам другой смысл.
Кстати, тоже самое и с жи щи и чу щу. Происходит постепенное упрощение.
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09 Nov 2023, 16:45 #
@Kookabara: Okay, even if it's a language complication, what's the problem? Anglicisms are also a complication of the language, the language is constantly becoming more complicated, then simplified, but for each person, the use of these words is purely individual, he may or may not use neologisms. Idiocy is precisely in forbidding other people to use words that, unlike the ones that forbid them, do not seem so complicated to them. Vaughn, someone could not learn in any way that "coffee" masculine - well, dc has been simplified, now you can use it in the middle kind. So that those who found it difficult would not feel inferior.
I don't encourage everyone to use feminitives. I just wonder why they are so triggering some and they are bursting to ban them? It's just that no opponent of feminitives has yet been able to adequately explain to me what is so terrible about them? Why is no one confused by cleaners, teachers, athletes, poetesses, guides, waitresses, dancers, acrobats, etc., but in other professions that simply do not have a similar female name yet, it's immediately " fucked up what a horror", "why-why" and " it also means that she's a fool, not a professional, since that's what she's called." Or is the reason only in the dissonant suffix?
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09 Nov 2023, 16:52 #
@albinka_: вполне возможно. Мы же не говорим актёрка, а говорим актриса.
Просто в языке так сложилось и стало правилом. Я же писал выше, что пока не сложилось в языке, будет выглядеть неправильно и нелепо.
Вот кстати в тему насчёт слова "пидарас". Некоторые геи прямо требуют себя так называть. Якобы происходит реклейминг слова и разрушение негативной семантики. А по факту это не работает, выглядит смешно и уничижительно.
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09 Nov 2023, 17:02 #
@Kookabara: well, yes, but it's just not suitable for many words to substitute "-nice" or "-essa" For example, the same words "engineer " or "author ". The authoress? Autoress? The authoress? the suffix -ka is simply accepted as universal.
And no, no matter what @ramzy writes above, the author is not always equal to the writer, because the author is a broad term, and it is not always only about books.

In short, my opinion is: who does not like how it sounds, can not use it, I do not like it - I do not use it. But when they start yelling about the fact that this is all a sign of idiocy, stupidity and unprofessionalism - then it becomes interesting to me to discuss whether a person has reason to think so.
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09 Nov 2023, 17:13 #
@albinka_: Есть ещё фактор допустимости в языке. Если про авторка и режиссёрка лингвист скажет, что это допустимо, то про инженерка точно скажет нет. Почему я не знаю.

Вот интересная статья на эту тему
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09 Nov 2023, 18:17 #
@Kookaburra: thank you, the article is really interesting, this piece about "belonging to womanhood is a position of weakness " especially seemed funny. In fact, many women also try to separate themselves from "womanhood", so as not to appear "worse" or weaker. And the article also cites the fact that the poetesses did not like being called that, and wanted to be called the proud poet. I think it's all one kind of problem.
Well, the girl with whom I argued held the same opinion - if a person calls his profession feminine, then this is definitely not a professional. Perhaps it's not specifically about feminitives, but in relation to "femininity, which for some reason is perceived as something pejorative. Well, as I wrote above, I myself was brought up in such an environment: I despised femininity, always wanted to be my boy, asked my friends to call me friend too, because I'm with you on Equals, I'm not some kind of girlfriend, I'm your bro. And now that I'm already very decently grown up, it all seems very interesting to me, this phenomenon is interesting.
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09 Nov 2023, 18:23 #
By the way, in the comments to the article there is a link to an interesting book written by linguist Irina Fufaeva "What women are called. Feminitives: History, Device, competition"
and quotes from it:
"When do you think the word leader appeared in the Russian language? With the advent of a new era? Or maybe it was in 1970? Well, or in 1870... Not at all. This feminitive is present in the text of 1670. However, it does not refer to a real woman: "The Most Holy Theotokos is the leader and assistant."

"The dictionary of the Russian language of the XVIII century offers as an interpretation of the ambasadritsa/Issa not only "the ambassador's wife", but also a woman ambassador"!

"Finally, at the beginning of the twentieth century, a wrestler arose, but already as the name of a profession, also, in general, a new one - although the word wrestler itself, of course, is old. The Russian audience was madly carried away at this time by circus wrestling, and not only athletes and strongmen, but also athletes and strongmen began to enter the arena. "Many wrestlers have already received prizes for wrestling in Moscow, Odessa, Sevastopol, Finland and abroad" ("Petersburg leaflet”. 23.05.1907)

Well, as I understand it, a lot of feminitives ceased to be used in Soviet times, when all women also became comrades.)
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09 Nov 2023, 18:33 #
More euphonious words and suffixes can be selected just with linguists, and not just with activists. And the abundance of women in different professions still cannot but bring these terms into the language. And speaking and writing "the author " is still much easier than "the female author ". Therefore, this is a kind of simplification.

And yes, sometimes, no matter what they say about professionalism, it is impossible not to indicate the gender of a person, and it does not always work well here just to substitute a first name, surname or verb - because it is also not always euphonious.
Imagine my story: "Oh, yes, surgeon Gevorgyan - she's really super-cool, she's a very competent doctor - performed a top-level operation on me. And while I was waiting in the reception area, a young receptionist brought tea - we need to work harder to correlate all adjectives and verbs by gender.
Or such a phrase as it sounds: " Your terrible incompetent manager, who for some reason cannot do her job properly" - well, damn, the inconsistency of childbirth also hits hard on the ear, that's even better sounds: "Your terrible incompetent manager, who does not work well, because he holds a feminitive position" :D
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09 Nov 2023, 18:52 #
@albinka_: I wanted to write about the supervisor. The leader, the patroness, the mentor are very old words.
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09 Nov 2023, 20:27 #
@albinka_: во-первых, если вы со мной закончили, то и отвечать мне не нужно, во-вторых, я тоже имею полное право писать все, что хочу. Что касается любительниц лишних суффиксов, называть они себя могут так, как угодно, вне работы. Потому что правильное название занимаемой должности часть трудового договора, который мы все подписываем. И проблема с ними в том, что они как раз нагло и везде эти феминитивы навязывают. Думать о моем профессионализме вы тоже можете все, что угодно, по той простой причине, что вы не моя пациентка, и судите вы здесь обо мне по моей жизненной позиции, которую вы не одобряете. Но если будете выбирать врача, надеюсь, не пойдете к той, что зовет себя докторкой). Хотя, я таких в реальной жизни не встречала, их не бывает, без медицинской помощи останетесь. И не нужно про то, что вы не сторонница суффиксов. Вы слишком яро поддерживаете здесь право их навязывать
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09 Nov 2023, 20:34 #
you have a steel endurance, I admire you ❤️
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31 Oct 2023, 19:20 #
The girl there is not easy, maybe they will not spoil the series..
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02 Nov 2023, 22:33 #
@Gordey: испортят, для того и переснимают
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