

Show Extra

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Original run: 05.09.1994 — ...
Country of origin: US
Network: Syndicated
Watched by: 86 866 669
Total running time: 24 days 1 hour
Episode duration: 30 min.
Episodes count: 1147
IMDB rating: 3.2 of 10 960 rating: 6.315 of 10 354


Extra (originally titled Extra: The Entertainment Magazine from 1994 to 1996) is an American syndicated television newsmagazine that is distributed by Warner Bros. Television Distribution and premiered on September 5, 1994. The program serves as a straight rundown of news headlines and gossip throughout the entertainment industry, providing coverage of events and celebrities; however, since 2013, it has also placed an even greater emphasis on interviews and insider previews of upcoming film and television projects.

As of 2014, the program's weekday broadcasts are currently anchored by Mario Lopez, Tracey Edmonds and Charissa Thompson; its weekend editions are co-anchored by Lopez and Renee Bargh, who also serves as a correspondent for the weekday editions.

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