I love Jah and he plays flawlessly as always, but in this makeup he looks like Jim Carrey, it was easier to call Jim😅 And so far I like everything, it's very interesting, lively.
The first episode was insanely hooked. I love Anne Hathaway. A gorgeous woman. Both have such interesting roles and the story itself is very impressive. The game is super. The picture is great. I'm thrilled so far!
всю первую серию не покидал вопрос « это точно Джаред Лето?» видимо давно его не видела и в моей памяти он совсем иной🤔 пока не поняла свое отношение к 1 серии, но как будто чего-то не хватает🧐
Очень неожиданный дуэт. Они настолько не Зачарованная Элла и не Неаедер Уоллес. Просто нечто! И как круто и вкусно у них это выходит! Нотка хиппи, плюс нотка 70х с примесью сексуальности.
And so far I like everything, it's very interesting, lively.
The behavior of the characters on business development is intriguing))
An unusual plot for the series)
- My strength is in sales, and I sold him.
- Yeah, but you didn't close him.
- Oh yes, I did. He just doesn't know it yet.
- We need desks.
- Miguel, we're not selling deskes.
- We're selling an experience.
- OK, can we at least agree that desks would help?
- No, we can't.
Отлично работают ребята!
И особенно понравилось как Джаред и Энн передают взаимоотношения, очень хороши!!!
- I've accomplished shit!
- You're right. I've accomplished nothing compared to what you are going to do.
- There are so many things to explore in life. You're on a journey. And you'll find it.
- Do you really think that?
- No, no. I believe it.
Everything is very dynamic, lively and beautiful
видимо давно его не видела и в моей памяти он совсем иной🤔
пока не поняла свое отношение к 1 серии, но как будто чего-то не хватает🧐