s06e11 — The God Complex

Doctor Who — s06e11 — The God Complex

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(2 656)
Duration: 45 min.
Released: 17.09.201117.09.2011 23:00
Watched by: 80 01253.01%
6 season
s06 special-3 - Best of the Companions
s06e08 - Let's Kill Hitler
s06e09 - Night Terrors
s06e10 - The Girl Who Waited
s06e11 - The God Complex
s06 special-13 - Prequel (The Wedding of River Song)
s06e12 - Closing Time
s06 special-4 - Death is the Only Answer
s06e13 - The Wedding of River Song

Discussion of the 11 episode of the 6 season
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16 Jan 2015, 06:19 # Show original
The Shining 2.0
18 Jan 2015, 02:08 # Show original
Jack Nicholson would have shown them
29 Sep 2020, 21:49 # Show original
What would he show? How to go off the reels?
12 May 2015, 22:22 # Show original
I wonder what the Doctor saw in his room, and what he believes in so much ?
13 May 2015, 00:09 # Show original
He doesn't believe in anything like that, because they were there only because of Amy, and the contents of his room were revealed in the Doctor's Time series, but I won't spoiler, although I was spoilered about it myself :)
13 May 2015, 02:50 # Show original
@-Alexey-: People who don't believe in anything were shown the exit as Rory, and the rooms were only for those who believe in something, because why would a being who feeds on people's faith need a person who doesn't believe in anything. #master explain
13 May 2015, 04:33 # Show original
Oh, then I don't even know if the Doctor's turn didn't have time to reach him, or if his theory allowed him not to look for his faith, or if he basically copes in a different way... However, I myself have not yet seen the Doctor's Time, so I will postpone the reasoning until then :)
22 Sep 2015, 04:16 # Show original
"I'm not a hero, I'm just a madman from a booth and it's time to see each other as we really are."
09 Nov 2015, 22:38 # Show original
But how does any image of an angel also become an angel?
04 Jan 2016, 01:51 # Show original
Did no one say a word about saying goodbye to the Ponds? Kaaak, people? How did you react so indifferently to this?
05 Jan 2016, 01:50 # Show original
I do not believe. I can't believe it. I don't want to believe it. Well, it can't be that way. First of all, the girl-who-was-waiting couldn't just give up her faith in five seconds. Well, it's impossible T_T
And yes. I did not remember the Radiance, but 1408 X))
I join the perplexity about the Angel 0_o
10 Jan 2016, 01:45 # Show original
Ponds (T_T)
I don't want to say goodbye to them :with
14 Feb 2016, 02:02 # Show original
about the angel... maybe he didn't meet the angel himself in his life, but only heard about them (which is most likely the case)? maybe there is something different in his presentation that we might not have noticed? maybe that's why the angel didn't become real)
08 Apr 2016, 05:34 # Show original
I can't explain it, but I'm impressed that the Doctor broke up with the Ponds. At the same time, he parted without erasing his memory and throwing it into a parallel world. At least Rory deserved it. Each subsequent adventure tore the soul out of Rory, and in some places Amy got it. There is no point in continuing to torment them. Funny adventures with an admiring "Run, faster!" have long been gone, have you noticed?
22 Jul 2020, 22:06 # Show original
@Lisapeta: I only watched the new school and it feels like with each new Doctor there is an escalation of drama, and then, when there is already a lot of drama, as if the Doctor is being updated and we perceive him emotionally differently. Although, in principle, it's too early to say that there is a pattern, the 9th was changed very quickly, but for now I see such a trend only from the 10th and 11th. Everything was very sad for the 10th, I already had some kind of overload emotionally, the 11th brought lightness, but I feel that I will cry over future series
27 Jul 2016, 15:38 # Show original
Well, hello, AHS
09 Oct 2016, 15:22 # Show original
Damn, I looked at Rita and kept wondering where I'd seen her. It turned out - in the TV series "One Night". And she was a terrific charmer there, too.
04 Feb 2017, 01:38 # Show original
Ponds stand out ahead in my rating of satellites, Rory even beat Martha and the captain (well, he wasn't so much) a little ahead.
And such a proper, and most importantly timely farewell, and I do not know, such a touching one, and in general, whether it's Smith with his magic, or it's Karen, but these relations for me are the warmest, almost fraternal, well, there was no such thing with Rose, Donna, or Martha. These hugs, these kisses on the forehead, these intonations, and the Doctor is so protective of the couple. Although in general this season has both boring episodes and a line with River for my taste, but I will say that 11 looks wiser than its predecessors. And when he is angry, and when he is affectionate, I get goosebumps from what is scary and what is good, respectively.
06 Mar 2017, 21:21 #
Comment has been deleted
25 Jun 2018, 22:06 # Show original
@Mirari: it seems to me that for such stupid trolling, the possibility of commenting should be selected for each episode. It's not that you don't need to write about something that most will disagree with and there is a chance to run into a large number of disadvantages. But I need to write in a reasoned way, I don't like Rory "because of that" or I don't like Rory with his actions *so-and-so, so I was disappointed in him*. And you certainly don't need to write the same thing for every episode.
25 Jun 2018, 22:14 # Show original
@Kihoth: the ban is not effective, trolls just start other accounts, it would be better to introduce the possibility of ignoring posts from certain users
01 Jul 2017, 23:21 # Show original
Jokes about Klingons? Mr. Worf wouldn't stand for it just like that.
Oh, Rita is so sweet, it's a pity she didn't become the Doctor's companion.
05 Jan 2018, 13:34 # Show original
I kept waiting for Amy and Rory to have at least some emotions about the fact that their daughter was taken away from them. They stole their daughter's childhood, the opportunity to raise her, take care and cherish her. And they kind of don't care. In recent episodes, not a word about it at all. As well as some discussions about the fact that their daughter grew up with them as a friend
25 Feb 2018, 04:05 # Show original
@Fanbeer: by the way, yes, I also thought about it
23 Oct 2019, 22:54 # Show original
I agree about my daughter
18 May 2020, 13:57 # Show original
I have an assumption that she did not really grow up, but regenerated almost immediately into a more or less adult girl (who was in an astronaut costume), and then into a friend. Perhaps this explanation was left somewhere behind the scenes, but they apparently understood everything, because it was not for nothing that Amy asked to tell River to visit them more often. I.e. they have no way to return her as a baby, as I understood. But yes, of course, it is very strange that there is practically no mention of this in the last few episodes, there is a feeling that they are not very sorry that this happened.
20 May 2020, 01:19 #
Мне еще кажется, что Понды легко переживают отсутствие дочери потому что они родителями были полчаса. Эми всю беременность была сознанием с Рори и Доктором, потом родила и дочь унесли. Вернули ненадолго и снова отобрали. Она о ней знает как о факте, но всей материнской магии взяться просто неоткуда
22 Jul 2020, 22:14 #
@Chipolka: согласна, что не было толком времени на связь. Но Эми её же рожала и помнит все ощущения. Насколько помню, у женщин после родов идёт мощный выброс эндорфинов (я не эксперт, но вроде что-то такое слышала), и включается материнский инстинкт. Хотя, по сути, у неё дочь украли и она знает, что возможности вырастить её уже нет. Она знает свою дочь только как подругу детства (которую нам даже не показывали, ага), и как взрослую Ривер. Но все равно странно, что эмоций особо нет и не вспоминают особо. Такое ощущение, что зрители больше переживают, чем Эми с Рори 🙈
13 Sep 2022, 08:40 #
@yelinna: ну у всех по-разному, у меня после родов материнский инстинкт не включился например... Только недели через 3:)
18 Jan 2018, 04:41 #
Все-таки Моффат по части ужастиков остальным сценаристам дает форы в 10 ходов. Умудрится серию, посвященную кошмарам, сделать совсем нестрашной... Печаль.
01 Jul 2018, 21:58 #
Мне одной это напомнило симуляцию из Рика и Морти? Когда отель исчез, очень похоже было
01 Jul 2018, 22:01 #
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22 Jul 2020, 22:17 #
@vk625011: всеми силами стараюсь не читать Ваш комментарий сейчас, не знаю что там за спойлер, но зачем такие комментарии оставлять вообще? Было бы реально классно, если можно было бы хотя бы сворачивать спойлеры под кат. Но здесь такое опции нет, и многие могут прочитать быстро текст, успев увидеть ваш спойлер.
15 Aug 2018, 15:28 #
опять сильные серии,от которых ревёшь.
ох,лучше так,чем их смерть(
28 Oct 2019, 13:54 #
Rory: Howie had been in speech therapy, he'd just got over this massive stammer. What an achievement. I mean, can you imagine? I'd forgotten not all victories are about saving the universe.
29 Apr 2020, 01:41 #
Сияние отдыхает по сравнению с этой серией ))
18 May 2020, 13:59 #
А как же попрощаться с Рори? Прямо даже обидно, что его не обнял Доктор в конце.
24 Nov 2020, 02:52 #
Наверное, меня заминусят, но рискнём
У меня не вызывает вообще никаких чувств Эми. Причём, мне нравилась маленькая Эми, но повзрослевшая... при этом, я хорошо отношусь к актрисе и мне нравится персонаж Рори, но сама Эми.. при том, сколько времени ей уделено кажется местами непродуманным персонажем

