
s02e03 — It's Britney, Bitch

We Are Lady Parts — s02e03 — It's Britney, Bitch

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Duration: 25 min.
Released: 30.05.202431.05.2024 00:00
Watched by: 25415.34%


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2 season
s01e04 - Godzilla
s01e05 - Represent
s01e06 - Sparta
s02e01 - Villain Era
s02e02 - Malala Made Me Do It
s02e03 - It's Britney, Bitch
s02e04 - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
s02e05 - Funny Muslim Song
s02e06 - Glass Ceiling Feeling

Discussion of the 3 episode of the 2 season
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31 May 13:35 # Show original
A cover of Britney and a reference to "Mad Dogs" in the beginning – just in the heart
31 May 14:48 # Show original
I hoped that the cover would still be on Toxic, but it's not bad either. I don't understand what's wrong with being a wedding band. This is an important day in the lives of many people, being a part of the holiday is a great responsibility. Yes, not pure creativity, but in the field of music there is enough of its own routine. It's a job.

I'm worried about literally everyone! So many crises have fallen, kapets. This season it is already better seen that these are not teenagers or even early 20s. Everyone is plus or minus 30. The evening with the buzzers highlighted it. Only Bisma's daughter is probably an alpha, she's no more than 14 in the story.

Billy, it seems, really just succumbed to emotions. When I have not dealt with a deeply religious person, it is difficult to understand the importance of these boundaries. Well, the information was not from Amina herself. Maybe she behaves differently in closer communication. But in general, of course, there must be a consent. Romance is romance, and no Vibe is worth such consequences.

It is unbearably sad for Saira. I hope she can live happily with her choices. There are no good options here, you need the lesser of two evils.
01 Jun 19:10 # Show original
Second Wife, it turns out that they said everything specifically to each of them?
01 Jun 19:50 # Show original
@sashakai: judging by the rest of the series, no
, it seems to me that it's more about the fact that their existing complexes and doubts have been revealed
in principle, this is just a good screenwriting (as in the whole series), you need an initiating event for any actions or deeds, just for no reason a conflict can be born, even for a long-maturing internal conflict you need to show through something
27 Aug 21:37 #
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