The series was renewed for seasons 5 and 6 at once. 👏
12 May 2022, 03:21 #
@_Burn_: ого
11 May 2022, 16:01 # Show original
Oh, poor OA…
11 May 2022, 19:17 # Show original
@id264460076: A top person, always shows himself worthily
11 May 2022, 20:59 # Show original
11 May 2022, 19:25 # Show original
AO is not the same without Maggie 😔 And I'm sad that he's having a hard time again..
12 May 2022, 03:12 # Show original
something they overdid into paranoia) but it's cool that they still believed him) and it's a pity that there is no more chemistry like with Maggie (or Nina has not yet been revealed as it should be
12 May 2022, 07:09 # Show original
Well, Nina shouldn't have the same chemistry as Maggie. They've known each other for a week
13 May 2022, 01:18 # Show original
I actually thought Nina should be chipping away at chemistry, but since she's Oa's partner, who knows what will happen...
And yes, it's too early for her to recklessly trust intuition and chuika Oa, she hasn't worked with him much, and she doesn't know him as a person.
20 May 2022, 10:49 # Show original
What's Maggie all about? Won't come back anymore?(
20 May 2022, 21:58 # Show original
@Simferia: He'll be back.
16 Mar 21:55 # Show original
I don't like this blonde. She looks like my colleague))) She doesn't believe her words either, she's such an excellent student, she knows everything. Everything needs to be proved with papers))
And I'm sad that he's having a hard time again..
and it's a pity that there is no more chemistry like with Maggie (or Nina has not yet been revealed as it should be
And yes, it's too early for her to recklessly trust intuition and chuika Oa, she hasn't worked with him much, and she doesn't know him as a person.