
s05e12 — Sympathy for the Devil

Grey's Anatomy — s05e12 — Sympathy for the Devil

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Duration: 43 min.
Released: 15.01.200916.01.2009 05:00
Watched by: 40 75757.56%
5 season
s05e08 - These Ties That Bind
s05e09 - In the Midnight Hour
s05e10 - All by Myself
s05e11 - Wish You Were Here
s05e12 - Sympathy for the Devil
s05e13 - Stairway to Heaven
s05e14 - Beat Your Heart Out
s05e15 - Before and After
s05e16 - An Honest Mistake

Discussion of the 12 episode of the 5 season
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19 Jun 2016, 01:35 # Show original
The last few seconds are tough...
02 May 2017, 11:33 # Show original
What an ending!
Hunt and Kristina have a very strong scene.
Derek's mom surprised him: Empathy for a serial killer is so good that Meredith is the one... hmm. And Derek sees everything from the bad side. And it seemed to me that Meredith was a pessimist.
I was amused how Mark is afraid of Derek's mom)) And I really like his friendship with Kelly)
14 Oct 2018, 17:25 # Show original
@Virginia: Derek clearly has problems with forgiveness, and Meredith could not stand the mine for a long time and opened up to her mother, which means that she has more acceptance of herself and others as is - this is exactly what is needed for forgiveness. And among other things, it means that for Derek she does not wear a mask, but is herself, i.e. he has known her real for a long time and loves her - that's why "the one". The ever-smiling face is often just a mask. Derek is also a kitty with Addison and after Meredith's drowning, he does not manage to cope with everything, precisely because his optimism is somewhat superficial, it does not concern everything. But sometimes it can interfere, and then the person who lands it, despite the fact that you really want to believe in good things, will be very useful, because sometimes false optimism adversely affects the outcome of the case, in particular when you need to make a decision, and it is not accepted, believing that everything will resolve itself.
25 Apr 2018, 04:42 #
-shut up! Respectfully shut up... respectfully
Карев лучший!
17 Jul 2018, 09:43 # Show original
Poor Christina) She understands intellectually that Hunt is crazy, and she doesn't need all these difficulties, but she can't resist)
25 Sep 2018, 05:07 # Show original
Meredith is beautiful
02 Oct 2018, 20:56 # Show original
Mark just turned himself in to Derek's mom, his guilty face is 10 out of 10!
25 Apr 2019, 17:28 # Show original
All Hunt needed in his soul was a fur hat and the phrase "rub my back, please" hD
20 May 2019, 19:13 # Show original
Mark and Alex are taking up more and more space in my heart) although it would seem that at the beginning of the series the characters were not the most pleasant
16 Jul 2019, 03:41 # Show original
I totally agree!
09 Aug 2019, 14:43 # Show original
On Hunt's first appearance, I thought: "Hello, strange handsome." When he was introduced to the series on a permanent basis, I was dissatisfied; when they began to bring him together with my favorite character, I was dissatisfied. But! This episode finally revealed Hunt to me. He revealed himself as a beautiful and complex character, a hero with a difficult past, with whom he has to fight every day. I watched the shower scene several times: at first it seems funny and cute (even before his story about the first operation) - how he fell in to Kristina drunk with flowers, did not forget about her, climbed into the shower in a suit - it caused a smile, and that's all. But then she broke through to such tears. In short, the scene lasts only a few minutes, but it caused a storm of emotions and radically changed the idea of the character.
02 Jan 2020, 22:15 # Show original
After this episode, Hunt, of course, will go looking for a good psychotherapist and will not rush to develop his relationship with Kristina, so as not to overwhelm her with his injuries. Oh, wait, there's no script material here. Let me guess: they will leave everything as it is so that there will be more dramatic scenes in the future.
15 Mar 2020, 06:40 # Show original
A very intense series... The ending is just tinny... And Derek's mom is so sweet and wise)
26 Apr 2020, 17:16 # Show original
Kristina is not the most standard doctor, and therefore she needs exactly such a "not the most standard" doctor, like herself. From the very beginning there was Burke, and now there is a fellow Army man who has seen a lot and who thereby attracts Kristina to himself.
04 Jan 2021, 02:32 #
Прекрасная и такая напряженная серия! На первых минутах появилась улыбка на лице, особенно улыбнул нелепый, детский хвостик с розовой резинкой ).
Нравится, что в каждой, даже в такой сложной, драматургической серии присутствует юмор. Очень Мощно...особенно концовка...
08 Apr 2021, 18:51 #
Сцена в душе такая интимная.. Смотреть на этих двоих одно удовольствие)
06 Feb 2022, 06:34 #
Привет Ипполит 👋
16 Oct 2022, 11:37 #
Очень согласна с комментарием выше про Дерека и Мер и их восприятие мира. Мер может и пессимистка, но она не скрывает этого и она проникается и сочувствует каждому пациенту. Да, это странно сочувствовать серийному убийце, но все мы люди. Мередит уже к 5 сезону пережила кучу дерьма и это научило ее не делить мир на белое и черное. Она же так и не смогла возненавидеть свою маму, отца за ужасное детство. Она раз за разом находила причины и прощала их
27 Jul 2023, 21:57 #
То Бейли орет на Аризону за пациента потому что привязалась к мальчику, то Дерек орет на самого пациента потому что считает что он весь из себя бог чтобы решать кому и где нужно умереть 😐 почему никто не учит их держать свое немедицинское мнение при себе
12 Jan 22:23 #
Какая мама у Дерека прекрасная
27 Mar 11:16 # Show original
Why is the title of the series translated as "Anatomy of PASSION"? Grey's Anatomy - that is, Grey's Anatomy (as belonging to Meredith Grey) or how... Grey anatomy. That is, I got the gist of the name. Perhaps Shonda accidentally named the main character that way, or perhaps, based on the philosophy of Derek's mother, no: the surname is very telling, iconic. Meredith moves in this environment full of ambiguity, and "behind the scenes" talks about a variety of people and situations. Here it is, the gray morality! This is a life where you need to make non-standard decisions, for which some people will praise you, while others may turn away. This whole series is dotted with semitones. Almost all heroes create game in one way or another, but they also create a lot of good things. No one is a villain or a good-natured person in the full sense of the word.

On the other hand, the Anatomy of Passion also seems to be suitable in essence, but not in translation. I suppose it was difficult to get out of the correct translation of the name. I don't know how well the series could be called except for Grey Anatomy...
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