
s04e10 — Death of a Monarchy

The Tudors — s04e10 — Death of a Monarchy

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Duration: 53 min.
Released: 20.06.201021.06.2010 05:00
Watched by: 16 70640.41%
4 season
s04e02 - Sister
s04e03 - Something for You
s04e04 - Natural Ally
s04e05 - Bottom of the Pot
s04e06 - You Have My Permission
s04e07 - Sixth and the Final Wife
s04e08 - As It Should Be
s04e09 - Secrets of the Heart
s04e10 - Death of a Monarchy

Discussion of the 10 episode of the 4 season
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18 Jan 2016, 07:04 #
Well, a decent ending to the series.
And the scenes where Henry's first three wives appear are magnificent.
And in the last episodes it is clear that he has aged a lot.
03 Feb 2016, 02:13 #
One of the best historical costume series. Scenery, costumes, characters… By the gods, Jonathan Reese Meyers alone is raising the temperature there! It was shot insanely beautifully, with a share of frankness and sensuality.
Who has not watched, I advise, aesthetic pleasure is provided.
06 Nov 2016, 23:08 #
How I ADORE real off-site shooting, and not dancing with a tambourine in front of a limp. Oh, damn you, blue and green screens :with
12 Nov 2016, 22:47 #
There are a lot of instructive things in this series, just a masterpiece!
22 Nov 2016, 12:45 #
the divine series
31 Jan 2017, 02:11 #
a wonderful series, and no less wonderful actors.
11 Feb 2017, 09:08 #
One of the few episodes that penetrated to the depths of the soul. Well shot. For her alone, I want to increase the overall rating of the series, although in general it seemed average to me. Separately, I would like to mention Reese Myers. Stunningly handsome and talented.
28 May 2021, 02:37 #
@Ctixia: I especially liked the white horse in slow mo in this series, it turned out very atmospheric
24 May 2017, 17:03 #
Even though I didn't like the king all the way, I still burst into tears. The last episodes of emotional intensity were right at the level of season 2, which is the most depressing for me. Someone mb and will not pass. I didn't even hope to see Charles's wife anymore, it's such a pity that their life turned out this way in the end.
In general, this withering of life is so well shown, you can feel it leaving right through the screen. And those poor feel the regret and pain of the king, an ordinary man, for all your sins and mistakes. Stunningly.
I am very glad that I did not stop watching after the first episode of the first season, which I did not like at all. Boleyn detained me)
24 May 2017, 17:05 #
@katy_mc_gann: but at the same time, I can't help feeling that if the king had gone back in time, he wouldn't have changed anything-a spoiled child)
01 Feb 2018, 01:58 #
Great show! The only thing is, after watching season 3, I learned that Henry VIII suffered from fullness, but DRM refused to get fat for the full embodiment of the image. And it would be more impressive) But the minus is not particularly significant!
05 Mar 2019, 15:47 #
Yeah) the portrait at the end is already very modified for an actor 😂 the real Henry was red-haired and very fat in old age🙈
14 Apr 2018, 00:39 #
That's great! I didn't expect such an ending. the first season was not particularly impressive, but the further it goes, the more interesting it is, which is atypical) there are many differences with the story, especially the type of the king, but overall not bad... Hearst fumbles the topic))
30 Oct 2018, 02:59 #
In the first season, Henry is capricious, young and unpredictable. In the latter, he is already a wise king, not without a share of youthful ardor. He is different with each wife and each of his wives has its own twist. I liked all his wives, without exception. And it was a pity for everyone.

