How tired they are of repeating "forty-four hundred", and even several times a minute. Couldn't you have named them in some way that wasn't obvious? The returnees are there or in the likeness of O.O.
@Biney2122: It's simple - it's a movie. In the real world, they would have come up with a short name long ago. The word "returnees" also came to mind by the way.
Sean is the best boy on this show, he just doesn't deserve to suffer for the rest of his life from that dumb Isabelle. 😭 Why didn't Tom kill her then? And everyone would be happy.
Couldn't you have named them in some way that wasn't obvious? The returnees are there or in the likeness of O.O.
The logic is awesome... *facepalm*
Why didn't Tom kill her then? And everyone would be happy.