
s01e03 — The Scarlet Eyes, Act 2

Moriarty the Patriot — s01e03 — The Scarlet Eyes, Act 2

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Duration: 25 min.
Released: 25.10.202025.10.2020 16:30
Watched by: 3 90961.59%
1 season
s01e01 - The Earl's Crime
s01e02 - The Scarlet Eyes, Act 1
s01e03 - The Scarlet Eyes, Act 2
s01e04 - A Rare Breed
s01e05 - The Dancers on the Bridge
s01e06 - The "Noahtic", Act 1
s01e07 - The "Noahtic", Act 2
s01e08 - A Study in "S", Act 1
s01e09 - A Study in "S", Act 2

Discussion of the 3 episode of the 1 season
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27 Oct 2020, 18:21 # Show original
OK, okay, they've added new facts to the story, maybe I haven't gotten to them in the manga yet, but... I like some scenes, and some are for reflection.
It's starting to seem more and more like this anime is going to be good.
27 Oct 2020, 21:07 # Show original
Mdaaaa, harsh. But very cool, imho.
24 Dec 2020, 15:06 # Show original
Strange impressions about the series, the family was certainly filthy, but somehow I'm not sure they deserved such an end.
And with the murder of his brother, it is also unclear, that is, at the autopsy they will find that he was alive during the fire and was still breathing, but they will not find damage from the stick?
12 Jan 2021, 05:01 # Show original
It can be attributed to an explosion injury
12 Jan 2021, 20:30 # Show original
@KatyaOff: Honestly, I didn't think about it
12 Jan 2021, 05:03 # Show original
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12 Jan 2021, 20:31 # Show original
@KatyaOff: What's wrong with his ideas? Thanks to such idealists, we live in a better world than we could live in.
09 Jun 2021, 00:31 # Show original
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09 Jun 2021, 06:49 # Show original
@Nikita: what exactly am I deceived about? They wrote a lot, but there are no specifics. I do not understand in what color it is still possible to see the oppression of people to the level of cattle. It would be a fairy tale if we were shown how the state system is being broken without any blood and dirt. Here, in fact, evil is fighting for a just cause, without going beyond the limits beyond which it would be difficult for him to empathize.
07 May 11:32 # Show original
@Slimov: Well, I would argue about the fact that they do not cross borders, but without crossing them, they would not have achieved changes. In my opinion, you are deceived by the fact that you justify their atrocity with high ideals. It's too naive.
As for your comments that we now live in a better world than they do, thanks to such people, I would also argue. Are you saying there is no discrimination now? Her criteria just changed. For example, you will not deny that what any deputy commits can be easily thrown away and hushed up when the first person who comes across is easily convicted of the same offense without investigation. Or take, for example, the different attitude towards infidelity on the part of a man and a woman, a man will be forgiven, a woman will be accused even by those who have nothing to do with it.
Moriarty is a criminal and it should not be forgotten, their actions are not right or wrong, but simply the path they have chosen.
Of course, this is solely my subjective opinion and I was not trying to offend or offend anyone with my comment.
07 May 12:04 # Show original
@Jinai: It depends on what you mean by boundaries.
For me, as long as they operate without affecting ordinary people, they are within the framework, you may have other criteria.
And here I did not understand the attitude to treason at all, this is the most subjective story, globally everyone does not care about the infidelities of strangers.
07 May 12:33 # Show original
@Slimov: So everyone has their own concept of boundaries. And for me, killing my family is a rhyme. Still, I think it's worth starting with communication and trying to find a solution through it. In this case, the burned-out members of the Moriarty family were not some kind of direct demons, although the youngest approached this.
I cited treason as an example of one type of discrimination. Nevertheless, we are not being formed in a global society, but in a specific country.
And if we talk about the global, then the murder of several dozen aristocrats will not play any role in the structure of the world. There will always be others in their place and they can come from both the common people and other noble families.
But let's see if these righteous demons will really be able to create an ideal society by the end of the story
Thank you for your reply, I was very interested to hear your opinion.
08 May 17:43 # Show translation
@Джинай: убийство семьи да было спорным решением, но по коммуникации думаю сын высказывал свои идеи и явно не находил поддержки в них, так что здесь тупиковый вариант развития.
Измена это какой-то спорный пример мягко говоря, там почти наверняка женщины будут меньше винить женщин, мужчины мужчин, но повторюсь глобально всем пофиг.

Целенаправленное убийство аристократов, которые хуже всего относятся к простому народу это действенный метом показать, что так делать не надо и в случае чего, есть люди которые могут тебя наказать.
В этом и была проблема, что аристократы могли творить, что угодно, но на них не было управы, Мориарти и его организация стали этой управой.

