There are only 2 episodes left, and everything is so bad. I hope the end of the series will be worthy.
07 Jan 2022, 03:35 # Show original
katamberka is for sure and it's good that it's closed for this season. Season 4 was very far from the entertainment of other seasons. For some reason, I was constantly waiting for the end of the series to switch not to discussing episodes but to other series.
18 Jan 2022, 17:53 # Show original
Wow, Jordan and the incredibly disgusting Kyle this season have almost overtaken these marked ones in this episode in terms of nausea. Fucking fanatics.
26 Feb 2022, 20:50 # Show original
@Me-wow: so it was also clear there that Cassie (who supposedly had Kyle's ability) was from the Marked Ones. Because she said that Kyle should turn Isabelle over to his father - she knew a hundred pounds that he was already infected and had become Marked. Again, Collier, before he remembered who he was again, was talking about the last city that would be paradise, and there would be people living in poverty and chaos around. As a result, he created it, but he did not know that a Marked Man would be planted in his brain, and through him they would make this revolution. The fact that Cassie is also against the promycin test, again, speaks in favor of the fact that she is one of the Labeled Ones. Collier is just a pawn in their game, a convenient leader whose body can be occupied.
02 Mar 2022, 18:26 # Show original
@Zigarette: From the very beginning of the story with this city, I sat and thought did Collier not understand that it was suspiciously similar to the fact that he saw the village of his "death". At least your comment showed that it's not me who's going crazy) Cassie was already beginning to suspect something was wrong with her, too.
09 Jul 13:50 # Show original
The season is weaker than the previous ones, hope for the last two episodes
Cassie was already beginning to suspect something was wrong with her, too.