
s02e06 — The Choice

Bridgerton — s02e06 — The Choice

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(2 022)
Duration: 69 min.
Released: 25.03.202225.03.2022 15:00
Watched by: 37 49460.34%
2 season
s02e02 - Off to the Races
s02e03 - A Bee in Your Bonnet
s02e04 - Victory
s02e05 - An Unthinkable Fate
s02e06 - The Choice
s02e07 - Harmony
s02e08 - The Viscount Who Loved Me
s03e01 - Out of the Shadows
s03e02 - How Bright the Moon

Discussion of the 6 episode of the 2 season
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25 Mar 2022, 23:48 #
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26 Mar 2022, 02:33 #
My memory may fail me, but in the book, it seems like there was nothing like this series ....
26 Mar 2022, 03:06 #
If it's not difficult, of course, but how much do the book and the series differ? Could you tell us the most important differences
26 Mar 2022, 08:53 #
There are actually a lot of differences, the series is almost a completely different story. In the book, the Shaffield family (in the series - Sharma) has no relatives and, accordingly, no stories with a dowry either.
Anthony did not want to get married because he was sure that he would die at the same age as his father - at 38. He did not want his wife and young children to experience the same grief as he, his mother and siblings once did. Hence his desire to marry for convenience, so that he would not be mourned.
Anthony did not run after Edwina and was not at all attracted to her, there was even a moment when Kate caught him with an opera singer in the office and hated him even more. Edwina has never been in love with Anthony, she was just pleased with his attention and besides, he is a very rich groom)
Kate's attitude to Anthony changed when she hid from a thunderstorm in the library under the table in Aubrey Hall, Anthony found her there and they sat talking half the night. After that, Kate realized that she had no objections to her sister's marriage and that she herself had fallen in love.
And perhaps the most important difference is that Anthony did not propose to Edwina. In fact, during the couple's conversation in the greenhouse, Kate was stung by a bee in her cleavage, and since this is Anthony's main fear, he rushed to pull out the sting. They were caught in a very compromising position and after that they got married.
Something like that. But this is not the end of the book, but since I haven't looked further, I'm afraid to spoiler 😅
26 Mar 2022, 13:10 #
Aah, God, how cool it is there, now I want to read a book 😍😍😍
26 Mar 2022, 15:27 #
@tarisu: in fact, everything is different in the book, I have already read 4, I will soon take up 5. Yes, Edwina in the book was not so silly as here. I liked her in the book, but in the series, to be honest, I don't like her😅Be sure to read it, I wonder who will be in season 3 and if the creators go the same way as the books, then I will really wait for season 4, because I "swallowed" the 4th book, the 4th book is my favorite, although the 2nd book is also not far behind, also loved😍
29 Mar 2022, 13:52 #
And who are the third and fourth books about?
29 Mar 2022, 19:04 #
@Lusik: the third is about Benedict, the fourth is about Colin
30 Mar 2022, 11:05 #
I already want to talk about Eloise
08 Apr 2022, 19:31 #
You will be surprised when you find out who the future husband of Eloise is 🙂
13 Apr 2022, 14:50 #
She's the 5th, then Francesca - the coolest seasons should be
17 Apr 2022, 23:53 #
Comment has been deleted
07 May 2022, 18:01 #
@id147954717: that's it) How interesting) And everything is becoming more logical. I will read books)
07 May 2022, 18:45 #
@a1188277: I know and I'm really looking forward to how this will be done in the series😄
21 Jul 2022, 23:01 #
can I have a spoiler?
23 Jan 2023, 22:14 #
Whoooooo!!!? 🙆‍♀️👀🥹🙈🙈🙈🙈
17 Sep 2023, 23:51 #
@a1188277: I will read) so as not to wait a thousand years for the new season
25 May 2024, 10:37 #
@juliagalusova: your comment prompted me to go and read the entire series of books after watching this season^^
25 Mar 2022, 23:56 #
Well, finally the application allowed to mark all the series!
Oh what an exciting season!!!👏
The relationship between Kate and Anthony, but so they poor drove themselves into obligations..
Their moments alone are already goosebumps ...
I'm glad for Eloise, finally, and on her way I met a person to her liking. But now she is considered a writer ...
Daphne has matured this season)) a good hostess and sister)
Benedict is also happy in his own way) and Collin would rather see all the advantages of Pen!
Each episode is beautiful in its own way!!
25 Mar 2022, 23:57 #
What a touching episode! The love of the king and queen breaks the heart 💔
And finally there was this explosion that had been delayed for so long and the truth was revealed. I am glad that Edwina is much more determined than Anthony and Kate
26 Mar 2022, 01:20 #
Edwina opened up, well done. so good and fair.
"Sign of the times" at the wedding fit in very well. and "what about us", too
26 Mar 2022, 20:31 #
@anita_orlova: ugh, hooray, I'm not crazy, they really sounded there and others heard them too. In a family of 4 people, only I heard them, the others did not hear them and squinted incredulously)))
26 Mar 2022, 02:27 #
Edwina is not a naive child at all, a true diamond!
Well, the glasses have eaten, 2 more episodes are ahead. We are waiting, sir, until the amplitude of the swing subsides..
26 Mar 2022, 03:08 #
I agree about Edwina, she really is much smarter than these two. There would be no need to immediately discard pride and status, think about yourself, of course they made a mess, and Edwina took everything into her own hands
26 Mar 2022, 11:28 #
the song of Harry Styles performed by such a wonderful orchestra at the wedding sounded amazing!!😲
26 Mar 2022, 15:01 #
And at what point is this?
29 Mar 2022, 10:57 #
@oriyamosashvili: 18-19 минуты)
26 Mar 2022, 15:23 #
Oh, and why couldn't this be the season finale?
26 Mar 2022, 15:49 #
@Toruviell: I really liked in the first season that the duke's wedding was not the finale. because it's always like this: a wedding, and they lived happily ever after, the end.
And it turns out that after the wedding, all the most interesting things begin)))
26 Mar 2022, 16:24 #
@juliakey: that wedding was so hasty that I was sitting with my jaw hanging open, like, and that's it? Did she achieve everything she wanted so easily?

