
s06e06 — Ruritania

The Crown — s06e06 — Ruritania

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Duration: 48 min.
Released: 14.12.202314.12.2023 15:00
Watched by: 9 44915.12%
6 season
s06e02 - Two Photographs
s06e03 - Dis-Moi Oui
s06e04 - Aftermath
s06e05 - Willsmania
s06e06 - Ruritania
s06e07 - Alma Mater
s06e08 - Ritz
s06e09 - Hope Street
s06e10 - Sleep, Dearie Sleep

Discussion of the 6 episode of the 6 season
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14 Dec 2023, 15:50 # Show original
Finally, the series is about something more than personal dramas, even if they were watched by tens, if not hundreds of millions of people. They showed how the monarchy is still trying to cling to ancient symbols that no longer have any real meaning.
14 Dec 2023, 16:23 # Show original
This is the Queen who gave heat with her speech at a reception at a sorority, what a grateful audience😀
14 Dec 2023, 21:17 # Show original
A very strange ending to the series, where the queen kind of "beat up" the prime minister with her traditions, but in fact the problem of the archaic monarchy in the eyes of the people both was and remains and is getting worse
17 Dec 2023, 23:06 # Show original
@gordeenko_dasha: I think the heightened opinion of the people is too exaggerated. Just look at the crowds of people during the carriage ride at William's wedding. Or Charles's Coronation. They're going crazy with glee there. For them, the monarchy is not about people, but the very essence of Britain. They accept this theater for the sake of realizing their greatness and their traditions. And it is unlikely that something will break these traditions from the outside.
24 Dec 2023, 22:53 # Show original
@Vadim006: Well, you can't judge that either. How not to rejoice at the coronation, if this is a national event, which not everyone has managed to live up to? It is natural that people rage and gather in thousands to see this with their own eyes. But this does not mean at all that while paying taxes on the maintenance of all sorts of goose trainers and "napkin spreaders" they will feel the same sympathy for the royal family and think how much they love traditions)
25 Dec 2023, 17:59 # Show original
@Nonelemental: I still think that these are just idle conversations of the very lumpenized population of the sleeping areas of port cities.
The civil list of the Crown is 9 million pounds. That's 20 cents a year for every able-bodied Briton.
At the same time, marketing agencies have estimated that only the young Princess Charlotte, who is an icon of children's style, will bring 3 billion pounds to the British treasury in her lifetime.
These are incommensurable amounts. Besides, greatness cannot be measured in money. When the president of the United States is seated in Westminster as much as on the 13th row, because according to protocol he is not even sir (like, for example, Elton John)), well, you can't buy it with the money saved for geese.
That's my opinion.
14 Dec 2023, 23:18 # Show original
The passage of "King Tony" in robes and all that at the beginning reminded me wildly of George from "Hamilton" 😂
15 Dec 2023, 17:23 # Show original
I liked the scene where Blair started making political speeches, but they didn't listen to him. And the queen, who was watching a report about it over a cup of tea, smiling.
16 Dec 2023, 00:31 # Show original
It was great to see a series dedicated to the queen, so to speak, a return to the roots. The relationship with prime ministers is always peculiar, and here they were also shown in a rather funny way - a good departure from the drama of the previous series.

I liked that the queen talked to each of the holders of titles, even if they were absurd by ear, but for the people behind them, this is a matter of life and pride. Yes, you can blame the crown that they are behind the times, but there is still something in these traditions. Maybe it's easy for me to say without living in Britain, without feeling it all the hard way, but a kind of romance around the crown has always been present, if you look from the outside. If all this is removed, then the usual routine will really remain. We wouldn't even watch a TV series about that.

In general, it is so interesting how people in power here carefully discuss changes to the constitution and turn to the people for their opinion, does this really happen? :)
16 Dec 2023, 06:04 # Show original
It turned out to be a very interesting series, as for me, season 6 is a cut above 5, the difference is very noticeable
I even felt a little bit of the vibe of the first seasons and wanted to review it again)
16 Dec 2023, 20:07 # Show original
I like that the series about emotions and feelings are diluted with series about the poetic movement and opens the veil on the life of the palace not only from a dramatic point of view, but also from a technical point of view, otherwise you can get tired of looking at some emotions, although I undoubtedly sympathize with everyone, but I like that the mood of the series is changing.

