Vicious tells the story of partners Freddie and Stuart, who have lived together in a small central London flat for nearly 50 years. Constantly picking each other apart and holding on to petty slights for decades, Freddie and Stuart are always at each other s throats, cracking snide remarks aimed at the other's age, appearance and flaws. However, underneath their vicious, co-dependent fighting, they have a deep love for one another. Freddie and Stuart are often joined by feisty best friend Violet and Ash, their young, upstairs neighbor.
А от концовки просто в голос :D
- А кокаин ты пробовала?
А еще для меня стало открытием, что Мэйсон - брат Фрэдди. Было бы еще интересно посмотреть на их родителей