But yes, the fun was just beginning 😅
03 Apr 2022, 17:58 #
And I was not impressed by the scene, I think they didn't put the squeeze on. the viewer waited so long, waited so long, but it turned out somehow flat or something
08 Apr 2022, 23:48 #
They still have to have sex!
26 Mar 2022, 17:31 #
I missed the musical compositions)
And in this series there were even 2 of them
27 Mar 2022, 18:27 #
In previous episodes, too, there were)
26 Mar 2022, 22:25 #
Well, the girls' mother, of course. While everyone is guessing about Kate and Anthony, she doesn't notice anything at all, and she wasn't even aware of the dowry. Yes, she's a wonderful mom, but what does she do in general? It's as if only his sister cares about Edwin, and his mother only sits next to him for show.

The Featheringtons are burning in this series. An unexpected couple is pecking, it turned out that the cousin likes older ladies😂

And of course Edwina proved in this series that she is not a child. She's so wise, honey. It's a pity anyway that it turned out this way, it was not necessary to bring it to the wedding. And all because of these two stubborn characters, even though they finally kissed, how I was waiting for this!
26 Mar 2022, 22:26 #
And, and most importantly, Colin noticed Pen finally, I'm glad)
27 Mar 2022, 03:57 #
Oh, how I'm waiting for Penelope's novel 😍😍😍
27 Mar 2022, 04:45 #
Well, they finally kissed! Already, as many as six episodes were delayed with this.

I am glad that Colin was finally able to see Pen.

