

Show 1923

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Original run: 18.12.2022 — ...
Country of origin: US
Genre: Drama, Western
Network: Paramount+
Watched by: 6 318 910 214
Total running time: 8 hours 48 minutes
Episode duration: 61 min.
Episodes count: 9
IMDB rating: 8.3 of 10 65 194 rating: 8.037 of 10 15 171


1923 will follow a new generation of Duttons during the time of Western expansion, Prohibition and the Great Depression.

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s01e01 shows 1923
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23 Dec 2022, 02:14 #
Походу очередной шедевр от Шеридана.
Эксперемент с добавлением новой локации Африки - кайф. Надеюсь Спенсер проведет там какое то время и нам покажут больше.
P.S картинка с поста выше, что бы понимать кто кому приходится
s01e01 shows 1923
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replied 20 Dec 2022, 22:53 #
@haircut27: осталось только понять зачем ты в 22 года пишешь мемуары в комментах))
s01e06 shows 1923
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12 Feb 2023, 18:49 #
It's touching when other good people like the captain get in the way of good people. ☺️
s01e08 shows 1923
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replied 27 Feb 2023, 02:14 #
@-TraumfraU-: he fell from a very high altitude, I can't say one hundred percent, but even if you look at the average height of the liners purely statistically, the height of the deck from which he fell can reach over 50 m. And that's a lot. Suicides jump from bridges and crash into the water, and then the liner is in full swing, it falls and hits the water. There is at least a shock, from which you will definitely not immediately start swimming, get confused and go under the water. And at most I broke my neck, that's all. So it is more than possible to kill yourself by falling like this (and there was no body, as well as a direct statement like that he died or I missed, of course, which I will not say the same).

Spencer and Alex are great, of course, but I still can't get enough of the older couple of the Dutton family. How smart and wise are these people who love each other. And the season turned out great. I am glad that everything will not be limited to one thing and there will still be an opportunity to be with these characters further, since they fall in love with themselves no less than the characters from the main series.
s01e08 shows 1923
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26 Feb 2023, 22:22 #
What a vile and pathetic bunch of "gentlemen" led by the Earl of Sussex. Shouting something about honor, insulting a woman, and then stupidly lying and shitting people. I laughed heartily when Spencer threw out the little shit. Spencer and Alex are still the best))