After his Dutch trading ship Erasmus and its surviving crew is blown ashore by a violent storm at Injiro on the east coast of Japan, Pilot-Major John Blackthorne, the ship's English navigator, is taken prisoner by samurai warriors. When he is later temporarily released, he must juggle his self-identity as an Englishman associated with other Europeans in Japan, namely Portuguese traders and Jesuit priests, with the alien Japanese culture into which he has been thrust and now must adapt to in order to survive. Being an Englishman, Blackthorne is at both religious and political odds with his enemy, the Portuguese, and the Catholic Church's Jesuitorder. The Catholic foothold in Japan puts Blackthorne, a Protestant and therefore a heretic, at a political disadvantage. But this same situation also brings him to the attention of the influential Lord Toranaga, who mistrusts this foreign religion now spreading in Japan. He is competing with other samurai warlords of similar high-born rank, among them Catholic converts, for the very powerful position of Shōgun, the military governor of Japan.
Не могу не отметить сходства персонажей и их прототипов в сериале: Торанага-Токугава, Исидо-Хидэёри. История буквально воплощается на экране))
I'm reviewing it before the new film adaptation of the book and it looks good even now, almost 50 years later. colorful🙂
I'm surprised they didn't make a movie. Dear, that's how the series turned out.
And Chamberlain is still alive. He turned 90 a month ago.😮
I recently reviewed another childhood TV series Sliders and there's John Rhys-Davies. and here it is relatively young. I am now the same age as he is in this series.
yes Japanese paper walls😀