Well, Beth has already given up fast chess with a fight, and she got Benny in bed, as she definitely expected. There is only one goal left ahead - Grandmaster Vasily Borgov, who again turned out to be stronger. Just to get there, just not to fly off. It became scary after her separation at the end of the series. Hello, Jolene, hello, old friend, you have a hairstyle...
@utau: Bro, you overestimate your importance in this mortal world for me and, even more so, on this resource) And let's be honest, even without me, people have already appreciated all your terribly lenten comments as much as possible
I thought that she was deliberately giving in to Benny in rapid chess before the final to seem like a less strong opponent. Remember her smile when she returned to her room)
Make-up Bet at the end of the series - as a separate type of protest. It was notable that her roof was blown off from the second loss to this Soviet grandmaster Borgov. The girl went downhill...
Well, I can't ignore the appearance of Harry. How repulsive the actor was in the role of Dudley (Harry Potter) and how much he impresses me in this series. A nice and kind young man, not handsome, but just cool! I don't want to give it to Beth, he's too good for her...
After all, Beth's (real) mother is wrong - living alone, as if no one is really needed, is not an option. I hope Jolene and Harry will pull Beth out of the pit where she is so rapidly rolling.
How can you talk about this in terms of "right/wrong"? Firstly, everyone has their own way of life, and secondly, let's not forget about her psychological problems
@phenomenyaa: I'm not talking about how she lived, but about what she taught her daughter. The fact that these motherly words stuck in Beth's head was shown to us more than once. And it was difficult for Beth herself to move away from it-but it was necessary. In my opinion, one of the themes of the series is about how a gifted daughter of a gifted woman (we were shown a scientific book written by Beth's mother) chooses a different path - not isolation with her demons, the underside of talent, but one where it's not a shame to accept help from loved ones so as not to drown in the swamp at all.
I've already forgotten the name of the man who taught her how to play chess, and Beth doesn't remember him at all. Maybe I missed this moment, but it's been so long, and I don't think there's been a word about him since she asked for a five-dollar loan. All the people from the past flash by, except for him, it's a shame somehow.
@RomanMavrov: in her memories and in her head, yes. I'm talking about the present tense. The fact that she never visited him and did not even return the promised 10, did not find out how he was doing. Just the same, she constantly remembered him as a mentor who taught a nine-year-old chess, revealed her talent, if I may say so, but at least for a second to think where he is now and how he is - not once.
@oblivious: I think she sent him $10, it was just left behind the scenes. And in the first big interview for the magazine, she talked about him, and then complained that the article didn't even mention it. But I agree that it would be interesting to see how she visits him after all that has been achieved :)
@oblivious: she remembered him when she read the first interview about herself in the magazine and complained that there was nothing about him in the article.
@FortesQ: It seems to me that he was brought back to earth by the loss of Bet. That is, he won everyone and seemed to be a prig, but then he lost and realized that he still had a lot to grow.
It's great to see how one cocktail blew her mind. There didn't seem to be much pressure on this topic, but it's obvious that she has alcoholism. And she was also incredibly lucky that there were already three people who really care about her and are ready to support her. I hope Jolene will put her brains in place cleanly.
@Ytzin: I just reviewed the moment where she, sitting in a restaurant where she plays the piano, orders a Gibson cocktail with ice, there are no inscriptions on the glass, and then at home she drinks something from a bottle that looks like wine (I didn't make out the inscriptions). there was nothing about absinthe in the subtitles on Netflix
@overspace_: "it's great to show how she tore off the roof from one cocktail. "You can certainly ask SpringSpark again, but it's obvious that it's about the scene in the bar with Clio.
I read the comments and waited for her to write someone about Billy. I think he's ready to love Beth a little more than himself. In general, I really hope for a couple of them.
