Drama series based on the novel by Len Deighton. It is 1941, and the Germans have won the Battle of Britain. Detective Douglas Archer finds himself working under the brutal SS in occupied London.
Original run: | 19.02.2017 — 19.03.2017 |
Country of origin: | UK |
Genre: | Drama, Military/War, Spy/Espionage |
Network: | BBC One |
Watched by: | 984 884 366 |
Total running time: | 4 hours 55 minutes |
Episode duration: | 59 min. |
Episodes count: | 5 |
IMDB rating: | 6.6 of 10 3 695 | rating: | 6.371 of 10 757 |
Drama series based on the novel by Len Deighton. It is 1941, and the Germans have won the Battle of Britain. Detective Douglas Archer finds himself working under the brutal SS in occupied London.
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