
s02e09 — What Kate Did

Lost — s02e09 — What Kate Did

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(2 372)
Duration: 43 min.
Released: 30.11.200501.12.2005 05:00
Watched by: 204 03073.49%
2 season
s02e05 - ...And Found
s02e06 - Abandoned
s02e07 - The Other 48 Days
s02e08 - Collision
s02e09 - What Kate Did
s02 special-2 - Revelation
s02e10 - The 23rd Psalm
s02e11 - The Hunting Party
s02e12 - Fire + Water

Discussion of the 9 episode of the 2 season
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08 Mar 2015, 20:37 #
What a passion Kate has in the family!
26 May 2015, 22:42 #
I like Jack, of course, but I always wanted Kate to be with Sawyer.
02 Aug 2015, 13:15 #
Kate is infuriating with her uncertainty, choose someone alone
03 Sep 2015, 05:05 #
And I can't even decide for myself who I'd like to see Kate with. Jack and Sawyer are so different that I want to get to know them better)
25 Jan 2020, 22:54 #
@veter_hurona: sometimes you even think, "try this one first, and then the other one...", but it's so wrong and cruel to them, yeah (
15 Nov 2015, 20:01 #
The ending is just amazing!
22 Jan 2016, 02:06 #
I even cried at the very beginning of the episode when Sawyer whispered that he loved Kate. Eh. Plak-plak.
14 Apr 2016, 14:07 #
@nataliyazh: and for some reason it didn't touch me at all, somehow it doesn't fit with Sawyer's character, imho
26 May 2020, 20:52 #
@TearfulSea: I guess in a fever that lasted three days, he thought he was dying. and I would sincerely like to spend my last moments with her.
03 Feb 2016, 04:58 #
The ending of the creep :-/
19 May 2022, 22:45 #
Yeah, it's "hello?" lonely in the midst of this silence on a strange island.. They know how to create horror
06 May 2016, 03:56 #
(and at 8:16 the headband was missing)
06 May 2016, 22:10 #
Kate and Jack's first kiss! I agree with the guys above, it would be interesting to see her with Sawyer the same way.
And it was also very hard to look at Said during the funeral. He seems to be a military man, he has seen a lot, but there are such emotions here.
21 Jan 2017, 02:30 #
Such beautiful music was on the kiss.
Still, I don't really want them to be together. Jack is too good for Kate.
23 Dec 2024, 04:30 #
@Muffin24: That's right, it's like in life, you have to choose a watermelon that won't respect you.
11 Feb 2017, 22:08 #
I love Kate's series, I like her crime story, and she's my favorite character.
27 Oct 2017, 19:38 #
It's strange that Michael didn't tell Jack about Walt first and didn't assemble a team to go looking for him. And in general, that the topic of others was not discussed, what happened on the raft and so on, as if everyone had forgotten about it.
18 Apr 2018, 20:31 #
It makes sense that he told me. What's the point of showing it to us? This is not a soap opera.
26 Nov 2017, 15:39 #
How is that? Did anyone notice the Easter egg in Kate's flashback? When she entered her "father's" military station, Said was shown on TV in the background. Most likely from some kind of military operation. Because at the very end, when Kate was leaving, the TV got into the lens again, and a man in a military uniform flashed by:)
25 Jan 2020, 22:56 #
@ToplesS: Wow, thanks! I really didn't notice..
17 Jun 2020, 00:11 #
@ToplesS: I had to open the series and watch this place:D
19 Sep 2022, 17:28 #
For those who are too lazy to review
07 Sep 2021, 16:30 #
@ToplesS: Once again, I'm convinced that ass-watching in the background is not a tactic for this show. Either catch every frame, or don't take it at all.
21 May 2018, 01:04 #
Kate and Sawyer, Kate and Jack... Fuck it all. Sawyer and Jack!
03 Mar 2019, 02:52 #
@Anima_Sola: And let Kate be with Sun!
25 Jan 2020, 22:56 #
@Anima_Sola: Aahaha, I support you!
02 Sep 2018, 00:24 #
Jin finally got rid of the handcuffs :D
25 Jan 2023, 19:04 #
@ushakovatory: less than a couple of seasons have passed 😄
24 Sep 2018, 10:43 #
- If you'll excuse me, I'll start from the beginning... Long before Christ, there was a king of the Jews, Iesias.
- Yes, at first, so at first 🙂
07 May 2022, 00:51 #
As the saying goes - since the baptism of Russia 😄
08 Jan 2019, 00:42 #
1. Of course, I do not know in what year the marshal detained Kate, but there must be a protocol according to which criminals cannot be transported in the front seat. Only in the back.
2. Locke still can't remember the numbers that have to be entered so many times? I understand that they are on duty in shifts, but kamon!
3. The kiss between Kate and Jack is very strained. If she was worried about what they showed us in flashbacks, then why did she kiss him at all?
4. Olso, why were federal marshals even involved in the capture of a girl who burned down a house with her mother's boyfriend? Even if she crossed the state line while running away, isn't that not enough for the marshals to intervene? And even such that there are almost a whole thousand of them at this station?
20 Jan 2019, 20:49 #
@Dashusik: 2. When you quickly try to enter the code, you may accidentally press the wrong number
25 Jan 2020, 22:57 #
@Dashusik: Come on, haven't you ever had a pair of glasses?) Especially when you're in a hurry and you have a doomsday counter under your ear every second :))
05 Aug 2020, 15:01 #
@Dashusik: I think Kate kissed Jack because Jack is such a right and good option for a relationship. She realized that she had fallen in love with Sawyer, and Sawyer reminded her of Wayne. Thus, by kissing Jack, she tried to stifle these feelings in herself. It didn't work out.
25 Jun 2019, 22:35 #
I was the only one who had a question in my brain, how did drug dealers stuff the bags into the figures of the Virgin Mary???
10 Dec 2019, 04:42 #
