Julia Davis heads an impressive cast in Nighty Night, a dark comedy/drama series which she also wrote. The series could be described as a West Country version of Fatal Attraction. It centres on Jill, a woman with an obsession, who is the co-owner of a suburban beauty salon. She has other things on her mind, though, namely the handsome doctor who lives in the house opposite with his wife, a wheelchair user. Jill claims her hospitalised husband is dying of a terminal illness and so descends on the life of the unfortunate couple and refuses to leave. The series won a Banff Award and Davis won a Royal Television Society Award for her performance and got a highly positive reception from TV critics.
Это примерно как "План 9 из дальнего космоса", только снятый в жанре комедии. Грех смеяться над тупорылыми, но тут удержаться невозможно. Эта баба - просто какая-то обезьяна с пишущей машинкой!
Вот как может чувиха в свои в 40 лет выглядеть, как Дейвид Боуи сейчас в гробу? Чувак - беги к хуям, оно того не стоит!