Set in the fictional town of Twin Peaks in northeast Washington state, this is the story of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper and his investigation of the murder of a popular local teenage schoolgirl, Laura Palmer.
Set in the fictional town of Twin Peaks in northeast Washington state, this is the story of FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper and his investigation of the murder of a popular local teenage schoolgirl, Laura Palmer.
perhaps the most snitch of all the characters.
1. in general, at first he fucked a woman who had a boyfriend.
One night I let her go, knowing she wasn't in the mood, well ok.
2. then she was killed, he immediately began to stir up, fuck her friend.
3. My sister arrived first, started flirting with her, sucking.
4. his sister was also killed, his girlfriend is in a daze, and what about him?
stupidly fucks off to another city, throwing her in the woods alone ahahaha!
and then, in short, he fucks with the first person he meets in a bar.
and now, when his girlfriend lets him down, she talks to him about the painful,
he, as if completely detached from reality, with a stupid fuck gives out
an inappropriate, formulaic "I love you" to her tears,
which was absolutely not on the topic of the conversation,
as if nothing had happened,
as if he wasn't even listening. or I didn't understand, I'm xs.
in short, a fucking kid.
I will allow myself the following interpretation:
BOB (the evil spirit who is now in Cooper's body along with Cooper's evil double) is something like a super boss of evil spirits, the main evil of the Twin Peaks world. Therefore, when that guy shoots at him, the evil Cooper does not die, the lower spirits of fear (foresters) aka bums come to his aid. They resurrect Cooper by pumping their accumulated harmonbosia into him (a physical form of fear in the form of blood, black slime and corn porridge, depending on the situation). One of these spirits absorbed this harmony while sitting in prison next to an innocent and intimidated person (series 2 or 3).
Next, we see the background of Bob's appearance. During the nuclear explosion test, a huge amount of fear was released (or the evil spirits felt that thanks to such weapons they would be able to get more harmony, or simply the energy of the explosion tore the fabric of reality) and allowed the masses of disembodied spirits to enter our world. They settled in a small shop (some perfumes are shown in the 1992 film). In addition, BOB was also flying towards the earth in the flow of spirits.
Meanwhile, the good spirits (the Giant and the fat aunt) heard the signal of the breakthrough of reality by the evil spirits and sent a weapon to earth to fight them - a soul that will incarnate in the body of Laura Palmer and create the conditions for victory over BOB. After that, we are shown how BOB (who, due to the presence of a physical shell and his coolness, flew to earth for 11 years) hatches from an egg in 1956. in the form of a frog with fly wings and penetrates into the girl's body to control her. In this he is helped by the evil spirits of foresters, who managed to get fed up with harmonbosia and temporarily gained physical strength. the shell by this time. The white horse (white eyes, and darkness inside) means the pale horse of death from the Bible and herm. symbolizing the approach of death (Bob), the horse appeared in season 1 and 2 before or after the appearance of BOB a couple of times.