In my opinion, in order to maintain a balance between "modernity" and "archaic", it would be wise for the crown to create some kind of information portal or column where articles about the description of a particular position would be published once a week / month, what it is needed for, a few words about who holds this position The position is important so that the population also has an understanding of the subtleties and customs of their own country, so that they can be even more proud and understand why these traditions are being created.
From the part we have this series today) which opens the veil over the life of the palace.
17 Dec 2023, 00:15 # Show original
Blair, like many others, is responsible for the deaths of innocent people in Serbia
11 Jan 04:06 #
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17 Dec 2023, 17:52 # Show original
Blair's speech in Chicago! How is it shown by the time
17 Dec 2023, 21:22 # Show original
So damn it! Tony Blair became Prime Minister. Where is the story that his wife disliked Humphrey the cat, the main mouser in Downing Street? And then you took pictures with him to dispel the rumors?
17 Dec 2023, 22:42 # Show original
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16 Jan 23:23 # Show original
Why was Ryan targeted…
17 Dec 2023, 22:42 # Show original
The departure of the adviser as a compromise for the modernization of the monarchy :(((
19 Dec 2023, 16:10 # Show original
For some reason, this particular moment touched me so much.
It's like a broken heart
20 Dec 2023, 20:30 # Show original
While watching this episode, I got sad about Elizabeth. The era is gone
20 Dec 2023, 23:41 # Show original
Goosebumps ran during the series

I even got the impression that this is a kind of series-the core - here are the main thoughts of the entire series about the role of the monarchy in people's lives, about why the crown is exactly what it is

Imelda simply played the moment where the Queen listens to the minister's proposals in a masterpiece. there is such tension in every gesture, so many emotions!
21 Dec 2023, 21:43 # Show original
I've caught such a deja vu with today's war. And Tony Blair reminded me of Boris Johnson and Zelensky at the same time.
23 Dec 2023, 02:39 # Show original
Yeah, but in today's realities, they had to send NATO troops to Russia. But Russia has nuclear weapons. And in those realities, Serbia was attacked only because it could not defend itself, and Russia did not protect it. Such are the historical parallels. Blair's speech is pure hypocrisy. If they were defending democracy... Milosevic is a tyrant and dictator, and then who is Putin? Under Milosevic, there was freedom in Serbia, rallies, and opposition. And who has the right to interfere in the internal affairs of a foreign country?Did the Kosovars massacre entire Serbian villages, should the Serbs have turned a blind eye to this and not defend their people on their own land? Pursuing their own selfish interests, the United States brainwashed the whole world with propaganda in the same way, presenting the Serbs as some kind of bloodthirsty bandits, as now in the Russian Federation they brainwash the people, presenting Ukrainians as Nazis. When people already realize that the invasion of other countries is always the private interests of a group of individuals, and not the highest good goal a la the protection of democracy, the destruction of Nazism, etc.
02 Jan 22:59 # Show original
@tevladka: and Milosevic-Putin? Let's cross our fingers so that he repeats Slobodan's fate.
02 Jan 23:49 #
Ну скончался он в Гааге, куда его отправили после войны, так что да, хотелось бы как минимум такой же конец.
23 Dec 2023, 12:43 # Show original
I didn't understand something, the queen says that her secretary was supposed to observe the birth of her first child, but her father put an end to this tradition. But didn't her father die before Charles was born?
23 Dec 2023, 12:57 # Show original
@blackdiver: No, Charles was born in 1948, George VI died in 1952.
23 Dec 2023, 12:58 #
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23 Apr 22:55 # Show original
@blackdiver: back in Season 1, there was a scene with Elizabeth and Philip in Malta, where he received another title, everyone congratulated him, friends, everyone is happy, and with them were the children, Charles and Anna
27 Dec 2023, 06:17 #
Ежесезонная серия с конфликтом "нужна ли вообще стране монархия?" И тот факт, что этот вопрос вставал каждое десятилетие говорит сам за себя. По факту, королевская семья в 21 веке воспринимается не более чем древняя достопримечательность. Есть в этом своё очарование, шарм, но также и расточительность и бесполезность. Со смертью королевы даже статус "достопримечательности" утратил смысл. Ну скажите, кому не плевать сейчас на старика Чарльза? Его никто не любит. А слежка за Уильямом и Гарри давно превратилась в шоу в стиле семейства Кардашьян, где простые люди просто перебирают их грязное бельё и ловят каждую сплетню из их жизни. Вот и вся ценность монархии на сегодня.
06 Jan 01:35 #
Сначала слушаешь названия всех этих абсурдных должностей и думаешь «правда, зачем это все?». А потом видишь реальных людей , которые всю жизнь посвятили сворачиванию салфеток и охране лебедей , и аж сердце сжимается, как можно их уволить?
23 Apr 22:58 # Show original
@suzanna9491: I'm in shock, to be honest. Someone spends their whole life languishing in a tiny room, working for pennies and not having enough to feed the children, and someone suffers because they can no longer masterfully fold such cool napkins for a lot of money and the prestige of the title of Lord. Even the heart is squeezed, which of them to feel sorry for...
06 Jan 20:07 # Show original
LLC, NATO useless scared fuck, can not be: 3
Why do we have to prove it in 40 years
06 Jan 21:28 #
после того как королева увидела все эти должности , я была уверена, что их упразднят тут же, но нет. я в шоке, если честно, всё настолько абсурдно. так получается она не приняла во внимание никакие рекомендации тони?🤔 концовка забавная и неожиданная однако
08 Jan 09:50 #
А вот и Т[Дж]они. любимый премьер Питера Моргана. он наверное рад что добрался до Тони. все таки Морган целую трилогию написал про Блэра. «Сделка», «Королева» и «Особые отношения». где его играл Майкл Шин. жаль тут не Шин. но тогда была б одна телекиновселенная😁.