And the intrigue of course is what the Queen will do with this false knowledge. And how she will sit in a puddle when she realizes that the informers have misunderstood everything.
27 Mar 2022, 17:16 #
Now, it is more than clear that there is sympathy between Eloise and Theo)
Oh, she'll bring trouble.Or has she already brought it on?Does the Queen think Eloise is Lady Whistledown?
27 Mar 2022, 18:05 #
Yes, this season is much more dramatic, intense and darker even than the first one. And somehow sincere, I somehow didn't even worry about Daphne and the Duke, I knew that everything would work out for them. And Kate and Anthony have bigger cockroaches. And I'm worried about them, it's not a fact that they will have a happy ending. And by the way, I remember when I found out that there would be no Sienna in season 2, I was upset, I thought she and Anthony were in love. And now I understand that no, they are somehow with Kate... they understand each other better or something, they see through each other, they know each other. And they reach out to each other. How I hope they will be together!
28 Mar 2022, 01:03 #
I'm looking forward to the denouement between Pen and Colin and Eloise and Theo. 💕
28 Mar 2022, 17:14 #
What a good series and this ending is just 🔥
28 Mar 2022, 23:39 #
Edwina is a wonderful girl, very smart, very perceptive
It's very sad for her that she was hurt so much in the end, but what a gorgeous ending to the series🤩
29 Mar 2022, 12:41 #
In this episode, pity the queen... but at least Edwina was helped by this situation to make the right decision
29 Mar 2022, 14:38 #
Well, finally!!!
Edwina well done, finally stopped behaving like an amoeba
29 Mar 2022, 20:52 #
The laughter of Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton is, without a doubt, the scene of the season. 💯
30 Mar 2022, 22:13 #
I was the only one who was not satisfied with the denouement of the Kate/Edwina "love triangle"/Anthony? I expected that the situation would be resolved exactly at the moment when Edwina finally "sees the light", but since it happened literally at the very last moment (thanks for not after the wedding!), the effect turned out to be a little crumpled... It seems that everyone won (well, or at least minimized the losses), but still something was missing for me...
31 Mar 2022, 15:00 #
A wonderful series. What plot twists are fascinating
31 Mar 2022, 20:27 #
Of course, everything was resolved well, Edwina opened her eyes and understood what was going on, but in my opinion, Kate did not deserve everything that she said to her :((
01 Apr 2022, 02:09 #
You can skip it right away, but Colin really pisses me off.
02 Apr 2022, 13:51 #
It's a pity that there are so few episodes in the seasons, I would watch and watch
02 Apr 2022, 17:44 #
Kate and Anthony, did I really wait for this???? The way they look at each other is just something
Edwina infuriated me at first by accusing Kate of lying when Kate was actually trying to extinguish her feelings for Anthony, for Edwina's sake
But then, when Edwina made the decision about the wedding and left Kate and Anthony at the church, I forgave her everything, because this kiss was something that had to happen no matter what.
02 Apr 2022, 17:46 #
I hope that the wife of the lord will not be Prudence, but her mother, this is the perfect couple
I'm also bothered by the dude who runs the boxing club, the feeling that because of him, the whole offer of the lord will go to hell
02 Apr 2022, 17:50 #
The moment when Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton were laughing hysterically amused me a lot.
This scene is in the top 3 scenes of this season, of course, after Kate and Anthony kiss
02 Apr 2022, 17:51 #
I also really miss Simon, I would like to see at least a couple of scenes with him this season (
03 Apr 2022, 13:48 #
Anthony's speech in response to Edwina's question whether he loves her is simply the best text of explanation that a man can pronounce for a woman: "We simply have no choice, I am a viscount, and you are a diamond, go get married." Although, in general, I would have been impressed with his approach to the matrimonial issue if there had been no melodramatic excesses. Passion comes and goes, but finding the right partner for a successful marriage is priceless.
03 Apr 2022, 14:33 #
And Edwina is a smart girl. Maybe she was too harsh with her sister, but she said everything right about putting yourself first (in a good way).
03 Apr 2022, 18:02 #
I expected more from the first kiss. Somehow he didn't feel it 🙈 don't throw the slippers
04 Apr 2022, 04:15 #
The wait was too long)
20 Aug 2024, 22:48 #
@DeepAbyss: Yeah, there was more fire in all the looks/touches/breaths
03 Apr 2022, 20:07 #
And Edwina is doing great! I am glad that everything was resolved and the wedding did not take place.
They are so beautiful , and I can 't help but mention the gorgeous voice of Edward Cullen , who now also belongs to Anthony Bridgerton .
04 Apr 2022, 04:16 #
Wrap Anthony up for me, I want to be his Viscountess. It's a pity that there are only 2 episodes left, I would always watch their chemistry
04 Apr 2022, 10:51 #
Блестяще, просто блестяще! Эдвина - солнышко! Она ребёнок, она наивна, но она достаточно умная. Я рада, что она сделала правильный выбор. И я надеюсь на то, что у неё все будет хорошо!

Кейт и Энтони - химии меньше не становится. Шикарная пара! И только попробуйте в следующей серии разойтись!

Очень мало Дафны и очень не хватает Саймона.

Костюмы - бесподобны! Свадебное платье очешуительно прекрасно и, на мой взгляд, даже круче, чем у Дафны.

Очень надеюсь на то, что у Элоизы не будет проблем. Хотя слабо в это верится, ведь королеве доложили все иначе.