Sometimes I think about what I live for in general. And then I see Anya's drunken dancing and I understand that for the sake of such moments, ahah More to the point, the saddest episode so far, in which Beth's talent for self-destruction turns out to be stronger than her talent for chess. And even the moment I mentioned above looks really sad in its essence. Especially realizing how much her success means to girls like herself. Naturally, I do not stop enjoying the way the series was filmed. What is one camerawork worth: in the scene of Beth's dialogue with Whitley, I even rewound in order to once again look at the smooth hits on Whitley himself and how the Camera descends, showing us a grown-up, already superior Beth from another, superior Whitley angle. It's beautiful. So far, the best series that only the finale can surpass
After all, the destructive side of Beth got the better of her, it was sad to watch this, especially the game with Borgov, shame and horror...but Jolene showed up on time, she'll pull it out!👏💖
@Eliz1611: I liked the ironic parallel of her night with Beltik, when she immediately, after sleeping with him, sat down to read some magazine, probably the analysis of chess games, and he so timidly "so should I go to my room or what", and she told him "yes, do what you want".
So then she understood that to switch to another topic = sex is bad. Maybe that's why she was offended by his speech about chess, because it's like she's being told "well, of course, but I'm not so ecstatic that I forget about Borgov"
Joplin!!! I cried when I saw her. The series is very strong in dramatic terms. Of course, it's super that Borgov won, but this is such a break in patterns, because that's how the series began in general. I'm looking forward to watching the finale. This is definitely the best show I've seen in a while.
Still, I'm waiting for her to lose in the final. Chess does not bring her happiness. She is surrounded by men who infuriate her, she is always alone and suffers a lot from this. Yes, this is the mother's attitude, but did Beth deserve to repeat her fate? Nothing like that! I see her future bright. But if the series ends on a tragic note, I'll accept it anyway. Because that's what life does to people most of the time
I was sure that Jolene stayed in the first episodes of the series. I kind of wanted to see Benny at the end, but when I saw her, I realized that such a plot twist is much cooler. It turns out symbolically: Jolene revealed to her the secret of green pills at the beginning, and at the end we see her again, but already as a savior 🥴
And no one saw our Russian Railways train at the moment when they are driving in the car? There's a general span over the road and here she is driving next to it)
So I thought Towns was gay, and Beth gave up on him.... and she turns out to be in love with him.. How I was hoping to see Benny pulling Beth out of a drunken stupor....
The most offensive thing in this series is that in fact, because of the model, everything turned out exactly like that. Yes, maybe she would have lost, but without such a fall after. I wanted to believe in her victory over herself, I hope this will happen in the last series. The second upset was that Benny called her that way and in the end did not try to come himself. Interesting opening of the series: Beth is still in love
@elfie_pie: It seemed to me that Cleo was hired by evil Russian keyjibs, remember the overheard conversation in the elevator that she was drinking. So it was swollen before the final. Since she slept on the plane and she doesn't have a jetlag.
I thought Benny was a rich pinocchio, but he lives in some kind of barn. But in New York)) Beth looks like the older sister of her fans, I'm completely perplexed with her sympathies. What was Benny saying about "get in shape"? He has the body of an 11-year-old child. Charming kid, smart, of course, that's a plus, but somehow it all looks pathetic - a junkie, a nerd and a jerk, good lovers. And what happened to Townes, why did he disappear from the radar?
That's what she did to Benny and his friends, it was strong! It's a normal conversation after such a pastime. I really miss Towns. We just met everywhere, but he's already gone so much... the conversation between Beth and her "father" is great.
- I need 7 thousand. I'll show you the receipts. "I'm buying." I'll just deduct what I spent on my mother's funeral. I'll show you the receipts.
I'm probably going to say a very strange thing and few people will understand me, but Beth reminds me of the young Bree Van de Kamp from Desperate Housewives! Unless she's not so obsessed with cleaning :D
I finally identified the genre of Queen's gambit - this is a classic anime senen, here, as in any senen, a lone hero begins his journey to greatness alone and the whole world is against him, the enemies who meet him on the way, being defeated, go over to his side, helping him become even stronger and accompany him on the path to the main boss, defeating which the hero senen will achieve his goals. Now I can safely include QG in the list of my favorite anime series.
A very cool phrase about the lack of adam's apple burden, and the subsequent phrase in Russian added a lot of fire to the pre-tournament press conference.
@grim_reminder: According to one biblical parable, when God created Adam and Eve, the tempting serpent gave them an apple. Eve handed it to Adam and he bit it off, but the piece got stuck in his throat, creating an Adam's apple, but Eve didn't bite him, so she doesn't have an Adam's Apple.