а мне король Тони напомнил короля Ральфа. и не зря Питер Морган соавтор этого фильма.
кстати мать Блэра и Елизавета родились в один день и год 21 апреля 1926 г.

интересный кавер
16 Jan 23:22 #
рад, что хоть слегка в политику окунулись
17 Jan 09:31 #
Всего 2 шизанутых коммента по поводу Сербии, весьма неплохо, думал тут все залито будет. В начале войны так бы и было, сейчас же действие пропаганды ослабевает.
Притом у второго комментатора полноценная шизофрения: половину мозга у него съела пропаганда, а второй он говорит здравые вещи. Предположу, что человек уехал от мобилизации в Сербию, где сейчас у власти МИНИСТР ПРОПАГАНДЫ МИЛОШЕВИЧА, и впитал там местные байки.
05 Feb 20:34 #
Так было трогательно со сцен, где королева узнает истории этих людей, что занимают странные и вроде ненужные должности. Но ра таких, казалось бы, неважных людей, чаще всего все и держится. Особенно слова про лебедя очень зацепили💔
23 Apr 23:02 # Show original
@innapril: I wonder what exactly holds them together? For some reason, everyone regularly complains about unnecessary deputies who do nothing, but we feed them out of our own pocket, as well as their families, but the napkin maker has a whole queue lined up to feed salmon and pheasants.
03 Mar 22:48 #
Блэр был абсолютно прав про Сербию :3
23 Apr 23:11 # Show original
Elizabeth kind of makes her own decisions, so independent, doesn't listen to anyone in the family. But as soon as it comes to being simpler, any critical comment from anyone is enough for her and she already leaves everything as it is. I was very happy with this survey, I thought it would be impossible to close my eyes to it. But, as I understand it, they will again allow someone not to curtsy and increase the role of the orchestra...People clearly stated in the survey what they want. Queen: people don't want to see what they see at home in the palace...Ugh, it's disgusting.
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