At that time, if you somehow bored the king or he doubted you - run, run without looking back otherwise "Head off your shoulders!". I read books about each of them, and then decided to watch the series as well. The scenery, outfits, and fight scenes are all at a high level. Although according to the books the king was obese and not all his meetings with his lovers were beautiful (in the book he somehow sat on a pot behind a screen, and his lady talked to him, almost sticking smelling salts in her nose) I am very glad that everything was different in the series. One of the best series for me.
06 Nov 2018, 03:07 #
Holbein, it was immediately necessary to draw the king a huge roller. Wouldn't have to redraw the hd
27 Nov 2018, 17:19 #
It is very likely that they will throw slippers at me, but I will speak out))
The series is weak.
Yes, the actors for the most part play well, the costumes and decorations are beautiful, but they are not very well shot for the level claimed by the series, panoramic and landscape scenes generally suffer a lot.
And in general, the series did not catch on, usually the viewing captures completely, but here it was interesting in places, by the third season I watched through the force, and I wanted to leave it on the background and do other things, the fourth season was more lively, noticeably stronger than the second and third.
The viewing was brightened up by two characters: Wolsey in the first season and Lady Mary in the subsequent ones, Charles Suffolk, Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn at times, the rest of the characters, including the beloved King Henry, were very boring, predictable and mediocre.
+ there were rather gross historical mistakes, striking even to a history connoisseur.
This is solely my subjective opinion, which I am not trying to impose on anyone or offend, but the series disappointed me, I expected much more.
08 Jun 2019, 02:39 #
I've never had much love for this series.. I started watching after the Kingdom.. Yes, the chronology, but not the essence
It was interesting and addictive to watch, despite the whole number of historical blemishes that everyone can see. The series is amazing, but it still didn't sink into my soul. Alas
But even I cried on this episode... The Duke of Suffolk is one of the favorite characters from the very beginning) Lady Mary and Elizabeth just have nothing. I really like that their characters become visible. Henry himself, though a peculiar man, is still a GREAT king. The youthful fuse at the beginning, and this end and his * I'm too old for all this*... In short, it's awesome. The actor played great, despite the differences in appearance with the original Henry
And meetings with wives just killed.. She was crying like I don't know who..I am very sorry for them
In general, the series is amazing, the end is worthy💕
08 Mar 2020, 15:31 #
@mmurza: Oh, that Suffolk! Pay the witcher with a check-a-anna coin! ^^
21 Feb 2021, 01:27 #
@angledy: by the way, Suffolk was for love, so I somehow very quickly rushed to protect Geralt from the general haight. hd
09 Feb 2020, 06:20 #
The last episode is worth all the previous seasons. In general, season 4 is extremely good compared to the rest. I just restrained myself from crying, especially when (!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!) Henry took one last look at his portrait and the key moments of his life flashed by, good and not so good, kosyachnye and victorious. Life as it is. 😌

P.S. it's a pity that he never saw how his little Elizabeth, on whom he had less hopes, ascended the throne and did so much for their country. He would be proud, I'm sure)
22 Feb 2020, 02:22 #
The screenwriters started it, Charles Brandon died about a year and a half before Henry's death!

