A "National Geographic" film crew is taken hostage by an insane hunter, who takes them along on his quest to capture the world's largest - and deadliest - snake.
Released: | 11 April 1997 |
Country of origin: | Brazil, Peru, US |
Genre: | Adventure, Horror/Supernatural, Thriller |
Production companies: | St. Tropez Films, Cinema Line Film Corporation, Middle Fork Productions, Skylight Cinema Foto Art, Columbia Pictures, Skylight Cinema Foto Art (US) |
Watched by: | 1 011 of 884 603 |
Runtime: | 1 hour 29 minutes |
IMDB rating: | 4.9 of 10 113 705 | rating: | 6.09 of 10 35 746 |
As it is, an interesting film is enough, despite the graphics, which are very painful to the eyes in 2023