И отдельная боль - королева и король. Безумно больно видеть их такими... А ведь они любят друг друга.

Матери семейств - леди Бриджертон и леди Фазерингтон - просто шикарны! Рада, что семья Пэн раскрывается в полной мере.

И, естественно, леди Данбери. Богиня!
04 Apr 2022, 22:36 #
Ну какие же Пен и Колин сладкие булочки:3
05 Apr 2022, 21:15 #
Когда Эдвина усмирила короля первая мысль была: она станет отличной принцессой Прусской. Почему-то мне кажется, что королеве тоже так показалось
08 Apr 2022, 19:35 #
Фезерингтоны аферисты 18-19 века)
10 Apr 2022, 16:38 #
Напомните, почему этот чувак, бывший боксёр, вечно ходит недовольный? Я что-то упустила? Чего он вечно смотрит на всех так, будто втащить собирается?
10 Apr 2022, 22:02 #
Я думаю, из-за глубоких внутренних проблем и самобичевания. Он позиционировал себя как честного человека, добившегося уважением положения в обществе благодаря своему труду. Но в прошлом сезоне он пошёл на сделку с честью, договорился с покойным лордом Фезерингтоном проиграть бой ради денег и благополучия семьи. И вот теперь не может принять себя и свой поступок, оттого и на других смотрит с таким же подозрением. Ну и плюс конечно внутренние терзания, которые проявляются внешней пассивной агрессией
10 Apr 2022, 22:28 #
Не знаю, почему многие восприняли поступок Эдвины как что-то взрослое и осознанное, в ее словах и поведении я увидела лишь детскую обиду. Обиду на сестру, которая отказалась от всего ради самого близкого и при том даже не до конца родного человека. Кейт отказалась от детства (когда взвалила на себя ответственность за семью), богатства (даже браслеты родной матери готова была отдать сестре), любви, семьи, счастья, буквально от жизни, она положила всю себя на алтарь благополучия сестры и что получила взамен? Претензии, обвинения, оскорбления? Эдвина отказалась от свадьбы не ради счастья Кейт, она отказалась, потому что ее это оскорбило и унизило, и я вижу здесь лишь неблагодарность, эгоизм и подростковый максимализм. И наверно второе самое обидное в этой ситуации - декорации в виде их матери, которая просто существует где-то на фоне, молча соглашается с ответственностью Кейт, видимо все ещё чувствуя себя жертвой, и при этом не делает ни малейшего усилия, чтобы как-то примирить дочерей. Это лишний раз доказывает, что действительно никого не надо ставить выше себя, даже самых близких, потому что настанет момент, когда это не то что не оценят, но еще обесценят и обвинят. И все же от этих выводов мне не менее жаль Кейт и судьбу, которую она для себя выбрала
17 Apr 2022, 23:59 #
@eugene_zubova: согласна, тоже не увидела в этом взрослости
Когда она их к алтарю позвала и высказала всё, я сидела и думала «и чё? К чему ты всё это наговорила?»
Тупо обвинила сестру в том, что та якобы навязала ей желание выйти замуж. Шо за бред. Как-то не так я себе представляла разговор. Понятно, что миром тут не кончится. Но и такое давать — уж извините 🙄
27 Apr 2022, 02:19 #
Да да , и вот эта речь Эдвины-« я взрослая мудрая женщина , и я поступаю так как тебе хотелось, но это потомучто я так хочу!»
Просто типичный подросток
27 Jul 2024, 20:55 #