But despite this and other blunders, I consider "Tudors" one of the best costume series. The male actors are generally great, they fit perfectly into the characteristic roles of Henry, Suffolk, Thomas More (here is just a perfect hit), Wolsey, Cromwell, Norfolk and even Francis Valois, who occasionally appears.
I was less attracted to women. I don't know why. Of course, Anne Boleyn was the brightest star among them.
A decent ending to a decent series. And an entire era of English history.
26 Apr 2020, 04:11 #
Comment has been deleted
26 Jun 2020, 05:22 #
The amazing performance of Reese Myers penetrated to the very depths. From youth to aging, he was just beautiful. It's like I've lived this life with him. I cried in this episode, goodbyes and ghosts of the past were very touching... Bravo!
04 Sep 2020, 02:08 #
The series is certainly good with colorful costumes and scenery, bright actors, such deliberate pathos and drama, but it is very far from historical reality. Yes, of course, we don't know much about it, but even at the level of matching the interior to the realities of the 16th century, there are a lot of joints in the series. And the interpretation of the logic of certain events turned out to be very free. In general, it's not a pity for the time spent, but still...These are not the real Tudors)
07 Dec 2020, 01:44 #
A series that fully reveals such a multifaceted and interesting period in the history of England as the War of the Roses and the dynastic crisis. The costumes, the work of the film crew and the acting are especially good - Sam Neill, Reese Myers, James Frain, Natalie Dormer are just the tip of this sweet iceberg for perception. In general, it is an excellent series that can make you immerse yourself in this story for a long time.
22 Feb 2021, 20:43 #
Well, Henry does not change, of course, as he was prone to escapades, he remained so. All men are like children.
But I agree with the comments above, the wives who came to him were worth the whole series.
03 May 2022, 10:44 #
Damn, I really want to see what happens next, does anyone know if there are any series about Mary or Elizabeth?
12 Oct 2022, 18:19 #
The Kingdom
24 Feb 2023, 00:52 #
The Kingdom of another Dynasty
26 Jun 2022, 21:48 #
It is a pity that they decided not to shoot further, but it would be interesting to look at the reign of Mary and even more so at the 44 "golden years" of Elizabeth's reign. I liked the series! I'm not a fan of history and didn't know about the Tudors at all before the series, but now I've searched the entire Internet and I'm already in their tree! So the series fulfilled its function - it inspired me to learn something new, from the overflow of emotions!
28 Jun 2022, 09:35 #
@id18379359: now a sequel has been released, called "The Formation of Elizabeth" or "Becoming Elizabeth" everywhere in different ways, but so far 3 episodes have been released 😍
28 Jun 2022, 11:57 #
Wow! Thanks a lot!
11 Aug 2022, 17:58 #
Of course, the last episode, namely the scene of memories in front of the portrait, is just five, no ten, no all one hundred points!!! It's amazing! She decides, of course. A very emotional episode. All the feelings of watching in one minute. I'm thrilled.
Although the actor who played the main role is not my favorite, although there are many discrepancies with the real story (but it doesn't matter to me), although some episodes are really boring (but this is in any series). Still, I never regret watching it. It was worth it to see the final scene. Thank you for the series and four seasons of beauty, amazing acting, a little longing for the departed characters, tears, and final delight.
06 Oct 2022, 20:52 #
I watched this series a long time ago, but for some reason I decided to leave a review only today.
It is a pity that only one Henry 8 was shown. I would like to watch a series about the entire Tudor dynasty, starting with Henry 7 and ending with Elizabeth, and not individually. Another thing I missed was the young Catherine of Aragon. In all films and TV series, she is always shown as old. This is probably done to make Anna look more interesting against her background. Although the story of Catherine is no less interesting.
Well, I liked the series and I don't regret the time spent.
08 Oct 2022, 09:31 #
@nnastia_k: In the Spanish princess, she is young
08 Oct 2022, 16:48 #
@Nataly_v97: I know about this series. I didn't like it, I didn't even watch the first episode
04 Feb 2023, 23:34 #
What a great screensaver! The idea of showing acting actors was originally great. And Henry's wives in the final screensaver caused pleasant goosebumps from the memories of all seasons. It's a pity they didn't show all the characters, it would have been a masterpiece!
05 Feb 2023, 00:23 #
How annoying is the actress who plays Elizabeth. Maybe as a queen, she will not be the sweetest and nicest, but so far this is a child, and not a soulless and tired person played by her
07 Feb 20:50 #
@Arkhi: Well, what else could she be? She lost her mother early, her father didn't care about her, her stepmothers changed like gloves. this child has seen enough in her life for such a short period of time, in fact.
11 Feb 14:15 #
A decent ending to the series, with strong goosebumps starting from the last scene and almost crying. According to Heinrich's memoirs, he thought to himself that it was necessary to live life in such a way that there would be something to remember in old age, namely moments of joy, it was necessary to do such things in life so that later everything would be remembered mentally. The series is good, the moments were not interesting episodes, the moments were interesting, the ending went 100%. He finished the series line-up: "The White Queen", "The White Princess", "The Spanish Princess" and "The Tudors". It is advisable to look exactly in this order they go chronologically.
Thanks to everyone who watched this series with me.
See you in other TV series and movies!
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