Слетать на Землю, сжечь топливо, оплатить гейты, притащить ненужную технику, рискуя собственной жизнью... Не удивительно, что у этих ребят с финансами (да и со всем остальным) такие проблемы.
Когда смотрела сериал в первый раз, более 10 лет назад, этот эпизод смешил меньше. Сейчас кассеты уже действительно вызывают реакцию, как в сериале)) Зачем герои колесили в поисках видака - понятно. Надеялись на ценную информацию на кассете. Фей жалко, как и в других центрированных на ней эпизодах. Далеко же ее унесло от той девочки...
Миленько это всё конечно, но какой-то полезной информации мы не почерпнули. Кто отправитель сей плёнки? С какой целью она была отправлена? Или мы узнали, что Фэй раньше была подростком? Вау, вот это конечно открытие из открытий!
And I'm actually surprised that they were able to watch the tape. I did not fully believe that it would work, I thought either the "video" would not work, or the film was "jammed" so there would be continuous interference. But no, they showed me, even more than I expected.
Why am I doing this? To the fact that this series teases more than it gives. There were already moments (for example, with Julia or those scammers who unfreezed the Fairies) when either a SIGNIFICANT meeting or some BIG discovery seemed to be brewing, but as a result they received only crumbs.
We use these crumbs to collect the stories of the characters, but I think we will never collect them completely. After all, the heroes themselves abandoned their past, choosing the life that they have now.
The collector's Spike turned from a smart, charismatic, tough man into a petty bully. How so. In the last seconds of the episode, the dog started talking, What????
That's right, for the first time ever, I was outraged by Spike's act.
I ruined a technique - rare, expensive, and in the end someone else's! This is not the same as kicking a refrigerator on your ship, or breaking equipment in some abandoned place.
This act was "written off as a fool" (I did not understand the value, I did not know that this would happen, I wanted the best, blah blah), but the sediment still remained.
Очень весёлая серия и неожиданно трогательная концовка.
В конце мне аж самой всплакнулось...)
Зачем герои колесили в поисках видака - понятно. Надеялись на ценную информацию на кассете.
Фей жалко, как и в других центрированных на ней эпизодах. Далеко же ее унесло от той девочки...
А вообще, серия очень классная, одна из самых любимых в сериале
Маленькая Фэй - моя первая видеокассетика.
Миленько это всё конечно, но какой-то полезной информации мы не почерпнули. Кто отправитель сей плёнки? С какой целью она была отправлена? Или мы узнали, что Фэй раньше была подростком? Вау, вот это конечно открытие из открытий!
But no, they showed me, even more than I expected.
Why am I doing this? To the fact that this series teases more than it gives. There were already moments (for example, with Julia or those scammers who unfreezed the Fairies) when either a SIGNIFICANT meeting or some BIG discovery seemed to be brewing, but as a result they received only crumbs.
We use these crumbs to collect the stories of the characters, but I think we will never collect them completely.
After all, the heroes themselves abandoned their past, choosing the life that they have now.
I ruined a technique - rare, expensive, and in the end someone else's! This is not the same as kicking a refrigerator on your ship, or breaking equipment in some abandoned place.
This act was "written off as a fool" (I did not understand the value, I did not know that this would happen, I wanted the best, blah blah), but the sediment still remained.