
s03e08 — The Romance of the Dancing Girls

Revolutionary Girl Utena — s03e08 — The Romance of the Dancing Girls

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Duration: 25 min.
Released: 04.11.199704.11.1997 15:00
Watched by: 1 17655.06%
3 season
s03e04 - Whispering in the Dark
s03e05 - Azure Paler Than the Sky
s03e06 - The Barefoot Girl
s03e07 - Her Tragedy
s03e08 - The Romance of the Dancing Girls
s03e09 - The Prince Who Runs Through the Night
s04e01 - The Rose Signet
s04e02 - The Love That Budded in Wintertime
s04e03 - And the Doors of Night Open

Discussion of the 8 episode of the 3 season
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10 Jul 2022, 13:15 #
Wow, I also thought, suddenly I was in a hurry to take on faith that they do not have a blood connection) and so it turned out
for me this line is about where the boundaries of (true) intimacy are, and how to understand exactly what you want, to what extent

Nanami wanted to watch the entire series, but it didn't seem to be completely available to her, and she wanted more
When he offers himself, she rejects it.
When it turns out that they "absolutely can" — her world collapses
And it turns out that the important period was when she wanted more, but, it turns out, she had everything she wanted, even then

Probably, there is also, in a broad sense, about revaluation and tit in the hand
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