How awesome and stylishly shot! And the second half of the episode is so sad that you want to cry from Beth's condition, and it's even sadder that others see it too, want to help, and she just 'bites' and suffers in response. I keep waiting for someone or something to pull her out of the swamp, maybe Jolene, maybe victory from the USSR, maybe that guy from the room with the photos is her love, so I hope for a happy ending!
By the way, like many people, I didn't like the actress before this series, but here she is amazing! Her image, her face, her elegance, the fashion of the sixties, perfect, I was surprised that the series would be so cool!
Ben should have money for a proper apartment, right? Even though he was sidelined from some tournaments, he still participated in some... I really want Beth to return to a normal life and give up her habits and, possibly, chess, and bet her whole life on them... I wish her to checkmate Bargova and end this addiction!
For a long time I couldn't figure out who Jolene reminded me of at the end of the series - and those who played the Mafia 3 computer game should remember Cassandra or Roxy! Well, very similar!
I told you Benny wouldn't be able to resist😊 When Beth's mom died and her dad told her on the phone that the house was hers, I thought it was a strange thing for an asshole like him to do. And here it is, all the filth came out of the man. The drunken spree is certainly impressive, but in a bad way, I hope that Jolene will be able to pull Beth out of this swamp.
Jolene is really cool here) Beth's arrows don't go at all, her appearance doesn't hold them, and they're shown as more of a symbol of rebellion and "fall." And I liked how Benny turned her down after sex, now Beth found out how Harry felt when she ignored him in the same way, starting to read a book about chess after having sex with him. In general, Beth is especially repulsive in this series, they say about her that she is smart, but a talent for chess is a talent for chess, at least smart people don't get drunk before the most important event for them. I can't say that this is such an unpleasant character for me, but her disregard for the feelings of others, coldness and irresponsibility irritate me personally, but at the same time I even envy the determination and ability to keep a face in difficult situations. He's an ambiguous character to me. The story is interesting, the series is stylishly shot, and even if the chess theme is not my thing, it's really addictive, so I'm curious what they have in store for the finale.
@Diamond_Joe: There is such a thing as addiction. And many people get into it very quickly. It doesn't make them smart or stupid, they just can't resist sometimes. And sometimes they think they can, but they're wrong. That's all
Beth is conquered by the whole world, just a beauty. Conquered fast chess, conquered Benny, just dump everything. I'm thrilled with this series. I would rather find out how it will end😻
When they played chess with words, it was just a brain explosion! I don't even know what could be cooler and more epic, maybe playing while having sex.
I'm really worried about Benny, but I don't understand, if I miss Beth so much, and she doesn't want to come to you, then why not come to her?...I guess I overestimated his feelings.
Am I the only one who's really upset about Benny and Beth's relationship? he really fell in love with her, but her addictions, her complex nature played their part, it's like the perfect relationship goals, two people obsessed with what they love, but Beth still seems to reject all the good things from herself. It's an incredibly difficult episode for me, it's hard to watch such rapid self-destruction. I hope Jolene beats the crap out of her.
@annaskidanova: Yeah, I feel bad for them and Benny too, when a guy like that falls in love so sincerely, it means there's something special about a girl...
Upset this series. To everyone. In general, everyone. And Ben's home, and his strange attitude to Beth, and the appearance of his foster father, and the hangover game and the breakdown after. I don't like this spirit of the times and this way of life of our main character. Probably, the screenwriters were trying to achieve this. I don't want to include the last episode yet.
Joline... I thought they wouldn't show it anymore. But fortunately she came back, because I consider her to be Beth's closest and most loyal friend, who has been with her for many years, and the fact that she found Beth and came to her😭
For me, the fact that Beth came to the match with a hangover is disrespectful to the opponent. I also don't like excessive formality, but you are being played against by a professional, the best of the best, your personal rival, whom you dream of defeating and your goal - what kind of behavior is this?
Beth did this not out of disrespect for her opponent, but because she is addicted to alcohol and could not restrain herself from going to a meeting with Cleo, stopping after the first cocktail. She was very ashamed during the game.
It's really strange, I didn't understand why Beth suddenly lost her mind in a restaurant when she heard a song. Before that, it was relatively normal with her.
