
Merlin (1998)

Show Merlin (1998)

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Original run: 26.04.1998 — 26.04.1998
Country of origin: UK
Genre: Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Romance/Dating
Network: Channel 4
Watched by: 2 052 911 408
Total running time: 3 hours
Episode duration: 60 min.
Episodes count: 3
IMDB rating: 7.1 of 10 23 058 rating: 7.722 of 10 6 921


The legend of King Arthur, this time, from the perspective of the King's Wizard, Merlin. Merlin is a creature born of pagan magic, living in a world converting to Christianity. Merlin is beside Arthur as he gains Excalibur, builds Camelot and is betrayed by his wife, Guinevere. Merlin and Arthur are both menaced by the plots of Morgan Le Fey, her son by Arthur, Mordred, and their cohorts. Through it all, Merlin tries to keep Arthur from the destructive path set by fate.

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Best comments 3

who liked?
10 Feb 2021, 23:57 #
Martin Short and Helena Bonham Carter are gorgeous, the images are just wow 💖
who liked?
17 Feb 2018, 22:26 #
When I watched this film adaptation as a child, everything was so impressive, exciting and even fabulous.I believed every word, every action and deed.Years later, I decided to revise "Merlin" and the former impression was completely spoiled.And it's not about the special effects of that time or the actors, no.The whole problem is not in a twisted story, as it usually happens, but in an unusually stupid plot and that senseless action that the characters themselves commit.Their constant behavior is recklessness, stupidity and stupidity.May the fans of this film adaptation forgive me!
The actors played their characters very well (in general, I adore English actors.They have a certain unusual charm, unique charm and elegance).Even if it's overplayed somewhere, it's not their fault.
And so, this is a different interpretation of the familiar, old and good story, let it remain better in the past.Unfortunately, it has no place in the future or present.
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13 Mar 2015, 22:44 #
Guys, listen, well, this is childhood. I can't say anything bad here.hd
Yes, maybe a little boring, not as colorful as they are doing now. But this is practically a classic.

0 stars, I don't like him, but I "respect" him.hd