As Shmelev trusted him to this woodpecker, he is sick in the head, when they were writing in the bridge, I thought they would smash him in general, though it's so surprising that his boss did not deduct the bridge repair as well. - Maybe we'll leave, you never know who's lying around and lying around, well, he's stupid.
Something too often in domestic comedy series began to show such irresponsible dolts who are trying to pull off some stupid scams, and then other people suffer because of this. And they're like water off a goose. I wonder how Shmelev didn't bury this besyachy idiot right in the cell, when he also asked for money back.
Lidok is a typical Russian woman (unfortunately). For the sake of having at least some man in the house, I am ready to endure all his idiotic antics, plow for two, humiliate myself in front of my husband. If only not "lonely", if only "like everyone else".
- Maybe we'll leave, you never know who's lying around and lying around, well, he's stupid.
I wonder how Shmelev didn't bury this besyachy idiot right in the cell, when he also asked for money back.