Конец истории мне абсолютно не понравился, поэтому больше обсуждаю на этапе этой серии, как таковую значимость радикальных идеалистов в истории человечества.
08 May 18:49 # Show original
@Slimov: Regarding infidelity, unfortunately, the examples I saw showed exactly such a picture, but I dare not speculate globally. Still, there are a lot of conditions and they vary too much (country, religion, village or city, a specific social group, etc.).
But after all, there were rumors about these aristocrats, and something in the subsequent episodes I did not notice that the death of the count from the first series stopped any other aristocrat from belittling commoners So far, it has not come specifically to him and it is already impossible to get away from James Moriarty. Unless it was happening somewhere in the background and I didn't notice.
I haven't reached the end of the story yet, but their plan in subsequent episodes seems to me more workable than the spot elimination of the worst aristocrats.
Aristocrats are brought up in such a situation that humiliation and bullying of commoners is the norm, I do not justify them in any way, and as long as such a norm continues to exist in their minds, killing them does not make much sense in a global context. But I will not deny that the murder of the first count saved other working-class children with whom he interacted and who could later become the next victims.
I also watched the end of the manga and it can be concluded that Liam has changed, but it is necessary to evaluate these changes after meeting and analyzing the whole story.
I hope you haven't had enough of me yet.
09 May 11:40 # Show translation
@Джинай: Я все-таки дискриминацию стараюсь рассматривать в рамках взаимодействия с государством, возьмем радикальный пример Римской империи, где жену за измену можно было убить, мужу же ничего не грозило это да дискриминация.
В рамках современных цивилизованных стран это все сомнительно, даже если взять рф, суд в любом случае заберет половину имущества и отдаст детей жене, даже если она изменила и спровоцировала развод, поэтому тут сильно спорный вопрос в чью сторону дискриминация со стороны государства в контексте измен.

Мне в конкретике уже тяжеловато это аниме обсуждать, я его слишком давно смотрел и помню только в общих чертах.
К сожалению закон не останавливает преступность полностью, он лишь помогает уменьшить масштабы.
Это как с нашей кровавой барыней, с помощью ее дело государство дало понять, что не стоит переходить рамки в обращении с крепостными, естественно не отменило всю жестокость по отношению к ним, но определенно снизило вероятность убийств и прочей жести.

Про воспитание и нормы, именно поэтому я и говорю, что радикальные борцы за идеи важны, потому что если бы никто не решался бросить вызов обществу, мы бы жили сейчас совсем в других условиях, но из этого не следует что они всегда поступают правильно.
17 Jan 2021, 21:22 # Show original
It's actually very cruel
05 Mar 2021, 00:43 # Show original
A heartbreaking episode
20 Jun 2021, 21:42 # Show original
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12 Jul 2021, 02:30 # Show original
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28 Oct 2021, 14:42 # Show translation
@Bojoboj: ...чего
02 Sep 2021, 01:55 # Show original
What a curious character looms.
There seems to be nothing wrong with his ideas. An ideal world, restored justice, and the equal right of all people to happiness. It's hard to say anything against it. But there is also a problem with the means he has chosen to implement these ideas. Instinctively, we understand that these people deserve to be punished, but he does not just punish, he takes on the role of deciding who should live and who should die. "The end justifies the means," really? And what happens if he makes a mistake? So we (at least for now) have a pretty interesting character, whose motives you understand, but whose methods are genuinely frightening.
03 Aug 2022, 22:03 # Show original
What a horror... what a perverted morality😬😬😬
27 Dec 2023, 20:57 # Show original
It seems to me that the minute Albert decided everything about his family, he needed to see a therapist, not these guys. it is clear that the stuffy atmosphere of the family goes against his views, and this cannot be fixed, such is the England of those years, but such drastic measures... I should have escaped on the first ship and become a pirate.)
06 Jan 19:52 # Show original
Actually, and even now, even such sharp conflicts on the basis of any type of intolerance are far from uncommon, however, such cases can be resolved without killing. Moreover, the father, for example, is quite malleable, and did not express sharp hostility towards the working class, as well as towards foster children. I paid for the treatment, and I could have a few words with the seller.
Kamon.. to kill the whole family, while initially stabbing the younger brother with a stick and, leaving him to bleed, burn everyone along with the house... And servants..... Hide yo, Albert
19 Feb 22:18 # Show translation
Альберт псих.
07 May 11:36 # Show original
@porco: Yeah, and I found the same kind of allies. In fact, I wonder why he didn't absorb the moral guidelines of his parents.
15 Oct 16:46 # Show original
He doesn't seem to have absorbed anything specific…
This idea is prompted by Albert's words at the end of the series that he wants to see what William's ideal world will turn out to be.
Not to realize your ideals using the mind of a newly minted brother, but to completely put the initiative in his hands.
It was a little disappointing.
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