Edwina marked the boundaries and got rid of her sister's hypercontrol, albeit emotionally and without gratitude for all the efforts. But she really didn't ask for them. Separation is a more mature act than submissively following imposed goals. She is ready to make her own decisions, despite Kate's disagreement, for which she should be respected. It is strange that she has become so wise after 5 episodes of blind obedience :D
15 Apr 2022, 20:15 #
Момент с поцелуем таки настал! Мне кажется, мы этого слишком долго ждали.
Эдвина все же не так проста, как казалось. Наконец-то она начала принимать решения самостоятельно, можно сказать, что это ее дебют. Все время она не замечала, что остальные ей лгут, была слишком доверчива, а теперь будто открыла глаза. Однако за этим отказом стоит слишком многое, у нее нет приданного, поддержки и из-за скандала ее вряд-ли возьмут замуж. Она обрекла свою семью на нищую жизнь. Если только Энтони не женится на Кейт...
Элоиза с этим Тео очень неосторожна, скоро и родственники узнают об этом. Хотя с др стороны рада, что она нашла человека, с которым может разделить свои интересы. Забавно, что ее приняли за писательницу, хотя первое время я тоже так думала.
16 Apr 2022, 13:20 #
Эдвина просто затащила серию, очень ей горжусь. И она ничего не должна Кейт, чьё решение пожертвовать собой ради счастья сестры только на её собственной совести. Хорошо Эдвина сказала, мол, я больше не под твоим контролем, я выбираю своё будущее сама, и это моя победа. Это и круто, что она отказалась выходить замуж ради себя, а не ради кого-то — так было бы слишком сопливо. Желаю этой булочке самого лучшего будущего.
16 Apr 2022, 17:16 #
Кажется весь мой район услышал как я победоносно закричала, когда Кейт и Энтони поцеловались!
27 Mar 2024, 22:31 #
@Viki-Triki: I ran to my husband "well, they finally kissed!!!!!"😆
17 Apr 2022, 01:34 #
Не понимаю негодование Эдвины по отношению к Энтони. Он ей сразу ясно дал понять, что чувств к ней не испытывает и не будет, что брак этот по расчёту. В итоге она сбежала из-под алтаря, ведь он её не любит. Обвинив в придачу сестру, что та о ней заботилась все это время.
17 Apr 2022, 04:10 #
@Deinprediger: Эдвина сбежала не потому, что он ее не любит, а потому, что он любит ее сестру, еще и явно взаимно. Большая разница, как говорится. Представьте просто, насколько ей "приятно" было бы узнать после свадьбы, что ее муж и сестра любят друг друга и жить с этим потом всю жизнь, потому что не разведешься и назад не отыграешь. Это даже не случайное увлечение мужа, это близкий человек, которого из своей жизни не вычеркнешь. У меня бы на месте Эдвины было бы много вопросов к Кейт, которая не рассказала правду об их чувствах с Энтони и из каких-то собственных представлений о счастье сестры чуть не загнала ее в подобное безвыходное положение.
Я объяснения между Эдвиной и Энтони по поводу отсутствия у него чувств, кстати, не помню, надо пересмотреть, но даже если так, Эдвина успела влюбиться в Энтони, по ее словам, а молодая влюбленная девушка вряд ли будет разумно воспринимать слова жениха об отсутствии любви, все равно будет надеяться на ответное чувство.
17 Apr 2022, 17:16 #
By the middle of the series, Anthony and Kate began to annoy. These languid half-hour glances and sufferings are quite boring.

