An aging Chinese immigrant is swept up in an insane adventure, where she alone can save what's important to her by connecting with the lives she could have led in other universes.
Released: | 24 March 2022 |
Country of origin: | US |
Genre: | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi |
Production companies: | IAC Films, AGBO, Ley Line Entertainment, Year of the Rat |
Watched by: | 8 469 of 910 214 |
Runtime: | 2 hours 19 minutes |
IMDB rating: | 7.8 of 10 569 554 | rating: | 7.19 of 10 613 856 |
Alas, I have not seen the strand yet.
But I liked this movie.
Of course, I did not fully understand how evil appeared.
But I liked all this confusion and happy ending
@TimelordRu: Evil in terms of Job Tupac? This is Joy from the alpha world, who, due to overloads and jumps, got the opportunity to realize herself in all worlds. And then the standard - tired, tired, fed up with the worlds and decided to destroy them.
And you sit and cry in an embrace ..
And what a tense and dynamic dialogue between two stones, wow. Not all living people talk like these two.
attraction. From bewilderment and shock, to tears and emotion. I haven't experienced this for a long time. The best thing I've watched, and will watch, this year, and in recent years, too. Py sy. I sincerely want to thank both Studio A24 and the distributor for not canceling the show and giving the Russian audience positive emotions.
The Multiverse we deserve xD
An epically absurd, phantasmagoric and visually aesthetic film) Very chic)))
Понравился разбор части из них от Кинопоиска. Я не все заметила или узнала при просмотре. Список того, что стоит еще посмотреть, сильно подрос
We laughed uncontrollably, were perplexed, sad and cried, all this in two hours of incredible emotions. Asian roller coaster
It's so confusing and at first it's not clear that it's getting more and more addictive by the minute, like a bagel🤣🤣🤣
The conversation of two stones is or🤣🤣🤣
But gg's husband, he doesn't change, that when he's local, that alpha, it's the same person ...
well, action, in my opinion, is not the most exciting.. Inventive, yes, but it doesn't look like that..
In some places it may not be completely clear, but visually it is one of the best I have seen :)
Special thanks to Jamie Lee Curtis 🤘
But the world with sausage fingers is still unrealistically disgusting🤪🤣
I remember 50 years ago, Marlon Brando smeared the ass of a young lady with oil in a classic movie, and voila, he got an Oscar for it.
The dildons are worse)
Everything else is blayayayayay, Lyuy, well, what's wrong with you?
Nevertheless, this movie, after its "universal" recognition, marked for me the fact that humanity has finally taken a course towards the decline of intellectual development.
A hodgepodge of absurdity, the essence of which is clear, rather it is not clear why half of all this nonsense is here. Jokes straight from the bottom of the universe, high school students must be joking funnier, seriously, caught the cringe and disgust literally constantly. There is a story and it would not look like a foreign body if Evelyn's daughter's friend was somehow revealed, well, it's just a dummy extra, the script wanted it, the minority wanted it, and it was impossible to increase the timing, because everything that happens is painfully, incredibly delayed.
, in my opinion, the whole film can be described in one phrase from it - nothing matters;
The editing is good, the picture is good, the actors are good
, but Joy's outfits and makeup are just a separate art
. People who looked through the prism of the Oscar probably didn't even try to enjoy the film.
у нас разные впечатления и переубедить друг друга мы не сможем
Но в целом моя оценка - 9.5 мужиков со статуеткой в жопе из 10
Короче, фильм откровенно плох
В общем, советую к просмотру обязательно‼
И, пару слов тому, кто читает данный комментарий: стоит напомнить, что это личное мнение и оно, естественно, будет отличаться от вашего, если вы думаете иначе.
Поэтому, задумайтесь, правильно ли вы делаете, ставя минус на данном комментарии, даже если моё мнение кардинально отличается от вашего...
Всем удачи и всех благ😁🔥
They stuffed a lot, but they did it somehow uninteresting. In short, the packaging is beautiful, but it makes your eyes itch
There are so many things in one movie for 2 hours....
And to laugh, and to be surprised and to misunderstand the plot and at the end to cry.....
To experience the whole range of emotions in 2 hours, this is a very cool result
And the Raccoon!! They also explained this cartoon to me.....
The film is definitely top1 this year and 100/10!! I'll
go advise it to all my friends
The installation, of course, is gorgeous - I liked it. I liked the whole picture. But as the absurdity was not mine, it remained so. Some of these sketches didn't seem funny, but just vile. They piled on kringe, of course, be healthy.
Naturally, little is known about the multiverse, and it's great that they have shown how different they can be in theory. But I sincerely don't understand such a large number of Oscars.
There was not enough acting from the actors, expectations failed, I did not get any enthusiasm. It feels like they just picked up everything in a row, put it in a mixer and dumped it on the screen.
Is the modern viewer really so spoiled that in another form he cannot be forced to think about simple values - mutual understanding between loved ones, acceptance of others, how not to lose oneself and love for relatives in the hustle of days?
And of course, the formula of modern award winners is Asians (or African Americans), homosexuality and strong independent women. It's kind of a shame even for white heterosexual men)
For me personally, it's too much. Lately, the head and eyes have been resting on simple beauty without too much fuss, there is enough of it in life)
- Vernon from Seventeen
I haven't seen this for a long time, there are no words, only emotions
scenes for the eyes, the film hides important moral themes. I was moved to tears more than once, but because this is an arthouse or a copy of it, I definitely would not advise everyone in a row (as Vernon from seventeen did, which is why I'm actually here, and even though I read the description, but still curiosity took over) because a lot is very, very specific frames. personally, I need to come to my senses or take a shower after this. comedy is essentially non-existent. I laughed at most once. but the ending pleased me. Her husband was like a charming version of Jackie Chan.
I finally watched this acclaimed Oscar-winning film. I didn't read what the plot was about, I just turned it on and I was sucked in! At first, this is a very banal story of an average family, where mom turns like a squirrel in a wheel, and around her the chaos of small household and work troubles flows into a multiverse fantasy, where everything is mixed in the head and in reality.
It is important to follow the plot carefully, and then eventually you will understand that most likely Evelyn invented all these multiverse for herself, but remained faithful to her family, her life, and herself. She still loves her husband, respects her father, protects and accepts her daughter for who she is, is proud of herself and values her ordinary life.
And also, he understands that in life you need to be kinder and more sympathetic towards others. And then life will be better for everyone.
Separately, I would like to praise the acting. I especially liked how Evelyn's husband transformed from her reality into Alpha Waymond and back. Ke Kwan is handsome.
And yes, although the film left different impressions, like a real movie, it is clearly not for everyone, although it is not an arthouse or a Marvel movie, but the topic of relationships is revealed in sufficient detail. And I also remembered the anime film The Actress of the Millennium, although it is closer to the films, but it is quite close in spirit.
Everything is here, everywhere and at once.
Bright, interesting, funny and touching
I wasn't ready for this. 😂