Show Gossip Girl

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(69 471)
Original run: 19.09.2007 — 17.12.2012
Country of origin: US
Genre: Drama, Romance/Dating
Network: CW
Watched by: 156 143 909 948
Total running time: 3 days 16 hours 56 minutes
Episode duration: 43 min.
Episodes count: 121
IMDB rating: 7.5 of 10 203 090 rating: 8.062 of 10 102 932


The privileged prep school teens on Manhattan's Upper East Side first learn that notorious party girl Serena van der Woodsen is back in town the way they learn all the important news in their lives -- from the blog of the all-knowing albeit ultra-secretive Gossip Girl. No one knows Gossip Girl's identity, but everyone in this exclusive and complicated vicious circle relies on her website and text messages for the latest scoop. Even Serena's closest and most competitive friend, Blair Waldorf, is surprised to find that Serena has suddenly ended her self-imposed exile to boarding school and returned to Manhattan. This is a world you have to be born into, full of wealth, power, and prestige, keeping track of the constantly shifting friendships, jealousies and turmoil in this complex world isn't easy, but it's what Gossip Girl does best.

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Best comments 5

who liked?
21 Dec 2014, 13:43 #
after all, the series is gorgeous
who liked?
25 May 2015, 22:56 #
One of the few characters who has only positive emotions is Dorota :D
who liked?
14 Feb 2016, 01:45 #
все плетут интриги и тупят, по пути оправдываясь, и лишь Эрик волнуется, так больна его мама или нет
who liked?
07 Apr 2015, 12:56 #
Наконец-таки Чак и Блэр вместе *о*
who liked?
17 Sep 2015, 13:42 #
"... with such friends, you don't need an army"
Indeed, Blair and Chuck are in a single team, and even against one person. It is a pity that they did not have time to meet Georgina in this series