
s03e08 — The Undoing of Cromwell

The Tudors — s03e08 — The Undoing of Cromwell

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Duration: 53 min.
Released: 24.05.200925.05.2009 05:00
Watched by: 17 67142.74%
3 season
s03e04 - The Death of a Queen
s03e05 - Problems in the Reformation
s03e06 - Search for a New Queen
s03e07 - Protestant Anne of Cleves
s03e08 - The Undoing of Cromwell
s04e01 - Moment of Nostalgia
s04e02 - Sister
s04e03 - Something for You
s04e04 - Natural Ally

Discussion of the 8 episode of the 3 season
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30 Oct 2015, 12:49 #
I feel sorry for Cromwell - even though his methods were cruel, but his goals were right.
18 Jan 2016, 19:12 #
I hoped to the end that Cromwell would not be executed :(
14 Mar 2016, 02:33 #
Henry is getting dumber and blinder to everything every season, I want him dead
25 Mar 2016, 19:36 #
The way Cromwell ascended to his post, what methods he used, how he manipulated the king, changed his faith - caused unpleasant feelings towards him. But gradually, the creators of the series forced him to feel even emotions for him, and in the last episodes he became very sorry.
His words that it is possible to turn to the Lord at any hour that pleases us, and not only in church, that the Lord lives in the soul of every person; his attitude towards his son, joy for his grandson - all this disposes to the hero.
I feel sorry for him. A difficult series.
All those who are greatly in Henry's esteem at one time die miserably afterwards. His cruelty knows no bounds.
23 Apr 2021, 00:13 #
@Lea12: All those who are greatly in Henry's esteem at one time die miserably after

Is Suffolk next?
16 Oct 2016, 03:18 #
Damn, I feel terribly sorry for Cromwell.
He became one of my favorite characters, after all.
And how his head was chopped off is just a nightmare. Charles and Francis are some assholes.

Henry's new passion is some kind of slut. Enrages.
29 Oct 2016, 17:39 #
And Maria in this series is so cute, I can't even believe that she will become a tyrant.
28 Jun 2017, 18:40 #
@vk459618: I think her cruelty is just beginning to take shape in the future. She has already experienced so much, so many betrayals and bullying. And her hatred of Protestantism probably came from Anne Boleyn, who took everything from her mother and herself.
28 Feb 2017, 01:02 #
What a fool Henry's new woman is! and how exactly his nature is shown - he fell for it, forgot everything, turned off his brain. Nevertheless, there was something special about the first three wives, in each - Catherine was stately, devoted, loving. Boleyn is tempting, domineering. Seymour is chaste, gentle, pure. And here's some giggling fool.
28 Jun 2017, 18:41 #
@Indriblets: but it will not be a pity when she is executed with:
19 Jan 2018, 05:47 #
@Indriblets: And I really want to hope for a replacement for this new fool, as it was with Seymour: I didn't like the first terribly, and the second turned out to be just a charmer. So here - this idiot well, I don't like it at all, even if they had already chosen a very beautiful girl, there are even better ladies-in-waiting.
23 Apr 2021, 00:20 #
@080585: Tamzin Merchant is very beautiful, I was fascinated by her at Salem, and then I was glad to see her at Carnival Row and finally I waited for her at the Tudors. The final scene where she is naked on a swing is just chic!!
23 Apr 2021, 00:18 #
@Indriblets: And why compare Catherine to queens? She is not a queen (perhaps, for now, I study history on TV series). It is better to compare her so far with the king's mistresses/ concubines, with the same Lady Misseldon.
04 Jan 2019, 21:56 #
Mixed feelings are such from the series. In principle, I never liked Cromwell, because he was always shown to be an arrogant manipulator. And when everything led to his death, it was not even a pity. And suddenly, literally in the last episode, humanity is thrown at him, they say, and the father is good, and there is faith (only not related to religion), and in general a good man, what are you. Well, no, you can't do that. For 2.5 seasons, he is shown as an asshole, and at the end he is made positive so that death causes shock.
I disagree about the attacks on Charles - they never liked each other, but Charles always played fair. Until Charles had to kill a lot of people (including children) with his own hands, largely because of Cromwell. So I understand him perfectly.
But Sir Brian is a wild asshole... To get the executioner drunk so that the condemned to death would also suffer is very cruel.
Catherine Howard is at least some kind with a twist, unlike Anna nirybanimyaso of Cleves. Yes, and Tamzin Merchant has an unusual appearance, but she is still prettier than Joss Stone in my opinion.
13 Aug 2019, 23:01 #
I wonder what kind of faith he has that is not related to religion?
12 Oct 2019, 03:54 #
@ScarlettLine: is "faith" and "religion" the same thing in your understanding?
27 May 2019, 03:26 #
I am very sorry for Mr. Cromwell. First Cardinal Wolsey, now him. Now there are no more adequats left in season 4. It's nice to know that Edward Seymour will be executed on the same hill as Cromwell, on charges of treason. I wish I could see it in the series!
13 Aug 2019, 23:03 #
Hospade, Catherine Howard is constantly giggling nastily, it's so annoying
Captain Hook is so soft! (I hope there are more fans here Once in a fairy tale))
02 Dec 2020, 03:22 #
Yes, yes, I was looking for this comment about Captain Hook. This image of a duke suits him
16 Feb 2021, 14:28 #
Captain Hook and Aurora from Once upon a time in a fairy tale together hehe
23 Apr 2021, 00:25 #
@ViktoryMartini: for a moment it seemed that it was him, then I thought that it wasn't him after all, but it turned out to be him)
19 Oct 2019, 13:05 #
Lambeth Palace is so small, really just a house. And how did the whole brood of Howard's youngsters fit in there?
To some extent, I feel sorry for Cromwell, although if we recall what was allegedly done by the hands of the Reformation... And yet, a terrible death.
11 Sep 2020, 20:36 #
What is the real name of this palace that is shown at the end of the series (just under construction)?
24 Oct 2020, 18:24 #
Nonsuch, but it was dismantled brick by brick a long time ago, it stood for a hundred and fifty years.
23 Apr 2021, 00:26 #
@Mellark: I wonder why?
24 Nov 2024, 21:12 #
@illseethese: It changed hands several times until it eventually went to the Countess of Castlemaine, who later demolished it and sold off building materials to pay off her gambling debts.
28 Oct 2020, 05:45 #
I haven't cried over anything else in this series.
But this series and the whole Cromwell story just broke platinum. I felt terribly sorry for him
02 Dec 2020, 03:28 #
Charles has been annoying me since the first seasons. At first, he hung himself on every skirt and didn't even notice how sick his first wife was.
Then more than once he schemed against people he didn't like - Anne Boleyn, Wolsey, and now Cromwell were executed not without his participation.

