
s01e12 — I'll Be Seeing You

The Nevers — s01e12 — I'll Be Seeing You

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Duration: 62 min.
Watched by: 1 96916.87%
1 season
s01e04 - Undertaking
s01e05 - Hanged
s01e06 - True
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Discussion of the 12 episode of the 1 season
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19 Feb 2023, 12:44 # Show original
Damn, I hate this desire of screenwriters to kill a character who has fulfilled his scripted purpose (((
19 Feb 2023, 19:19 # Show original
A cruel and meaningless ending. It seems that this Galanti gave me hope. And it doesn't seem to be there.
23 Feb 2023, 03:37 # Show original
Auggie was a little scary.
And yes, it became clear why 6 episodes were released. The first part of the series is really fire. The second one is not so unexpected anymore
28 Mar 2023, 14:45 # Show original
@Amelenka: in the second part, I just liked the Frankenstein dog)

Auggie is a character who made it unclear which way to turn the sofa. Now a good fellow, now a psycho, from a quiet man turned into a quiet maniac. Thank you for not smiling nastily at the end.

23 Feb 2023, 19:31 # Show original
Hugo Swan 😭💔
05 Mar 2023, 18:59 # Show original
Penance, in fact, is right: the Galanti captured humanity, a part of it, and doomed it to a rather lousy fate, little different in this sense from Lord Mason, who locked his daughter in the basement. A lot of people died just because they had the gift. A lot of people died in the battle to... what? Stripe understood why Galanti sacrificed himself?
Charmer Primrose died literally for nothing. Hugo died because DRAMA is needed (the devil knows how they could kill him with a gun in this arrangement) Myrtle left and apparently got a new gift. Penance threw herself at the psychopath's neck.

The hatred of the gifted has not disappeared anywhere, moreover, at some point it will flare up with renewed vigor. And then what?

(and then it would be good to bring Whedon back and finish another season or two)
06 Mar 2023, 02:52 # Show original
@hinarien: Galanti didn't take over the world. Its appearance in the Victorian era is not at all clear and has not been explained. Either by chance, or a creature appeared here to give birth. And all these gifts of Galanti are also not clear and not explained in any way. Either out of the kindness of Dadena's heart, or for some purpose. The series turned out to be chaotic and incomprehensible. And the idea is based on contrasting the otherness of a group of people and everyone else. You can figure out the rest yourself.
06 Mar 2023, 18:49 # Show original
@Kookabara: Galanti put a piece of himself in people. Some of the gifts received as a result could be hidden, but some, like levitation / growth / demonic appearance, could not, and these people in the Victorian era were doomed to at least be outcasts, and at most (and more likely) to death.
And these people did not consent to this, they were not even asked. In fact, their lives were taken away from them and forced to survive. With no hope of ever becoming ordinary. Without hope of understanding Galanti's plan (if there was one in principle).
For such behavior in the trans-Ukrainian West, they are now apologizing and kneeling.
It is completely unclear why the Victorian era was needed, except for the entourage. If you put all these people in our time, well, the masses would be mad, but no one would kill anyone.
The only plausible option is that even then it was necessary to deal with this thing that was climbing out of the wires.
But we may not find out about it.
06 Mar 2023, 18:52 # Show original
@hinarien: He didn't put a piece of himself in them. He showed, bulged out, strengthened some of their hidden properties in people. Or he gave a gift that someone dreamed of. This was explicitly stated in the first part.
09 May 2023, 20:59 # Show original
@hinarien: Um, but the gifts were originally given to those who subconsciously needed them or were suitable for them. We were also shown the stories of some gifted people. Malady was bullied by her husband and she got incredible strength so that she could defend herself. Bidlow loved birds and he got to control them. The girl from the basement, she became a demon, as I understand it, because her father had bullied and kept her locked up before.
I still think Galanti wanted to help, he gave gifts to those who needed help. And the fact that people started killing each other is not his fault, but the people's. That's how a person is made to hate everyone who doesn't look like them. The eternal desire to destroy out of envy, disagreement, etc.
10 May 2023, 01:53 # Show original
@Dori_Grey: Malady got more than just strength - she got the opportunity to transform pain into strength.
In general, there are both gifted with understandable, logical and "decent" gifts, and generally strange ones. It's just that relatively harmless and "useful" people lived up to the shelter.
The girl from the basement was not tortured by her father. She was the lord's beloved and only daughter from his dead wife, in the first (chronologically) shots she runs out of the house with a smile, and her father smiles back at her. Why would she turn into a monster?
For example, why would a Hindu girl have the gift of turning anything into ice? Why would the lord's daughter, not shown, but mentioned, soar above the ground, enough to be noticed, but not enough to fly far? Why would a doctor's son dream about his father?
It's either very poorly scripted, or Galanti is really not a very positive character.
However, both are possible at the same time.
10 May 2023, 01:59 # Show original
@hinarien: If the series had been given time, for sure we would have been shown everything. With my daughter, apparently I misunderstood some words, I apologize. It still seems to me that everyone has the ability they need. Dreams, for example, because the child could feel discord in relation to his parents, and subconsciously wanted to understand the reason. You can come up with many versions. It's a pity that the series was closed so quickly
07 Aug 2023, 17:14 # Show original
@Dori_Grey: >>> if the series had been given time
Then they would have screwed up even more of everything, and then they would have closed it off in mid-sentence.
26 Mar 2023, 22:27 # Show original
What was that all about?
How could they even finish the series if there are more questions than answers. Or did I misunderstand something?

The stilted speeches of Malady, who became a housewife and then went nuts again?

Myrtle went to answer the phone? What did she hear there?

Hugo Swan... How was he shot in the first place?

Auggie is still a maniac and will Penance suffer from him?

