Lloyd in Space follows the growing pains of Lloyd, an average teenage alien youth, along with his three friends as they encounter all sorts of horrifying things like girls, low allowances and the occasional punishment.
Original run: | 03.02.2001 — 01.02.2004 |
Country of origin: | US |
Genre: | Animation General |
Network: | ABC |
Watched by: | 42 883 982 |
Total running time: | 20 hours |
Episode duration: | 30 min. |
Episodes count: | 40 |
IMDB rating: | 6.6 of 10 1 590 | rating: | 6.589 of 10 170 |
Lloyd in Space follows the growing pains of Lloyd, an average teenage alien youth, along with his three friends as they encounter all sorts of horrifying things like girls, low allowances and the occasional punishment.