There are often holes in the statues below. Then the hole was sealed
25 Jan 2020, 22:59 #
@Nomber: well, in general, some people make figurines specifically for this purpose only, and even when making bags they are put inside
26 Jan 2020, 02:30 #
@mironovasvp: so they first made the figures, and then he used them for drugs
11 Jul 2019, 17:54 #
I just quietly hope Jack and Sawyer don't make a fuss over Kate... There are a lot of problems on the island without it
12 Aug 2019, 12:13 #
Jack now also has Anna-Lucia :D
11 Jul 2019, 22:52 #
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26 Oct 2019, 00:06 #
to be honest, for so long we were forced into the mystery of what Kate did, but in the end it turned out to be not so big, at least as far as I'm concerned))
10 Dec 2019, 04:01 #
Zelda Spellman is Kate's mom!
02 Apr 2023, 19:41 #
Hurray! And I thought I imagined it))))
28 Dec 2019, 16:18 #
In general, I like Sawyer, Jack, Kate, and I'm even starting to like Ana Lucia, but I can't think of a more depressing pair of Sawyer-Kate and Jack-Ana. They are the same in pairs. The first two are stupid, and the second leaders are lovers of justice. It is necessary to mix them
15 Feb 2021, 23:21 #
@scorpio-on: Do You Think Jack-Sawyer is better than Kate-Ana? Well, I don't know :D
07 Sep 2021, 16:20 #
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05 Apr 2020, 22:13 #
It really pisses Kate off. Always trying to become a hero, but in fact only a savior who will act by any means to do it his own way. Her explanation of the murder is nonsense. Yes, the feelings are understandable, but to kill a person, while being afraid that because of his genes you won't be able to become good, yeah. And this falling in love with her and eternal luck. It's infuriating! Sawyer, who has known Kate for just over a month, says he loves her, which doesn't fit his character at all. And Jack? What was it about her that got him hooked? Deceitfulness? Kate is beautiful, very beautiful, but that's it. She's disgusting as a person. She can be a friend as long as it doesn't bother her, and that's much worse than having an enemy all at once.
17 Jun 2020, 00:13 #
@volkovaa134: Have you noticed that everything is exactly the same in real life? Pretty-looking people are lucky)
27 Jul 2022, 23:25 #
@volkovaa134: and most importantly, no one was outraged that she ran away by throwing the button! And without even thinking about her. And she was given this task and repeatedly reminded.
03 May 2020, 17:17 #
At this stage of viewing, it is assumed that someone was on the island before them and could not enter the code correctly, which eventually caused the plane to crash. There's some kind of magnetic shit in the bunker.
30 Dec 2020, 19:28 #
Well, of course! Walt was brought to his camp by these strange people, and then sat down at a PC. He typed in the first phrase he could find and got to his father, who happened to be on shift at the monitor at that moment! Mike would be a complete idiot to believe that. As for Kate, I don't want to look at her moaning at all. She's going to cause Jack a lot more problems. And, perhaps, with me. 🥲
31 Dec 2020, 14:30 #
@katarinagroo: In general, yes, but on an Island with a lot of fiction, how do you know that it's not Walt, that he didn't somehow get to the computer, which turned out to be connected 😀
P.S. Both at the first viewing and now - during the second, "don't give a damn" about the love triangle
28 Jan 2021, 04:24 #
I didn't like Kate and Sawyer as a couple at all.
Kate and Jack haven't gone anywhere yet, but I think it's cooler to connect Jack and Anna, the two leaders))
In general, there is a very strange attitude towards the Persians, they sometimes infuriate, then it seems normal, but there is no strong sympathy and pet for anyone, maybe only for Locke a little bit
And it's very interesting to see the story of Mr. Eco!
28 Jan 2021, 14:11 #
It's amazing how irresponsible Kate is, to just leave a kid to his death and even resign from her post, when this button "saves the world from the apocalypse.".
31 Jan 2021, 04:49 #
@tayshina_s: not a kid, but an adult man, and not near death - he has already passed a critical period. It is not yet known for sure whether the button is true or not.
Plus, she was in emotional shock, as if her dead dad had possessed Sawyer.
23 Dec 2024, 04:34 #
@Gevorg: It was clear about the button from the very beginning. The film talked about the incident, the electromagnetic station. Putting two and two together, we get that if you don't enter the button, a new incident will occur. L — logic
27 Jul 2022, 23:28 #
@tayshina_s: вот точно!
31 Jan 2021, 04:51 #
But I wonder if that guy knew that he was Kate's real father. And then at the beginning of the series, it seems to be rolling up, but when talking to the marshal, when he hinted that (in his opinion) her stepfather was probably harassing her, she suddenly spoke up and sharply denied it. Whereas with the marshal's other words, she was silent.
27 Jul 2022, 23:29 #
@Gevorg: that's why I actively began to deny that he had hit the nail on the head. The usual psychological defense.
27 Jul 2022, 23:57 #
@IrInAZKKK: Thanks for the reply. Yes, maybe - she's scared that he was hitting on her, because she knows the truth.
19 Apr 2021, 14:32 #
the series is interesting and mysterious in general, but one thing I can't stand is such a light attitude towards murders. Anna accidentally killed a man- well, it's okay, we know you did it by accident. Repentance partly justifies it, but I won't believe it until they show caution and caution and distrust of her. Jack talked to her once at the airport, and he continues to live on these impressions, as if nothing happened later.