I really liked this episode. Especially when Beth was having fun in the living room, it was a beautiful picture.
Benny and Beth's relationship is reminiscent of the Arctic Monkeys song "Why would you only call me when you're high?”, only Benny is the one who calls Beth when she's drunk)))
Happy to welcome Jolene!!! I've been waiting for her since Beth left the orphanage.
Oh, it's a pity to watch Beth like that. She really destroys herself no worse than she plays chess! Still, such a fanatical obsession with something really does not lead to good. And apparently, genius and all sorts of psychological problems are really very close to each other.
The second episode shows us how Beth pays attention to the bags in the girls' hands. In the previous episode, the package was in a classmate's stroller, in this one it was with the girls in the store. Why do they focus on this? Is there alcohol in there?
@mona_liza: For the first time, they showed that her former classmate wasn't doing so well. She seems to look happy, the family, the baby, and on the other hand, there's a bag of bottles in the stroller. In this episode, there was the same bag of bottles, only both of them had it, and now her classmate notices that Beth has gone down the same path.
I don't even understand what exactly happened at the game with Bogrov before she gave up? Did she understand what kind of game was being played? Why didn't you give up before this rook move? For a second it seemed to me that Bogrov succumbed, and she refused such an unfair victory, but still it seems very unlikely for the Soviet and world champion. So, does anyone understand what happened in the last moves?
I was very tense when this model called Beth to drink, because I understand that "one glass" will not do and it will negatively affect the decisive game. And here's the morning from the first episode, which really intrigued me) why was she sleeping in a barrel, so many questions, I really wanted to see Jolene I also want to see the caretaker from the shelter (I forgot his name).
Rapid or active chess is a type of chess game with limited time for reflection, where each player is given more than 10 minutes for the entire game, but less than an hour.
It's a great mini-series... the actress was chosen and played super... For me, chess in the series is an entourage, first of all it is a drama of a talented child... initially, a mentally unstable mother who killed herself and tried to kill her child, then an orphanage that got her hooked on psychotropic drugs, then a foster mother who lived on alcohol and psychotropic drugs... and a small child is making his way through these wilds, who has found an outlet and escape from reality in chess... All such endings are more optimistic... It's not for nothing that this series wins prizes... looking at
To be honest, I thought that the Bet with Borgov tournament, which the series begins with, would be in the final episode.. Well, the more interesting it is to watch) By the way, I just Googled an interesting fact for me, Borgov is played by Pole Marcin Doroczynski)
I've been working on this series for a long time, but I'm glad that I'm watching it anyway, they reveal people's problems, show how some people can "drown" their minds in addictions
I don't understand why everyone is running around Beth like that. What did she do to them? I just sent it and forgot. And they're all running around and looking for her attention. The situation of the "cool indifferent alpha" in the female image. Already Mary Sue somehow turns out that this one loves her, and this one falls in love, and people from the past run in droves, and the new girlfriend showers compliments. I do not believe. What's her thing? That she plays chess and humiliates people? She spits on them and their feelings, and when she does something wrong (the scene with Benny, where he, like her earlier, starts talking about chess instead of HER), she immediately gets angry. It's unpleasant to get a reply. But I'm truly sorry that the cat didn't cry such answers. If in the final she gets drawn by everyone she has a queen on, I will be disappointed. If she gets drunk according to the traditions of real life, it will be cool. The main thing is, why should she rise from the bottom? What good has she done or is she planning? She only cares about winning, drinking, drugs, and nothing else. Well, maybe dresses, but that's optional. In short, I don't understand the mountain of comments wishing Beth all the best.
@DorianDarko: It's always so interesting that when they show us a charming male asshole character, everyone screams at him, and as soon as they show a girl with a similar character, everyone is full of venom at her, that her character is terrible, and that everyone is running around with her like that. Misogyny is such a misogyny.
