In this collection we have recalled seven outstanding and sharp TV-projects about revenge. And what TV series on this topic do you like? Tell us in the comments, and we will make the second part of the collection with your recommendations.
"We Are Americans" Wow, well, it turned out to be a gorgeous finale, I didn't expect it to be so epic - so many murders in one series (with both sides). I did not fully believe that James would still be able to sail. It was clear about the contract with the campaign at the end of the last series, but so that he thought everything over and calculated, sorted out everything (and outsmarted) - that was unexpected. In general, if we sum up the results for the whole season, then the series came out just great, and we are pleased with how the season ended - the departure of a large team to the "new" world - the second season is already in another country, we are waiting for new heroes, new flashbacks, and in general, the development of the storyline. Worried about Lorna and mr. Cholmondeley, it would be too tough to cut out two such characters at once. Well, finally, I repeat once again - Tom Hardy, how cool he is, just watch his character every episode, even just how he walks, mutters something - it's straight top) The series pleased me, I hope the sequel will be even better. and finally, a cool final dialogue with the "American" mediator (I didn't think he was actually for the campaign) "-No one in this city has only one master"; "- I do" 10/10.
В прошлый раз, когда эти старики из Ост-Индской компании вместе собрались и что-то замышляли, их Серсея к херам взорвала, в этот раз, думаю, тоже для них добром не закончится.
А вообще - пока что не могу сказать ничего определённого. Посмотрелось влёт, но пока не зацепило. Жена Робба Старка, то есть, внучка Чаплина, как я понимаю, инцестилась в прошлом с Томом Харди, а тот в Африке научился вуду и, скорее всего, проникся там славными традициями каннибализма, и теперь будет всех резать и есть их печень с бокалом кьянти.
Короче, пока что - авансом хайп. Хотелось бы увидеть динамику и более вычурные съёмки. Ждём, когда Харди кулаками начнёт работать, там и видно будет.
Wow, well, it turned out to be a gorgeous finale, I didn't expect it to be so epic - so many murders in one series (with both sides). I did not fully believe that James would still be able to sail. It was clear about the contract with the campaign at the end of the last series, but so that he thought everything over and calculated, sorted out everything (and outsmarted) - that was unexpected. In general, if we sum up the results for the whole season, then the series came out just great, and we are pleased with how the season ended - the departure of a large team to the "new" world - the second season is already in another country, we are waiting for new heroes, new flashbacks, and in general, the development of the storyline. Worried about Lorna and mr. Cholmondeley, it would be too tough to cut out two such characters at once. Well, finally, I repeat once again - Tom Hardy, how cool he is, just watch his character every episode, even just how he walks, mutters something - it's straight top)
The series pleased me, I hope the sequel will be even better. and finally, a cool final dialogue with the "American" mediator (I didn't think he was actually for the campaign)
"-No one in this city has only one master"; "- I do" 10/10.
"I'm Mrs. Delaney.
- The wife?
- No, Mom!
gorgeous :)
На этом моменте просто в голосину проорал
А вообще - пока что не могу сказать ничего определённого. Посмотрелось влёт, но пока не зацепило. Жена Робба Старка, то есть, внучка Чаплина, как я понимаю, инцестилась в прошлом с Томом Харди, а тот в Африке научился вуду и, скорее всего, проникся там славными традициями каннибализма, и теперь будет всех резать и есть их печень с бокалом кьянти.
Короче, пока что - авансом хайп. Хотелось бы увидеть динамику и более вычурные съёмки. Ждём, когда Харди кулаками начнёт работать, там и видно будет.