In general, it's a very difficult situation, and the series is very simplistic.

It's the same with Kate. The writers wanted us to feel for her. But the reasoning behind the murder is that he was a bad person, and she couldn't bear the thought of being related to him. WTF, let's kill all the bad people, who's left?
Oh, by the way, the writers also justify Anna's murder of that dude in the parking lot. They say, sympathize and sympathize with her because she lost her child. No. I don't think this is the act of a strong man, although such a story could happen.
It was the same with Sawyer. An unquenchable feeling of revenge should arouse sympathy and compassion. It doesn't bother me. Again, this can be done, but it is shown very cheaply.
19 Apr 2021, 21:05 #
@OksTkr: I think they rather let us decide for ourselves whether to be angry, sympathize, or just sympathize.
27 Jul 2022, 23:30 #
@OksTkr: I support you!
23 May 2021, 22:55 #
"We would never have met. We wouldn't even talk," Said's heart aches for how he handles it all with dignity.

Mr. Eco opens Mr. Locke's eyes. I sense another struggle between religious faith and the faith of the island.

Sawyer is in love with Katie, Katie feels something for him and is a little very pining for Jack, Jack restrains himself with all his might, but he can no longer, as suddenly... Melodrama entered the chat.
We've got everything laid out right on our fingers: James the cat reminds her of her father, whom she hated and loved at the same time, and with this guy she also has everything on edge. And although I liked the kiss with Jack, everything was explained here in her words — he is perfection for her, an ideal that she wants to reach so much, but it's so scary not to reach that height. Katie needs to deal with her inner demons and dark horses first, and then decide who she likes.

To be honest, I have such an attitude towards the triangle. If it develops against the background, I'm all for it, but it's been pushed forward and it's already starting to piss me off. A long time ago, and for the most part now, I was for Jate, but the further into the forest, the thicker those are, and it seems to me that a couple with each of the men will be interesting, if only without puberty tossing, I pray!

Zelda Spelman, Miss Austin's mother, this is a meeting.
Which knocked me down a bit.: This is Kate's murder, of course. I mean, yes, I understood that she had done something similar in the past, but I thought it was out of passion, forced, whatever, but so that? To plan the murder of an alcoholic stepfather in cold blood-but wait, the father? And it's not that I'm disappointed or shocked, the heroine has always been and remains more interesting and understandable to me than loved, but I just didn't expect such an extreme.
I'm not making excuses, I understand the motives.: she was afraid that the disgusting part of him prevailed in her, and decided to destroy it in the bud, and in the end, it was by this act that she confirmed the evil in herself. I don't see any point in blaming her for this, she's coping well with it herself, and this trace of guilt will haunt her for a long time.
23 May 2021, 22:56 #
@chch93: Again, I don't think the creators justify the murders, but rather try to show that everything has its reasons. What to do with them is up to us. This is a very simple truth: the bad and the good are not people. The only bad and good things are their deeds.