Tru is alive
Will the doctor continue to cheat on his wife with her
And will Penance continue to work with her after different views on Galanti and his gifts?
And yes - if the doctor's son dreams of folders, then he knows that dad is cheating and can tell mom

Did the demonic daughter look like a demon again?

What was the whole point of Galanti, a journey from the future to the beautiful Victorian era???

Oh, my poor brain...
also cried in the last episode
Thanks a lot...
11 Apr 2023, 03:32 # Show original
The wife knows that her husband cheated
07 Jun 2023, 19:01 # Show original
@LuckyThirteen: Myrtle answered the phone and "Mom" moved into her (watch the scene after the credits where she walks down a dark street, and the lanterns light up on her way, and she sings a creepy song with the same "phone" sound as something from the phone said)
15 Nov 2023, 18:37 #
Не смотрела после титров, хорошо что не закрыв сериал зашла почитать комментарии
13 Jan 01:08 #
Вы скомпоновали мои мысли воедино, спасибо. Наревелась в этой серии знатно, но непонятно во имя чего 😂
27 Mar 2023, 15:26 #
плохо. очень плохо. угробили такой 1 сезон..мда
27 Mar 2023, 22:52 #
Большую девочку-то за что? Даже не воскресили...
28 Mar 2023, 03:54 #
Такой конец выдали что продолжения просто и не хочется, даже несмотря на то что сериал отменили. Еле досмотрела. Моя скаченная версия была с жутким звуком и с рекламой. НВО просто поиздевалось над зрителями :((
10 Apr 2023, 02:58 #
Жаль, что мы уже не узнаем, какая задумка была у Уидона. Размах был шикарный, и его потенциал показали первые 6 серий. А во второй части сезона просто скомкали сюжет, запутали, но уже не в хорошем смысле слова и в итоге просто невнятно закончили сериал.
11 Apr 2023, 04:55 #
Так обрадовалась, когда увидела вторую часть сезона и такое непонятное ощущение от финала, как будто ты съел безвкусную еду, вроде сыт, но удовольствия никакого. Первая часть была потрясающей, смена режиссера загубила весь сериал.
12 Apr 2023, 12:31 #
Абсолютно бездарно слитый сериал, первая часть просто супер интересная, красивая, яркая, вторая часть тупо фоном: ни идеи интересной, ничего.
Потенциал был огромный, слито все и получен просто пшик- очень разочарована.
15 Apr 2023, 16:40 #
Какой-то непонятный скомканный конец. Сама идея у сериала была интересна - переплетение научной фантастики и викторианской эпохи. Но вот исполнение и, в особенности, концовка... Запутанные линии, бессмысленные смерти, и непонятная суть картины. Ради чего это все происходило?
Герои, в особенности мужчины, ни рыба ни мясо. Нет абсолютно нормального человека. Может только полицейский...Мотивация людей тоже не ясна.
В общем, потенциал был, но по факту одно разочарование получилось.
18 Apr 2023, 01:06 #
Comment has been deleted
25 May 2023, 13:25 #
эх уидон.. зря столько непоняток на будущие сезоны закинул. ушла эпоха когда сериалы за такое любили. чтож это было прикольно, может однажды кто-то вернётся к вселенной.
14 Jun 2023, 02:05 #
Неубиваемая Амалия Тру 🤍
Эта женщина умирала и воскресала столько раз, сколько я уже не могу посчитать)) но я не жалуюсь, хороший персонаж, местами хотелось больше ее. Они с Пенанс держали весь сериал
07 Jul 2023, 19:28 #
Сумбурно всё получилось. Пришлось просто досмотреть, чтобы закрыть для себя этот сериал.
07 Jul 2023, 22:05 #
Жаль, конечно, что не будет продолжения. Хотелось бы получить четкие ответы на все вопросы - что это за фигня в проводах живет и вселяется во всех, что ей надо. Кто эти Галанти, зачем они с людьми взаимодействуют. Финал вообще непонятен, когда дитеныш погиб, но вдруг опять появились у всех дары, да ещё и куча новых «спор/семян». Ну и т.д. Хотелось бы ясности. Но увы...
23 Jul 2023, 19:11 #
Когда смотрела сцены с новым рассеиванием семян/спор, вдруг промелькнула мысль: где-то я уже это видела. И вспомнила финал сериала Родина: Форт Салем. Тут правда не так глобально получилось, но схожие вайбы всё же словила 😅
29 Jul 2023, 11:20 #
Досмотрел только из-за персонажей, атмосферы и актерской игры. Насколько классные были первые шесть серий, настолько же заунывная и бессмысленная вторая часть в плане сюжета.
09 Aug 2023, 23:02 #
Атмосфера и яркие персонажи - вот то, что изначально зацепило. Жаль, что после 6 серии все скатилось и оставили очень много вопросов. Как и большинство тут досмотрела вторую половину чисто для "галочки". Не люблю, когда проекты оставляют вот такие ощущения недосказанности.
30 Aug 2023, 01:10 #
А кто-нибудь помнит, что за дары вообще были у Пэнанс и Миссис Тру? Я на последней серии поняла, что вообще не помню их "силы" от Галанти
Ну и что само собой разумелось получился конец без конца, зачем смотрела вторую половину сезона, если толком ничего не разрешилось(
30 Sep 2023, 18:27 #
@christinapirs: Тру видела будущее, а Пэнанс электричество и то, как все устроено
16 Nov 2023, 21:23 #
Сериал очень понравился❤️‍🔥
Жаль, что его закрыли, осталось много вопросов, на которые нет ответов :(
25 Jan 12:24 #
Всю серию нам показывает флэшфорвард Тру про умирающую Пенанс в своем модном аутфите, почему бы не срезать ей чокер например еще после первого флэшфорварда? Эффект бабочки, вся фигня
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