s07e03 — The Girl Next Door
My rating
MyShows(3 755)
Duration: | 43 min. |
Released: | 07.10.201108.10.2011 05:00 |
Watched by: | 186 91260.52% |
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Duration: | 43 min. |
Released: | 07.10.201108.10.2011 05:00 |
Watched by: | 186 91260.52% |
Dean took off the cast after 5 days and went T_T
Yes, indeed, for a lot of episodes - this is the first really strong one.
either he has already learned from bitter experience after that very Lenore, or he just got stupid, because it's true — why did he leave the guy if the outcome is the same?
Sam flew off so normally during the impact 😂
And the dialogue with my son - "When you grow up, find me if I'm alive" is very similar to a similar moment in "Kill Bill". And also Eim Pond, and cheese, like a golden crown for Viserys, I either watch too many TV shows, or these are all real references.)
But Dean fell in my eyes, the mother protected the child. If it came to that, then it was necessary to kill his ex in oblivion with a little, so that they would not suffer when their demons found them.
I understand that this move raised a fuss - like black PR, but still "Emmy Pond" (Ala companion of Doctor Who) like Kitsune (Naruto and all that).... you could have missed it
This is a damn spirit from Japanese mythology, not a monster from Naruto.
Associations are already playing a role here.
My princess Jewel State from "Firefly" is beautiful always and everywhere, and here a million charm points are added to the character by a reference to Amy Pond from "Doctor Who". I cannot understand and accept how it was possible to slaughter such a sun. That's why, after this episode, I won't be able to look at Dean with the same eyes anymore. Now I have a reason to hate him.
Starting with season 4, it became harder to make your own rating of the best, because instead of individual pearls, whole long chains of cool episodes began, each of which is worthy of attention, time and revision in some distant future. Here's what my updated TOP 18 looks like:
1) 1x05 "Bloody Mary"
2) 3x11 "Mystery Spot"
3) 4x03 "In the Beginning"
4) 2x16 "Roadkill"
5) 6x15 "The French Mistake"
6) 1x19 "Provenance"
7) Season 4, episodes 10-19
8) 2x20 "What is and What Should Never Be"
9) Season 6, episodes 17 and 18
10) 4x05 "Monster Movie"
11) 2x12 "Night Shifter"
12) 7x03 "The Girl Next Door"
13) Season 5, episodes 4-19
14) 6x04 "Weekend at Bobby's"
15) 3x03 "Bad Day at Black Rock"
16) Season 6, episodes 12 and 13
17) 1x17 "Hell House"
18) 2x19 "Folsom Prison Blues"
Dean's act.... in my opinion, his words smack of racism. Yes, she is a monster, and so is her son, but upbringing largely determines behavior. Well, it's become a couple of scum less, so? Like attracts like. Besides, Sam deserves to die more then.
Although, it's easy for us to write comments here, but what would we actually do? if you had been through so much?
Honestly, it's a really good series.
Sam broke his arm in the first or second season.
The series is one of my favorites, in the spirit of the first seasons.
Somehow everything looks ambiguous, Dean really pissed me off in this series
So, the "spoiler" from the English "to spoil" is the disclosure of IMPORTANT plot information in advance, which can SPOIL the impression of viewing and emotions from recognizing this information on their own to the person who got acquainted with it.
Is Dean's future friendship with a witch, a demon, and a nephilim IMPORTANT information? No, actually. Did it somehow spoil your impression of further viewing? I doubt it very much.
So it is quite logical to consider this not a "spoiler", but a "teaser".
"Teaser" from the English "to tease" is the premature disclosure of INSIGNIFICANT plot or non-plot information, ENCOURAGING interest in further viewing and stimulating the viewer's interest in self-familiarization with how this will happen.
Among other things, spoilers have a statute of limitations. No one is obliged to keep the events of a movie or TV series released years ago a secret. For example, "Darth Vader is Luke's father", "Mufasa will be trampled by a flock of antelopes" and "Bruce Willis the whole movie is dead" are spoilers by definition, but in fact they have long been not spoilers but well-known facts. And the spoiler statute of limitations is sometimes quite small, for example, the directors of The Avengers. The final" the Russo brothers allowed viewers who watched the film to discuss it online three weeks after the start of the rental. If someone didn't have time to look in three weeks and ran into a "spoiler", it's his own fault.
