First of all, it's great to see such great actresses together in the lead roles (and finally I'll get Linda Cordelini, how I love her, gods). And secondly, it's not a super turnaround, which is most likely that Judy knocked him down, and now she's come to beg for forgiveness, trying to get closer to Jen.
You could have guessed right away that it was Judy, they made her too suspicious. But the fact that they pointed it out so sharply right in the first episode... maybe there will be a more interesting turn there It's a good start, in general, it's boring in places, but fun
Yeees.... so far, there is little to say, but it is strange and interesting .... The acquaintance is so suspicious,,,, and in the end the bumper of the car already leads to a dubious suspicion....
I'm probably the only one here who didn't really like the pilot. The series is very messy, crumpled, as if they were trying to cram everything into 30 minutes at once. The development is too fast - that's just the heroines met and after three minutes they are already shown to us as best friends, after another couple of minutes they quarrel, after a minute they are friends again. What 's what 🤔
I hope the rest of the series will be more interesting.
Agree... an unusually fast pace: 1) the heroines were instantly made best friends, although Jen was skeptical of Judy when they first met; 2) it was immediately revealed that Judy's husband was still alive; 3) Judy's broken-down car was shown, hinting that she might have something to do with the death of Jen's husband. It could all be stretched out for at least a couple of episodes.
As for me, the pilot is great! Let's stretch their budding friendship into 3 episodes, watch them drink wine and ride to the rock, and then in the fourth episode they will quarrel! This is shown by adults-they do not delay friendship for years... And I mean, adults are over 40! Therefore, they showed several of their "exits together" and there it is clear that more time has passed and not all of their gatherings have shown and this is for the best for me!
@imdepressed: мне тоже это в голову первым делом пришло. Джеймс Марсден в проходной роли? Не может быть. При этом скорее всего Джуди не в курсе. Пока еще. Хотя эта версия тоже достаточно предсказуема.
Момент с медитацией, просто отвал бошки! Я аж Caliban к себе в плейлист добавила! И этот фрагмент в сторис запилила! Надеюсь, что Джуди не сбивала её мужа...
оу да, тот самый момент, когда трейлер абсолютно полностью оправдал все ожидания от шоу! по крайней мере, от пилота и ещё эти can i give u a hung - ну, очень мило ))
Очень легкий и приятный пилот, буквально на одном дыхании посмотрел. И довольно достойно - хорошие диалоги, интересная идея и подача, актеры, да и интрига присутствует.
Отличный сериал и свой рейтинг целиком оправдывает на 100%. Однако это совсем не комедия. Весьма остросюжетная драма и триллер. Хотя трагикомедия тоже чуток присутствует. Интрига сохраняется до самого конца.
Первая мысль была ещё до того, как узнала о том, что Стив таки жив, что это якобы он сбил Теда, скрылся с места происшествия, а потом умер от сердечного приступа спустя время от стресса из-за перенесенного и груза ответственности и вины 🤔
Хахаххаа, блін, як я сміялася з моменту з кавою)) У Джуді класне почуття гумору. Проживання горя різними людьми так гарно показано...Але є й жарти, смішні та милі моменти, це підкупає.
I did not expect that there would be two revelations of Judy in the first episode) I wonder now what motivates her.. Is he crazy? Why did you get close to the victim's wife? Atone for the guilt?
And secondly, it's not a super turnaround, which is most likely that Judy knocked him down, and now she's come to beg for forgiveness, trying to get closer to Jen.
It's a good start, in general, it's boring in places, but fun
The acquaintance is so suspicious,,,, and in the end the bumper of the car already leads to a dubious suspicion....
The series is very messy, crumpled, as if they were trying to cram everything into 30 minutes at once. The development is too fast - that's just the heroines met and after three minutes they are already shown to us as best friends, after another couple of minutes they quarrel, after a minute they are friends again. What 's what 🤔
I hope the rest of the series will be more interesting.
Я тоже так "медитирую" :D
Надеюсь, что Джуди не сбивала её мужа...
и ещё эти can i give u a hung - ну, очень мило ))
Очень интересно, что же будет дальше.
Проживання горя різними людьми так гарно показано...Але є й жарти, смішні та милі моменти, це підкупає.