И, пожалуйста, не надо воспринимать мои слова как претензию или оскорбление - вообще ничего такого)
15 Nov 2022, 08:26 #
Я с вами соглашусь
22 Aug 2021, 01:11 #
"это не настоящие плачущие ангелы" - парадокс, ведь они сами говорили что любое изображение плачущего ангела и есть плачущий ангел, и поэтому их даже не рисовали в книжке с описанием...
Теперь я пошла смотреть серию дальше
25 Mar 2022, 07:00 #
Я так понял, что в этом сезоне решили побить рекорд на всякие жутковатые и выносящие мозг эпизоды. Тишина, гангеры, те куклы в шкафу, а теперь ещё и этот эпизод. Сценаристы во все тяжкие пошли, не иначе :D
25 Mar 2022, 08:09 #
@Hunter_Number23: забавно, что Доктор нашёл в "свою комнату" в помещении под номером 11. Символично однако...

Полагаю, что там он увидел, что-то связанное с ТАРДИС, слишком уж отчётливо в этом моменте зазвучал Набат Обители, который выполняет роль тревоги у ТАРДИС при ЧС.

Название эпизода, кстати, не просто двойственное, а тройственное. Тут и Комплекс Бога самого Доктора, как говорит Рита; и Комплекс Бога самого существа ("Славьте Его"); и Комплекс Бога как тюрьма существа, которая проецирует и меняет внутри себя коридоры-лабиринт "гостиницы".
16 Apr 20:23 # Show original
- you can't break up like that. Like you just dropped me off at the curb?
- What's the alternative? Standing on your grave?
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