Edwina is the most adequate character. Her actions are much more balanced and wiser than her older sister's. I am very glad that Edwina has finally taken control of her life
21 Apr 2022, 22:14 #
Боже это серия разрыв сердечка!
21 Apr 2022, 22:18 #
Ох этот момент с браслетом и в конце поцелуй пересмотрела эти моменты раз 10!
27 Apr 2022, 22:57 #
я рада как закончилась серия, столько напряжения было предыдущие 3-4, что невозможно было оторваться, а после этой можно спокойно идти спать)))
06 May 2022, 12:50 #
Не могу сказать, что прониклась особой симпатией к Эдвине или Кейт, но воспринимать всю эту ситуацию нормально у меня просто не получается. Хотелось бы мне наслаждаться искрами, летающими между Кейт и Энтони. Но в голове всё врем только одно ЧТО ТЫ БЛИН ТВОРИШЬ ЭТО ЖЕ ЖЕНИХ ТВОЕЙ СЕСТРЫ. В каждой серии ты рассказываешь о том, как любишь свою сестру и желаешь ей только лучшего, а потом зажимаешься с тем самым “лучшим”. Слишком много лицемерия.
06 May 2022, 18:46 #
Kate always shakes her head. Am I the only one who noticed this?)))
12 May 2024, 03:11 #
This is the Indians ' squad)
13 May 2022, 23:39 #
For me, the second season somehow didn't go in, I don't like couples at all. I don't believe (c)
25 May 2022, 18:43 #
A great series. What a kind, educated and intelligent girl Edwina is after all. I don't think Anthony is even worthy of her, with his feelings and deceptions. She will still find a worthy groom with whom there will be real feelings and love. I did it beautifully and correctly. Indeed, she is more determined and bolder than Anthony and Kate. By the way, we finally got a kiss 💋
Have you noticed for a long time that Penelope has lost weight, like? Well, she got prettier, that's for sure!! She's become very beautiful. I hope she does well with Colin.
Did Eloise fall in love too? Well, at least this is the only man with whom she feels free and comfortable. I'm happy for her.
01 Jun 2022, 16:00 #
I didn't like this younger sister right away. On this episode, she confirmed my opinion about her))
08 Jun 2022, 02:34 #
I was so looking forward to the kiss scene... and so she didn't impress me((( 😩 the previous "under-kisses" and those were more "suffocating"…
08 Jun 2022, 18:42 #
@makaronkaLee: I agree with you about the kiss, somehow everything turned out very indistinctly. Moreover, in the first season, we were clearly given to understand that Anthony is a very passionate man)))
03 Jul 2022, 19:34 #
Again and again. Edwina. This is never an "adult" act, but some kind of childish pseudo-morality and resentment against the whole world. It's just incredibly annoying. And what she said to her sister is as much overkill as possible. There is neither wisdom nor maturity in this.
07 Jul 2022, 21:55 #
Well done, of course, Edwina. After all, she listened to her sister, she squeaked from Anthony, and now she made her sister look guilty and left all this supposedly high morality. No one denied her the choice of following her sister or not. I'll get the cons here, like many others who don't like Edwina, but in my eyes that's exactly how it is
13 Jan 2024, 00:30 #
@id137715504: Yeah, considering that at the very beginning Kate was strongly against their relationship, and Edwina just rolled her eyes - "Why don't you like him so much?!"
20 Jul 2022, 14:14 #
In the first season, passion was boiling, there are few scenes with the Duke in this, very few 😕
23 Sep 2022, 23:02 #
I was soooo waiting for their kiss, but obviously NOT on the day when her sister was supposed to have a wedding with Anthony....
I would have understood the kiss before or after that day, but not on the wedding day, but also in the church where your sister was planning to get married.
She didn't show her sister any respect even on that day. Such a thing.
They gave me a kiss. The sediment remained.
I understand, they gave free rein to their feelings, but not, asu.
22 Jul 2023, 02:23 #
Her sister did everything for Edwina, she was ready to make any sacrifices, and she also accused and humiliated her ... ungrateful
The annoying hero of this season
27 Mar 2024, 20:41 #
Anthony is a pleasure to watch this season! The fire is fiery!
03 May 2024, 01:34 #
Kate's family has somehow let down... it seems that no difference has ever been made, all the relatives, but then I remembered that actually no, not the most plausible thing, for some reason since the beginning of the season it seemed that if my sister found out, she would easily give up to her the man whom Kate fell in love with, considering that she was ready to bury herself. Maybe they will improve in two episodes. And here's Portia and Cousin Jack, uhh, that's a couple 🔥
25 May 2024, 10:35 #
I like Mrs. Featherington more and more with each episode! So many plans to save the family) And her relationship with her husband's cousin😉
Oh my God, how beautifully the moment with the dresses at the wedding was filmed.
Edwina's reaction, as she quickly realized about her sister's feelings 💔
Anthony's speech is about duty and marriage^^ All his fears and fear of feelings are visible in it^^
The scene with hysterical laughter is the best scene^^
The love of the King and Queen💔💔💔
I hope that Edwina will find her happiness, her love.
Theo and Eloise, they are so cute^^
Oh, their friendship (so far) will bring a lot of problems to the whole Eloise family, I think
11 Jun 2024, 02:05 #
I'm one of those weird people who doesn't care about Anthony and Kate's story at all. I don't see much chemistry between them. Well, somehow.. flat. I don't know.

