High Stakes Poker is the premier cash game in the history of television. The world's top amateur poker and professional poker players risk hundreds of thousands from their own pockets.
Original run: | 16.01.2006 — 21.05.2011 |
Country of origin: | US |
Genre: | Tech/Gaming |
Network: | Game Show Network |
Watched by: | 74 897 151 |
Total running time: | 5 days 9 hours 43 minutes |
Episode duration: | 43 min. |
Episodes count: | 181 |
IMDB rating: | 8.9 of 10 1 258 |
High Stakes Poker is the premier cash game in the history of television. The world's top amateur poker and professional poker players risk hundreds of thousands from their own pockets.
Спасибо хоть Гейб Каплан и Том Дван были из "старичков", без них совсем тоскливо было бы.
p.s. Видимо, настало время пересмотреть старые сезоны