
Big Little Lies

Show Big Little Lies

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Original run: 19.02.2017 — 21.07.2019
Country of origin: US
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Mystery
Network: HBO
Watched by: 107 189 911 408
Total running time: 14 hours
Episode duration: 60 min.
Episodes count: 14
IMDB rating: 8.4 of 10 234 014 rating: 8.153 of 10 231 512


In the tranquil seaside town of Monterey, California, nothing is quite as it seems. Doting moms, successful husbands, adorable children, beautiful homes: What lies will be told to keep their perfect worlds from unraveling?

Told through the eyes of three mothers – Madeline, Celeste and Jane – Big Little Lies paints a picture of a town fueled by rumors and divided into the haves and have-nots, exposing the conflicts, secrets and betrayals that compromise relationships between husbands and wives, parents and children, and friends and neighbors.

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+1 114
replied 05 Apr 2017, 19:28 #
@lyasbka: with such actresses, the series could afford just such a scene) She's right up to goosebumps! It immediately becomes clear that Jane recognized him, and Celeste also understood everything, seeing Jane's huge, frightened eyes, and how she clung to Madeleine's hand with a death grip. Here is this moment of horror, disbelief on the faces of all three women, a silent "it's him!!!" and Celeste especially has "adore, it's EVEN WORSE" - it's just aerobatics in general, if some replicas were added to this scene, they could spoil everything :)
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+1 107
03 Apr 2017, 10:39 #
Everything turned out to be painfully obvious. But someone laughed at us when we said that the three of us would kill. It turned out not even three, but five))

Waiting for the murder turned out to be much more interesting than the murder itself. But time is certainly not a pity, the actors' performance is beyond praise. It's even a pity that it ended.
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+1 058
22 Jul 2019, 10:33 #
The strongest scene of the season was the interrogation in court, where Celeste methodically destroyed Mary Louise's arguments: she finally took control of the situation. Mary Louise is a cunning manipulator, and I'm really glad that the twins didn't stay with her. Celeste was right when she said that "character" (sorry, I really don't know what word to choose) Perry is the result of her upbringing

"that man that you saw on that tape? that was because of your parenting, your caregiving"
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20 Mar 2017, 17:01 #
All the scenes with Jane on the beach are always beautiful.
Celeste's story is very heartbreaking and important. A lot of women live like this, unable to escape from the model "but in general he is good, we just have quarrels sometimes"
After this series, it is finally clear that it is the twins who mock Renata's daughter
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22 Jul 2019, 09:32 #
Renata in Hulk mode - that's all that will be remembered for this finale of a completely unnecessary season. It was shot just as great, the acting of almost the entire female caste is impeccable, and Meryl, who joined him, brazenly steals all the scenes, but for me this story ended on the first season, and the second one is something like a completely optional bonus scene. 5 of the 7 episodes (including the finale) looked completely without any interest or intrigue.