What I was afraid of happened – the girl went into a breakaway. She's always been a sucker for these tempting nastiness, but now it's generally dangerous and disastrous. Borgov, of course, is very powerfully made, the tension is just perfectly felt – you can't deny the series a good acting performance. Mr. Wheatley is infuriating, as he should be, Mrs. Wheatley, whom I miss very much, gives warmth, as she should, Beth naturally goes crazy, as she should, Cleo behaves like a woman who has lived her life, as she should, Harry charms with kindness and how he has changed, as he should, Borgov, as it should, it scares. – Do you still like my hair? 🔥😏 That's whose hair I was really happy to see, so it's Jolene. Maybe she could get Beth out of this. The end is coming, uh... I wonder how it will develop further and who will stay with Harmon... maybe Towns will show up again?..
Did she have scary makeup at the end))) or are you just used to seeing her with a cleaner and more childish face, that these arrows caught your eye so much)))
It's a pity for Beth, everything is much tougher in intellectual sports. Obviously, Jolene will get her out, but unfortunately that's not the case in real life.
Explain to me what's behind the scenes with our Russian 10-car train (and a modern one, painted in the colors of Russian Railways gray-red) at the beginning of the series, when the characters go to New York??)) I can't add a photo without a pro, but at about 1:16
@ФемкаZ: https://pikabu.ru/story/khod_korolevyi_i_yelektrichka_rzhd_7884641 dummer: Мне стало интересно, как случился такой абсурд и выяснилось, что всё это от лени продакшена - они просто взяли стоковый футадж (https://stock.adobe.com/de/216794644?asset_id=244333737) по запросу, типа, "Aerial view transport infrastructure with highway and railway" и дорисовали машины.
In the role of Cleo, you wouldn't recognize Queen Aethelflaed of Mercia from the Last Kingdom at all. I'm surprised by the directness of the shooting of the drinking scene.👀
I've watched the show many times, and I've been wondering if Cleo got her drunk and distracted on purpose. I think so. Envy. It's too obvious that she's jealous of Beth, and she's too good at understanding people herself, she can almost read minds. I couldn't help but guess what their meeting at the bar would lead to.
@Annie10792: Yes, I was very sorry. There's an important event tomorrow! You should always bend your line, not bend over. We would have gone to the bar after the game, this Frenchwoman would not have gone anywhere. 😖
Everything seems to be fine, but I don't understand this change in the plot, when Jolene came herself, Beth was looking for her in the book, because she considered the only person who would help her. That is, she herself understood that she needed help, the very essence of her problem is just such that no one will help until you want to.
Just to get there, just not to fly off. It became scary after her separation at the end of the series.
Hello, Jolene, hello, old friend, you have a hairstyle...
They just look cool on her face. Like a creative makeup in modern realities
Glad to see her )
Well, I can't ignore the appearance of Harry. How repulsive the actor was in the role of Dudley (Harry Potter) and how much he impresses me in this series. A nice and kind young man, not handsome, but just cool! I don't want to give it to Beth, he's too good for her...
Oh, Jolene)) Here is the appearance)
And in the first big interview for the magazine, she talked about him, and then complained that the article didn't even mention it.
But I agree that it would be interesting to see how she visits him after all that has been achieved :)
It seems to me that she will visit him again, I really hope so , I'm just waiting for it
More to the point, the saddest episode so far, in which Beth's talent for self-destruction turns out to be stronger than her talent for chess. And even the moment I mentioned above looks really sad in its essence. Especially realizing how much her success means to girls like herself.
Naturally, I do not stop enjoying the way the series was filmed. What is one camerawork worth: in the scene of Beth's dialogue with Whitley, I even rewound in order to once again look at the smooth hits on Whitley himself and how the Camera descends, showing us a grown-up, already superior Beth from another, superior Whitley angle. It's beautiful.
So far, the best series that only the finale can surpass
So then she understood that to switch to another topic = sex is bad. Maybe that's why she was offended by his speech about chess, because it's like she's being told "well, of course, but I'm not so ecstatic that I forget about Borgov"
Beth's drunken dancing is the best)
And how beautifully each frame and music is shot, I do not cease to admire this series
I see her future bright. But if the series ends on a tragic note, I'll accept it anyway. Because that's what life does to people most of the time
"So, we're are still in love? What's his name?"
I ship them so much. They obviously care for each other, but Townes just disappeared. Come on.
How I was hoping to see Benny pulling Beth out of a drunken stupor....