I really like reading your comments, they are detailed, full of knowledge about many universes and your thoughts and assumptions, and even if I do not agree with your opinion, it is interesting to read them. But let's still avoid spoilers, teasers and any other information that relates to future events of a particular series, it will be correct in relation to the interlocutors.
But the most important thing in this episode is that I just hate Dean. What a terrible thing he did to both kitsune and Sam. He also dares to accuse Sam of distrust and lies. Here, he probably looks more like his hunting-mad and disciplined father than ever. Honestly, there were episodes when his whining and strange selective morality infuriated, but then in the last frames I felt real anger.
PS Jared as the director is well done. Successful episodes
in general, it's sad, of course. Imho, Dean might not have killed her, he's not a saint himself.
(девочка милая, но не человек все таки))
Ну и да, от японской магической лисицы-оборотня я ожидал другого, но здесь сценаристы низвели статус сего существа до стандартного монстра с когтями питающегося гипофизами. Впрочем, я уже не удивлён, по ходу сериала и так было очень много отходов от канонов мифов, легенд и фольклора.
"Знаешь, что я открыл? Человечинка так себе деликатес. Но вот с сырным соусом, гораздо вкуснее" (с) левиафан Чет в финале серии
Знаете, а мне определённо нравятся эти монстряки. Очень уж я падок на кровожадных чудовищ. Да и тем более они наименее человекоподобны и перед атакой часто демонстрируют свой истинный зубастый облик. Левиафаны - это пожалуй лучшие монстры в сериале.
And Dean was right when he said: "You're going to lose it in a year or 10.";
the reasons will be found again because of the offspring, and then he will grow up and it is not a fact that he will adhere to the upbringing of the mother and also kill, then make offspring , etc.
So Dean saved a lot of people with his act.
Никакой проблемы в убийстве Эми не вижу. Она убивала людей. Точка.
Она собиралась уходить из той местности, где же бы она себе и сыну питание брала на ходу?
Дальше её сын мог бы снова заболеть и где гарантии что он не заболеет еще сильнее, когда времени не будет на поиски "подходящих" жертв? Или её критерии "подходящих" просто изменятся?
Сэм её знал совсем немного, чтобы я поверил в их "великую дружбу".
Да и убила мать она далеко не факт, что только из-за Сэма. Она могла вполне нечто подобное планировать и раньше, учитывая комментарии о жизни.
И очень такой момент "веселый", значит тогда давно это было ничего страшного, что Джон охотился на мать Эми и планировал её убить - это было нормально. Но когда Дин сделал свою работу охотника здесь, чтобы другие люди не пострадали, Дабб и Лофлин окрашивают это как нечто ужасное и достойное осуждения.
Да и Сэм не в том положении, чтобы просить Дина доверять ему. С Руби он уже как-то просил, хорошим не кончилось.
Какие отвратительные манипуляции чувствами зрителей, но это все в стиле Дабба, так что чему я удивляюсь.
И Дженсену еще дали это режиссировать. Прямо как издевка. Он очень хороший режиссер и выкладывался всегда по максимуму, но ему вечно давали, кхм, не самые лучшие сценарии - тут Дабб, дальше на многие сезоны застрянет с творениями Бакнера и Росс-Леминг, зато в это время Сингер со своей посредственной блеклой режиссурой всегда либо с премьерами либо с финалами был.
Теперь она родила еще одного, который тоже вырастет и будет убивать (потенциально).
А Дин пошел за братом разгребать, втихую, чтобы у того голова не болела.
Ребенка убить не смог, и в целом в итоге тупо получилось.
Но погодите, у Сэма была девушка вервульф и он спокойно её смог убить. Об этом как-то забыли что ли. Та же Леонор, вампирша-веган, в итоге стала убивать. Но серия похожа на ту, с Леонор, только тут в итоге Дин не доверился Сэму. Лимит исчерпан.