All these kisses on the verge, when the lips are about to touch, well, it's somehow too clumsy. To pull these scenes like that, and then smear the kiss like that. In the last scenes with Edwina and Anthony, there was suddenly more chemistry than between Kate and Anthony.

Plus, I really don't like Kate's behavior towards Edwina. She came herself to marry Edwina off successfully, but at the same time she was angry at Anthony that he just wanted to marry well himself. She hid her true intentions from Edwina and their mother. She manages Edwina's future as she wishes. In fact, pure manipulation. If you want to provide your family with money, then go and find a rich husband yourself, and don't push your sister into marriage. I said I wanted to do everything so that you didn't need anything. And concludes some strange agreements, in which, in fact, the sale of the sister takes place. In the society of the time when this was done, at least there were no lies in it. And here Kate treats her sister the same way men of that time did for those they were responsible for. He just doesn't do it directly, but from under the weight. I don't know how this devalues all her feminist sentiments. And she just wanted to get her mother and sister off her shoulders, that's all the care. And I would like to say that he has the right. Their well-being is their business, but the path chosen by Kate is not respected.

I liked Siena much more. It is clear that they are still going by the books. But God, their last scene last season just broke my heart. And everything that happens between Kate and Anthony only offends my sense of beauty.
11 Jun 2024, 02:24 #
Oh, and Kate's insistence on Anthony and Edwina's wedding, when he tells her that he decided to cancel the engagement, that he has feelings for Kate, simply because Edwina said she loves him. What is this all about? Why tell Edwina about love if you know right away that her fiance doesn't love her. There's some nonsense in Kate's head.
16 Jun 2024, 19:45 #
But I don't like Edwina's behavior. Kate literally buried herself in order to arrange her personal life. Yes, no one asked her to do this, but Edwina did not mind all this time, quietly sighed for Anthony and dreamed of becoming a Viscountess. She didn't really care about her sister's fate, but she was welcome to go with the flow, following her instructions. And then suddenly, in one day, she abruptly became independent and adult, while seeing how her sister was suffering and even despite her feelings, she was ready to give in to her. I do not believe
23 Jun 2024, 22:36 #
At first it seemed to me, but I checked and realized that I was right: in this episode there was a cover of Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham from the movie "In Sorrow and in Joy". This is a great Indian film about love and family, I advise everyone how unexpected and nice it was to hear
24 Jun 2024, 21:24 #
@tamucca: где?
25 Jun 2024, 00:23 #
At the very beginning of the series after the screensaver
25 Jun 2024, 01:17 #
@tamucca: Oh, the moment is right there, they just do everything according to tradition
10 Jul 2024, 16:26 #
I don't understand the praise towards Edwina, on the contrary, she behaves like a typical teenager, I wanted to rewind all the scenes with her
25 Jul 2024, 00:43 #
My God, Sing of the Times and What abous us 💔💔💔 - adore! And finally we waited for this kiss of true love
30 Jul 2024, 03:59 #
sign of the times is like a balm for the soul of a fan!!!!
30 Jul 2024, 04:08 #
opinions are divided
, some believe that Edwina turned out to be smarter than Kate and Anthony, acted like an adult, finally took control of her life.... so you've forgotten her absolutely stupid, childish, naive behavior throughout the season? an absolutely teenage act, no gratitude to her sister, who really loves her very much, who struggled with her feelings so as not to let her sister down. Edwina just took it, told her everything, suddenly she became so proud, although she had a lot of experience in her life compared to Kate, who has a streak, tempering, perseverance. Edwina can fall apart at any moment. I just saw that the man she loved was looking with passion not at her, but at her sister, pure jealousy arose, anger, everything turned into pride, I decided that I deserved more (here, I do not argue.)
in general, as you understand, I relate the second type of people who do not see any adulthood in Edwina's act.
25 Oct 2024, 13:41 #
Edwina is certainly a strange person) Anthony has said more than once what a marriage of convenience, so to speak! Why is she so unhappy now that he loves his sister and not her?

For the second season, people don't listen well to what others tell them)
08 Feb 01:21 #
In short, just as Anthony messed up with Daphne and her unpleasant chosen one, who then had to be mentally driven away, so now Anthony messed up with Kate. Maybe it's a fable that even if you want the best for your dear younger sister, you're paving the way to Hell with your good intentions if you haven't asked what this younger sister wants. In principle, both Anthony and Kate didn't care what their sisters wanted. They thought they were doing the best thing, but it turned out the same as always. Edwina is right. She was treated like a silly girl when she needed complete information to make the most important decision of her life. And my sister fed me half-truths and forced smiles. I have no idea what's next.
I am very happy for Edwina that her personality has awakened. She reminded me of Jane Bennet from Pride and Prejudice, who believed in the good in people. Even on stage in the jewelry room, she still talks to the queen like a person who believes in the good. Her sister raised her well. :)

Antokha and Katyukha played tricks, in short. Both are such solutions, of course. They decided in such a way that they could bury the good name of the Queen, Lady Danbury, the Bridgertons and the Charms. The atmosphere was heated up, of course!

And my hopes for a pair of Featheringtons are coming true! ~^_^~
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