Even his wife can no longer look at him, because of his political intrigues.
Did Cromwell force him to execute thousands of innocent people?? Firstly, it was Henry's order. Secondly, he could have refused and not taken the blame, but preferred to save his own skin.

And someone else writes here that he is a positive character. An arrogant schemer, that's who he is and I hope that he will suffer the same fate as the victims of his intrigues
16 Feb 2021, 14:27 #
On the contrary, the only character who does not infuriate with his behavior
10 Feb 2022, 12:38 #
I felt sorry for Cromwell to tears (Yes, he is a very ambiguous character, but somehow it was clear that he was doing everything for the sake of the king and the country. Such a painful execution (((
Henry doesn't learn anything from life at all
07 Apr 2022, 13:47 #
I don't understand why everyone feels sorry for Cromwell. He really acted self-confidently and cruelly, with the same Charles, ordering people to be killed. What did you expect to get from him, if not an enemy in his person? The king's new chosen one is disgusting! Why does he tend to choose plain prostitutes
19 Jul 2022, 14:05 #
Captain Hook, is that you?
19 Jul 2022, 14:09 #
Oh... Mary and Phillip are so cute and adorable 🥰
07 Aug 2022, 21:21 #
Why do you feel sorry for negative characters the most? How do they do it? Boleyn was executed, I wept. Now Cromwell. I never thought that his death would cause so much pity. The strongest series. Well, the execution of Pestilence, of course. But I feel sorry for Cromwell. The gorgeous actor who played him is an amazing role. At first it got boring without Volsey, now Cromwell is gone.
It remains to watch and make fun of the king and his choice of the next lady. Catherine's eye twitches.
27 Jan 2023, 01:55 #
Surprisingly.. How can you play so beautifully? The character (Cromwell), whom you hate so fiercely throughout his entire presence, begins to cause pity. You try to put it out, because he's a scoundrel.. but the actor's acting!!! Unless you're holding back tears, still remembering the sins of his character
27 Jan 2023, 02:02 #
Moreover. We all know perfectly well that there are hundreds and thousands of examples when reformers are considered cruel and hated during their lifetime, but they are the ones who build empires. You realize this only in this episode. A man who was nobody, went over the heads (even of the one who brought him out of the shadows), achieved great things not only for himself, but also for the country, determined the course of the history of the whole state. And what is the result? Like all reformers, he turned out to be the one to blame for everything
08 Feb 09:03 #
Thomas Cromwell... from the lowest to almost the highest title (Not counting the King) and to die such a painful death, he did a lot and stole behind the King's back..
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