Beth looks like the older sister of her fans, I'm completely perplexed with her sympathies. What was Benny saying about "get in shape"? He has the body of an 11-year-old child. Charming kid, smart, of course, that's a plus, but somehow it all looks pathetic - a junkie, a nerd and a jerk, good lovers. And what happened to Townes, why did he disappear from the radar?
It's a normal conversation after such a pastime.
I really miss Towns. We just met everywhere, but he's already gone so much...
the conversation between Beth and her "father" is great.
- I need 7 thousand. I'll show you the receipts.
"I'm buying." I'll just deduct what I spent on my mother's funeral. I'll show you the receipts.
and then one miss , and everything went off the rails . Sadly
I keep waiting for someone or something to pull her out of the swamp, maybe Jolene, maybe victory from the USSR, maybe that guy from the room with the photos is her love, so I hope for a happy ending!
By the way, like many people, I didn't like the actress before this series, but here she is amazing! Her image, her face, her elegance, the fashion of the sixties, perfect, I was surprised that the series would be so cool!
I really want Beth to return to a normal life and give up her habits and, possibly, chess, and bet her whole life on them... I wish her to checkmate Bargova and end this addiction!
When Beth's mom died and her dad told her on the phone that the house was hers, I thought it was a strange thing for an asshole like him to do. And here it is, all the filth came out of the man.
The drunken spree is certainly impressive, but in a bad way, I hope that Jolene will be able to pull Beth out of this swamp.
Beth's arrows don't go at all, her appearance doesn't hold them, and they're shown as more of a symbol of rebellion and "fall." And I liked how Benny turned her down after sex, now Beth found out how Harry felt when she ignored him in the same way, starting to read a book about chess after having sex with him.
In general, Beth is especially repulsive in this series, they say about her that she is smart, but a talent for chess is a talent for chess, at least smart people don't get drunk before the most important event for them. I can't say that this is such an unpleasant character for me, but her disregard for the feelings of others, coldness and irresponsibility irritate me personally, but at the same time I even envy the determination and ability to keep a face in difficult situations. He's an ambiguous character to me.
The story is interesting, the series is stylishly shot, and even if the chess theme is not my thing, it's really addictive, so I'm curious what they have in store for the finale.
I'm thrilled with this series. I would rather find out how it will end😻
It's an incredibly difficult episode for me, it's hard to watch such rapid self-destruction.
I hope Jolene beats the crap out of her.
How did she not get alcohol poisoning?!?!
Hopefully Jolene will pull her out of the pit of addiction..
Benny and Beth's relationship is reminiscent of the Arctic Monkeys song "Why would you only call me when you're high?”, only Benny is the one who calls Beth when she's drunk)))
Happy to welcome Jolene!!! I've been waiting for her since Beth left the orphanage.
Still, such a fanatical obsession with something really does not lead to good. And apparently, genius and all sorts of psychological problems are really very close to each other.
And here's the morning from the first episode, which really intrigued me) why was she sleeping in a barrel, so many questions, I really wanted to see Jolene
I also want to see the caretaker from the shelter (I forgot his name).
(c) Wiki.
By the way, I just Googled an interesting fact for me, Borgov is played by Pole Marcin Doroczynski)
If in the final she gets drawn by everyone she has a queen on, I will be disappointed. If she gets drunk according to the traditions of real life, it will be cool.
The main thing is, why should she rise from the bottom? What good has she done or is she planning? She only cares about winning, drinking, drugs, and nothing else. Well, maybe dresses, but that's optional. In short, I don't understand the mountain of comments wishing Beth all the best.
– Do you still like my hair?
That's whose hair I was really happy to see, so it's Jolene. Maybe she could get Beth out of this.
The end is coming, uh... I wonder how it will develop further and who will stay with Harmon... maybe Towns will show up again?..
Come on, in the last episode, show me who's the best chess player on the planet.
dummer: Мне стало интересно, как случился такой абсурд и выяснилось, что всё это от лени продакшена - они просто взяли стоковый футадж (https://stock.adobe.com/de/216794644?asset_id=244333737) по запросу, типа, "Aerial view transport infrastructure with highway and railway" и дорисовали машины.
I'm surprised by the directness of the shooting of the drinking scene.👀