A supernatural soap opera, Passions follows the lives of several families that have lived in fictional town of Harmony, Massachusetts for several generations. Also living in Harmony is their resident Witch, Tabitha Lenonx.
Original run: | 05.07.1999 — 07.08.2008 |
Country of origin: | US |
Genre: | Drama, Romance/Dating, Supernatural |
Network: | AUDIENCE Network |
Watched by: | 85 883 982 |
Total running time: | 2 months 21 days 6 hours |
Episode duration: | 39 min. |
Episodes count: | 2998 |
IMDB rating: | 5.9 of 10 5 192 | rating: | 7.306 of 10 541 |
A supernatural soap opera, Passions follows the lives of several families that have lived in fictional town of Harmony, Massachusetts for several generations. Also living in Harmony is their resident Witch, Tabitha Lenonx.