Michael, please don't be fooled! I don't believe such sudden messages from my son.
12 Jul 2021, 22:52 #
Kate and Sawyer
11 Dec 2021, 16:53 #
I'm amazed at Michael's stupidity, why would the real Walt ask him if he's alone at the computer, and even ask him to come alone
11 Dec 2021, 21:42 #
@marcelinept2: I mean, he's the father, he'll do everything =D
07 May 2022, 00:57 #
В что-то не к той серии комментарий оставили
03 Mar 2022, 20:20 #
Какие же смешанные чувства по поводу любовных линий, как и у всех комментаторов выше! 😂 даже не знаю, как будет лучше😭 Кейт-Сойер, Ана-Джек, действительно слишком банально и скучно, так как они одинаковы по темпераменту и прочее, но предпосылки для этих пар дали, как и для пар Кейт-Джек и Сойер-Ана (ну..может это несерьезно, но шуточный диалог у них был с огоньком, как мне показалось, да и в принципе развить события можно так, чтобы они были вместе), но….не вижу никого рядом с Сойером, кроме Кейт…как и с Джеком 😟 быстрее бы уже знать, как будет в конечном итоге 🥺
12 Jul 2022, 09:14 #
о, тетя зельда :)
18 Jan 2023, 23:21 #
Люди, конечно, регулярно уверены, что лучше других знают, как этим другим будет лучше. На определённой работе, с детьми, без детей, без татуировок, с высшим образованием, в другой стране, в этой стране и далее до бесконечности. Но решить, что матери будет лучше, если Кейт взорвёт к чертям её любимого человека и её дом, где всё под вкус матери аккуратненько по полочкам расставлено, это просто далее следует неконтролируемый поток матерных слов.. Кейт получает 99.9 баллов из 100 за умение быть уверенной, что она одна знает, как другие будут счастливы, и как им должно жить.

Хорошее: Диалог Локка и Эко до мурашек. В том числе мимика нечто. В конце у Эко точнёхонько вид того, кто дал человеку именно то, что ему нужно, и прекрасно знает об этом))
10 Feb 2023, 03:52 #
Ну да, ну да, мало нам было странностей на острове, теперь у нас ещё и таинственный чёрный конь по джунглям бегает. Остановите сценаристов, а то так дело и до инопланетян дойдёт :D

Ну зато в этом эпизоде мы наконец узнали, что такое сделал Кейт, из-за чего она в бега подалась.

Выжившие очень охотно теперь хоронят умерших, мини-кладбище уже вырастает. А ведь в первых сериях фюзеляж с телами решили сжечь оправдав это тем, что мол кабаны будут раскапывать тела, а теперь это видимо не мешает. Впрочем, это можно обосновать тем, что из-за охоты на тех самых кабанов, те больше на пляж не выходят и уходят дальше в джунгли.
16 Apr 2024, 22:27 #
First, the horse is clearly a vision, like Jack's father, for example. Secondly, they did not know those people, they were not attached to them and there were a lot of them to bury everyone. And now these are their friends, you can't do that to them anymore, you want some kind of farewell ceremony. And there have been no wild boars there for a long time
21 Mar 2023, 18:20 #
Сериал из окко удалили что ли?
16 Apr 2024, 22:25 #
The mothers in this series are some kind of cuckoos. Boone's mother didn't care about her stepdaughter, Walt's mother took him away from his father and left, Jack's mother accused him of his father's alcoholism, Claire's mother was such that she left home and did not admit to pregnancy, well, the cherry on the cake is Kate's mother, who lived with a tyrant who beat her and harassed her daughter Kate had to take on the role of a savior (although you can never help people if they don't ask, then you'll be guilty), and her mother turned her in to the police. Super moms
02 May 2024, 16:19 #
He yelled at Sawyer, the poor guy thought he was already in civilization:D
15 Oct 2024, 22:07 #
Kate, Jack is not right for you! Pick a handsome Sawyer, and this one... Michael, gone crazy with his son, is starting to get quite infuriating..
24 Jan 23:44 #
Jack always reacts so inappropriately to Lock, it's just annoying.
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